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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 15 Sun & Moon:
Guardians Rising
#9 -
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
May 23, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.25
Expanded: 3.08
Limited: 4.88
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
120 HP Colorless Basic that has
Energy cycling.
Rayquaza in a nutshell?
Nuff said.
Rayquaza just needs his 2-for-30
Turbo Claw to be considered useful in any deck. It's a
generic move that just brings back 2 of any basic Energy
to 1 of your Benched Pokemon. That's about as good as
Landorus (FUF) or Volcanion (STS) in terms of Energy
acceleration, and it doesn't have a specific limitation!
As long as you have room for Rayquaza and a DCE, you've
got room in your deck for an instant boost in Energy
Dragon Claw's not a bad follow-up
either, though it is only a 3-for-80 vanilla strike. It
can at least be boosted by something, so there's
probably that to look forward to. Otherwise, it's just
an underwhelming attack. But hey, I imagine Rayquaza
Turbo's the more important aspect anyway, am I right?
I wouldn't be surprised to see
Rayquaza in several decks - most notably those that lack
some means of Energy acceleration normally, which would
benefit wildly from the attack being used. Such is the
life of the Rayquaza player...not to be confused with
the Rayquaza-EX or M Rayquaza-EX player, that's a
different breed.
Standard: 4/5 (great boost to any
deck needing...well, a boost)
Expanded: 3.5/5 (might be a bit
underpowered for the Expanded verse though)
Limited: 5/5 (but hey, any limited
setting would love him)
Arora Notealus: Rayquaza's a bit of
a mixed bag. He's great for any deck that needs him, but
there are a lot of decks that don't need him. There are
decks that might run him, but they may not have the room
to run him. Try Rayquaza out and see how he does though,
if you find your deck's a bit slow!
Next Time: All hail the great
electric deity!

21times |
(Guardians Rising, 106/145) got another
reincarnation in the Guardians Rising expansion
set. A 120
HP Colorless Pokemon, it has two attacks.
The one we will focus on,
Turbo Storm,
allows you, for two Colorless energy, to attach two
basic energy cards from your discard pile to one of your
benched Pokemon.
Its other attack,
Dragon Claw,
does a mediocre eighty damage for three Colorless
I have seen
Rayquaza used with Alolan
Ninetales GX (Guardians Rising, 132/145),
Tapu Koko GX (Guardians
Rising, 135/145), and
Solgaleo GX (Sun & Moon, 143/149).
The theorymon is that when these Pokemon discard
energy after their attacks (or are KO’d), you can move
Rayquaza into
the active and use
Turbo Storm to repower them.
The problemon is that if you hit for 160 on one
turn and then 20 on the next, you’re really only hitting
for 90 per turn.
I guess my biggest problem is
that using Turbo
Storm gives your opponent a turn of relief.
You’re giving him a turn where he doesn’t have to
worry about getting KO’d.
In today’s meta, you just can’t afford to take
turns off and do minimal damage to your opponent, you
have to find some way to keep continually hitting your
opponent for triple digit damage every turn.
If your base strategy involves only hitting your
opponent for top damage every other turn, you’re
probably going to only win half your matches at most.
didn’t even make my top twenty.
I will say that I could be missing something – it
wouldn’t be the first time, I did after all have
Tapu Koko as
my number twenty card (D’OH!).
I’ve already discussed why I’m down on
Ninetales, and
Metagross GX (Guardians
Rising, 85/145) is a much better pairing with
Solgaleo GX.
I can maybe see why you’d want to play one copy
of it with Koko,
but you should only lose three energy at any given time.
Early game this might be an issue
or if you’re
going up against a deck that runs a lot of hammers, but
mid to late game you should be able to get enough energy
around the board so that if you
Rescue Stretcher (Guardians Rising, 130/145) or use some
other means to get your
Koko back in
your hand so you can play it down again, you should
still be able to continue your attack.
Standard: 2 out of 5
Unfortunately, I don’t think
Rayquaza will
be an impact Pokemon.
I doubt you’ll see it as a tech in any top tier
deck, and you certainly can’t make it a feature Pokemon.
