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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 15 Sun & Moon:
Guardians Rising
#8 - Tapu Koko-GX
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
May 24, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.75
Expanded: 3.88
Limited: 4.67
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Meet the latest and greatest
Electric-based attacker!
Descending from his alter back on
Melemele Island, Tapu Koko-GX makes his debut onto the
scene with an aggressive card. Right away, you see
Sky-High Claws is a 3-for-130 vanilla, and you're like
me going, "Awwww, where's the extra effect?" Well keep
that attack in mind as we go forward, cause things are
Tapu Koko-GX starts out with an
Ability called Aero Trail, and it's pretty
straightforward: you play Tapu Koko-GX down, you grab
all the Electric Energy you want from your other
Pokemon, and then you auto-Switch him with your Active
Pokemon! So basically, so long as you have stuff in play
to make it work, Tapu Koko-GX can attack IMMEDIATELY
with Sky-High Claws the moment he comes into play!
Imagine pulling this out on your opponent out of nowhere
midgame and catching them by surprise! There's a big
appealing factor right there.
Sky-High Claws isn't good enough for a comeback, Tapu
Koko-GX could just as easily swap in with his GX Attack,
Tapu Thunder GX! For the same cost, it'll deal 50 damage
to your opponent's Active for ALL the Energy attached to
ALL your opponent's Pokemon. All it takes is 4 Energy to
KO most Pokemon - including Basic-GX and Basic-EX - and
another Energy KOs anything in the game - all you need
is your opponent to have the Energy out and ready!
Now that all sounds great, but it's
also Tapu Koko-GX's telling weakness - he's very
field-dependent. From his Ability to his GX Attack, the
only thing that doesn't seem to be affected by what's on
the field...is Sky-High Claws, that 3-for-130 vanilla
attack. Which is probably a good thing, as that would
make Tapu Koko-GX significantly more chancy if that were
the case - and no, not enough to evolve into Blissey.
...you see what I did there.
In any case, Tapu Koko-GX presents
a strong option for a lot of Electric-based decks, and
he could even combine with Rayquaza from yesterday. Just
get some Electric Energies in the discard, push them
onto Pokemon with Rayquaza, thunder down with Tapu
Koko-GX and go to town! It's a big turnaround that's
just waiting to be broken!
We'll see how effective Electric
strategies become with this guy running around.
Standard: 4/5 (he's certainly a
force to be reckoned with)
Expanded: 4/5 (but if your field's
weak, Aero Trail won't charge him that much)
Limited: 5/5 (and if your opponent
doesn't have much to begin with, well, Tapu Thunder GX
will only need to do so much)
Arora Notealus: Tapu Koko is
probably one of the most fascinating Pokemon that
GameFreak's ever designed. Really I could say that about
all the Tapus, like something about this generation's
Pokemon, they just nailed one after the other. I'm not
sure I could name one that I...well, okay, no, that's a
lie, I can think of a couple I don't like. Regardless,
Tapu Koko-GX ought to be a powerhouse that's going to be
apart of the meta - as long as Electric decks are
prevalent enough.
Next Time: Speaking of
Type-specific decks, let's talk FIYAHHHHHHHHHH

21times |
Tapu Koko
(Guardians Rising, 135/145) enters the meta
through the Guardians Rising expansion set.
A brand new Pokemon – and a brand new
classification of Pokemon – it has 170 HP and two
attacks, both of which cost three energy (two Lightning
and a Colorless).
Sky High
Claws does 130 damage, and
Tapu Thunder GX
does 50 times the amount of energy attached to all of
your opponent’s Pokemon (take that
Darkrai EX (Breakpoint,
Tapu Koko’s
ability Aero
Trail was confusing to me at first, and I will
freely admit that I downgraded this Pokemon simply
because I failed to understand its ability.
When you play this Pokemon from your hand to your
bench, you may move any number of energy from your other
Pokemon to this Pokemon, and, if you do move energy to
this Pokemon, it becomes your Active Pokemon.
So here’s how it works: you have a
Tapu Koko in
the active and it gets damaged from an attack.
You place another
Tapu Koko
from your hand down onto your bench, move all of the
energy from your active
Koko to the
benched one, and then the benched one becomes the
active. You
then play Max
Poition (Guardians Rising, 128/145) and heal
all of the damage off your benched
Koko, and
then you Ninja
Boy (Steam Siege, 103/114) it back into your
deck, when you can subsequently use
Ultra Ball (Sun
& Moon, 135/149) to return
Koko back to
your hand and start the whole cycle over again next
At least that’s how it works in Theorymon.
In reality, it doesn’t always come off that
smoothly, but I managed to go 15-10 in matches I played
with it, and my opponents’
Koko decks
went 6-3 against me.
This is definitely a good Pokemon, but many of my
losses were against the absolute best Pokemon in the
format (Garbodor
(Guardians Rising, 51/145),
Sylveon GX (Guardians
Rising, 140/145), and
Tauros GX (Sun
& Moon, 144/149).
I beat it with my
M Mewtwo EX (Breakthrough,
64/162) Garbodor
and Trevenant
(Guardians Rising, 7/145)
Vileplume (Ancient
Origins, 3/98) decks.
I just don’t think that
Koko has what
it takes to beat the best decks in the format, but it
will win A LOT against anything below the top tier of
I mentioned this in Monday’s review of
Hala (Guardians
Rising, 143/145), but I actually had more success
with a Mallow
(Guardians Rising, 145/145) based draw support
engine than I did with the standard
Sycamore (Steam Siege, 114/114)
Lillie (Sun
& Moon, 147/149) draw engine.
I went 5-4 with
Sycamore and
Lillie, but went 10-6 with
Mallow, Skyla
(Breakpoint, 122/122), and
Teammates (Primal
Clash, 160/160).
This is a more precision based draw support
engine and takes a little bit of getting used to.
It’s great because you can grab whatever two
cards you want, but the problem is that you have to make
sure you grab the best cards for that moment in time.
Here’s the list I used:
##Pokémon - 8
* 4 Tapu Koko-GX GRI 47
* 2 Remoraid BKT 32
* 2 Octillery BKT 33
##Trainer Cards - 41
* 4 Puzzle of Time BKP 109
* 3 Fighting Fury Belt BKP 99
* 4 Mallow GRI 127
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 4 Skyla BKP 122
* 1 Pokémon Ranger STS 113
* 1 Ninja Boy STS 103
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135
* 2 Random Receiver FAC 109
* 2 Field Blower GRI 125
* 4 Max Elixir BKP 102
* 1 Energy Retrieval SUM 116
* 4 VS Seeker ROS 110
* 4 Max Potion GRI 164
* 2 Level Ball NXD 89
##Energy - 11
* 11 Lightning Energy
Standard: 3.5 out of 5
Tapu Koko GX
is a good Pokemon.
Once you figure out exactly how it works, it will
win you a majority of the games you play with it.
However, it lacks the punch to compete with the
best decks in the format, and it is easy to make a
misplay with this deck.
If you are the kind of player who likes to think
ahead and enjoys the challenge of anticipating the
correct cards to use, this deck is for you.
It definitely is NOT an autopilot deck.

Otaku |
We are in the middle of counting down the top 15 cards
of SM: Guardians Rising. The Pojo site list
is based on individual lists submitted by the review
staff; reprints are excluded to avoid highlighting cards
we already know are quite good.
Our eighth place finisher is Tapu Koko-GX (SM:
Guardians Rising 47/145, 135/145, 153/145).
Let us remember that, as a Pokémon-GX, Tapu Koko-GX
gives up an extra Prize when it is KO’d, will have
better HP than if it lacked the mechanic, will have
three effects (one being a GX-attack) but has to deal
with some anti-GX effects like that of the new Choice
Band. Given how many have been at least
somewhat successful so far, it is easy to forget that
some of these have been duds. Tapu Koko-GX is a
Basic Pokémon, making it easy to run; this is the best
Stage for a Pokémon at present and has been for much of
the game’s history. As a Lightning Type, you’ll
enjoy hitting some key cards - like Yveltal-EX -
for double damage, only have to deal with annoyance that
is Resistance in Expanded, and have access to some nice
tricks… but that last one is mostly for Expanded play
unless future releases/rotation improves the performance
of the Lightning Pokémon and Lightning Energy Type
support. 170 HP is the lowest we’ve seen on Pokémon-GX,
but still a good, solid amount likely to survive a hit.
Lack of Weakness means there isn’t an exception to that
and is the best. Lack of Resistance, conversely,
is the worst, but the Resistance mechanic isn’t anywhere
near as relevant. The Retreat Cost of [CC] is low
enough you can probably pay it if you need to but high
enough you should try to avoid it.
“Aero Trail” is an Ability that triggers when Tapu
Koko-GX is played to your Bench from your hand
during your turn. If you choose to use it, you may
move as many [L] Energy from your other Pokémon to
[this] Tapu Koko-GX as you wish, but if
you do, then you must switch [this] Tapu Koko-GX
with your Active Pokémon. If you moved enough
Energy to Tapu Koko-GX to attack, you probably
wanted it Active anyway, so being forced to do one after
the other isn’t likely to be a problem. This kind
of effect has shown up before, though more recent
versions haven’t been huge successes. The devil is
in the details; Aero Trail works with any source of [L],
including Special Energy cards. “Bust In”, featured on
Dragonite-EX (XY: Furious Fists 74/111,
108/111) works almost the same as Aero Trail, only
applying to that Pokémon and working on only basic
Energy cards (but of any Type). That might sound
better, except this is the Dragon-Type Dragonite-EX,
so it wanted to use Double Dragon Energy.