Being able to attach two energy per turn is
potentially good, but I think it will lead to
inconsistent attacks which will allow your opponents
time to regroup or continue their attacking strategy.

Otaku |
We are in the
middle of counting down the top 15 cards of SM:
Guardians Rising. The Pojo site list is based
on individual lists submitted by the review staff;
reprints are excluded to avoid highlighting cards we
already know are quite good.
Our 9th place
finisher is Rayquaza (SM: Guardians Rising
106/145). Being a Colorless-Type means no Weakness
or Resistance to worry about (we won’t worry about
Unlimited), a few bits of Pokémon-Type specific support
that might come in handy, and even fewer bits of
Colorless-Type specific counters that even less likely
to matter. The big strength is as much due to its
Energy costs as its actual Typing; as a Colorless-Type
with all [CC] Energy requirements, it can slip into many
(if not most) decks. Further aiding Rayquaza
in this feat is its status as a Basic Pokémon; minimum
space and time requirements plus a natural synergy with
many card effects and even the game rules tend to favor
it (can be your opening Pokémon). The only real
drawback comes in the form of anti-Basic Pokémon
effects. Rayquaza has 120 HP, 20 below the max
we’ve seen printed on Basic Pokémon lacking a special
mechanic, and enough to survive weak and medium range
hits; decks shooting for reliable 2HKO’s of the meta
will probably manage a OHKO, though. Lightning
Weakness is hard to read; Tapu Koko-GX makes it
dangerous, but then again it scores a OHKO without it.
Any Resistance is appreciated, though we’ll see how
useful Fighting Resistance actually proves. The
Retreat Cost of [C] is good; easy to pay and to recover
from paying, most of the time.
For [CC]
Rayquaza can use “Turbo Storm” to do 30 damage while
attaching two basic Energy cards from your discard pile
to one of your Benched Pokémon, and for [CCC] it can use
“Dragon Claw” for 80 damage. 80-for-three with no
beneficial effect is on the weaker side, but especially
with Choice Band and/or Professor Kukui,
it should be decent enough for 2HKO’s. The real
deal here is Turbo Storm; while 30 damage isn’t great,
it is decent when accompanied by an effect like
attaching multiple Energy from the discard.
Attaching from the discard requires a little prep work,
but means Energy (in this case, only basic Energy) can
be reused over and over again. While it requires
two Energy to use, many other forms of Energy
acceleration (like Double Colorless Energy or
Max Elixir) can help with that. While
sometimes a questionable strategy, on a solid body while
scoring even a little damage, you’ll come out a tiny bit
ahead in the deal (though just breaking even in terms of
raw Energy count). As it can be any Type of
Basic Energy, you can even handle some of the awkward
mixed Energy costs.
So where should we
use it? I wish I had a specific deck in mind, but
its somewhat open nature means it could be something to
try in most decks, Standard or Expanded. I
don’t expect it to work in all of them, but in at least
a few, a generic beatstick that can accelerate basic
Energy from the discard can be a nice fallback.
Two might be a way to guard against Energy discarding
tricks, even, though I am thinking more along the lines
of supplementing other Energy attachments…
especially if they are from another, more easily blocked
method. Unless you pull a Basic Pokémon-GX you
feel is worth running solo, run this in your Limited
Format deck!
I wish I could say
more about Rayquaza, but it looks like it is just
a very good, general use Basic Pokémon. The only
real surprise is most of those tend to be Pokémon-EX or
Pokémon-GX, and aren’t likely to have universally useful
Energy acceleration. If your opponent tries to
ignore it, you can shift gears for a decent-ish attack,
or get really crazy if you’ve got Ninja Boy and
the right dance partners; the options aren’t endless,
but they are robust.
earned two more voting points than
Hala and only fell short of tying
eighth place finisher by a single voting point. My
own list had it as my 11th place pick, but I’m
okay with it slipping in a bit higher. I’ve seen
it referred to as a potential sleeper hit, but I think
I’ve seen that pop up too often to remain true (meaning
people are noticing it).