Thanks to history, we already know how to run this card:
AZ, Max Potion, Scoop Up Cyclone,
and Super Scoop Up is used after Aero
Trail moves Energy off of whatever was your previous
active (probably Tapu Koko-GX) onto your (next)
Tapu Koko-GX, then one of the above cards flushes
all the damage away from the old one, possibly why
bouncing it to hand to reuse Aero Trail. Right
now, only Max Potion is Standard legal, but we
have seen a Super Scoop Up reprint pop up in
Japan, so maybe we’ll see it re-released in a manner to
return it to Standard here. If not, Max Potion
may well be enough.
Of course, this only matters if Tapu Koko-GX is a
worthwhile attacker; part of what hurt the
aforementioned Dragonite-EX is its attack was a
bit wanting. Tapu Koko-GX may use “Sky-High
Claws” for [LLC] to do 130 damage, enough for 2HKO
status even before buffs, though OHKO’s get a bit dicey;
Choice Band with a Professor Kukui can
OHKO a 180 HP Pokémon-EX or Pokémon-GX, but various
Evolutions and a few Basics will fall outside of this
range. Still, this is better than that
Dragonite-EX, which needed [GGL] to use its “Jet
Sonic” attack to do 80 damage, or 120 if you discard an
Energy from itself. If you can avoid being OHKO’d,
the combo with Aero Trail and Max Potion means a
130+ assault turn after turn looks like a viable road to
victory. Still, when you need to OHKO something,
you might be able to make use of this card’s GX-attack.
For [LLC] Tapu Koko-GX can use “Tapu Thunder-GX”
to do 50 damage times the amount of Energy attached to
all of your opponent’s Pokémon. That’s a
decent amount of damage per Energy but there are
few cards that help you add Energy to your opponent’s
side of the field, and even if they worked elsewhere,
they wouldn’t be worth it for a one-time-use attack.
Good thing the rest of the card incentivizes your
opponent to go big or go home; coupled with the decks
that need to flood their side of the field with
Energy, you should manage at least one easy OHKO with
it. Ultimately, though, that is what I expect of a
GX-attack that costs three Energy.
I’m still struggling to make time to play right now,
which also means I’m still lacking almost everything
from the latest set, so this is a theoretical
deck, but I’m thinking Tapu Koko-GX, Max
Elixir, Max Potion and some compatible
attackers could go a long way. Possibly
Electrode (XY: Evolutions 40/108) and/or
Rainbow Energy and/or Ninja Boy also all are
sensible dance partners; together these help expand your
options for “compatible attackers”. You’ll still
want a solid Trainer engine, maybe one that includes
some disruption in addition to the usual
draw/search/damage-buffing options. I don’t expect
this to become BDIF, but I do expect it to at least
enjoy 15 minutes of fame before the next expansion.
It actually has more potential in Expanded; same
approach, but now you might use good ol’ Hypnotoxic
Laser with Virbank City Gym and mix Choice
Band with Fighting Fury Belt and Muscle
Band to more reliably hit OHKO range with attacks,
but the main reason is the obvious; AZ,
Scoop Up Cyclone, and Super Scoop Up are all
still legal here. Just be aware that OHKOing a 170
HP Pokémon is even easier here. Finally, for
Limited play, this is a great pull, however,
don’t try my usual suggestion of running it solo with 39
non-Basic Pokémon, because you won’t be able to take
advantage of the Ability that way. Your opponent
would have two attacks to hit you before you could fight
back, and while you’d probably start taking OHKO’s, even
without Weakness 170 HP may not last long enough.
Still, even if you’ve got to splash it and some basic
Lightning Energy cards into whatever else you’re
running, go ahead; Aero Trail should make it work.
Unless you draw everything in the wrong order, the usual
risk of Limited play.
I expect at least a temporarily successful deck out of
Tapu Koko-GX, possibly one with lasting impact.
If this card had released in Sun & Moon (or
earlier), it might have become popular to counter decks
like those built around Darkrai-EX (XY:
BREAKpoint 74/122, 118/122), but we have other
options for that now.
Tapu Koko-GX
was part of another tightly grouped section of the Top
10 list, missing a tie with either the previous or next
place by just one voting point. It only made my
own list as my 20th place pick. Which gives you an
idea of why there is such an inconsistent tone
throughout this review.