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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 15 Sun & Moon:
Guardians Rising
#5 - Aqua Patch
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
May 30, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.83
Expanded: 4.25
Limited: 4.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Here is probably one of the most
talked about Items as of late, Aqua Patch - doing for
Water decks what Dark Patch does for Dark decks.
The effect is pretty much the same,
attach a Water Energy from your discard to a Benched
Water Pokemon and all that jazz. It's gonna be an easy
four-of staple in most Water decks that have access to
some kind of discard, and even in the ones with less,
it'll be useful as a means of acting like an Exp Share
without taking up a Tool slot for your Benched folk.
It's versatile, easy to access, and a great addition to
any Water deck.
However, it does have its
weaknesses. Being an Item means it's going to suffer
against Vileplume decks, especially those running around
with Trevenant who can use Poltergeist to benefit from
your wielding such Patches in hand. Furthermore, the
card is reliant on there being Energy in the discard
pile, and there aren't too many ways aside from Sycamore
to get a lot of Energy in the discard for most Water
decks. Thankfully, there's also Palkia-EX (BKT) for the
time being, so with the right set-up, you can bet that
Water Toolbox decks in Standard are going to be showing
up in greater numbers.
...though they might be aiming to
run less Grass-Weak Water-Types, all things considered.
It's not going to come that easily for a victory.
Standard: 4.5/5 (this card's going
to be run in every Water deck for sure)
Expanded: 4.5/5 (but depending on
the format or what's available, the deck itself might
only be so good)
Limited: 5/5 (if you run Water
though, you run this card)
Arora Notealus: Aqua Patch is a
welcome addition to the game, and it'd be nice to see
other Patches for other Types start to come out in turn.
I can see a Grass Patch, a Flame Patch, maybe a Dirt
Patch or Mystic Patch come out as well. It's one of
those cards that's a necessity for many decks, and it
does nothing but boost them up...well, mostly boost your
deck up.
Next Time: Another powerful Item to
wield in most any deck!

21times |
Aqua Patch
(Guardians Rising, 119/145) debuts in the
Guardians Rising expansion set.
This item allows you to attach a Water energy
card to one of your benched Water Pokemon.
Natually, all of the water box lovers out there
have gone off the deep end for this card, and with good
Many Water Pokemon have extremely high attack costs, and
many of the costs involve multiple Water energy
attachments, not just multiple Colorless energies.
This card makes Water Pokemon decks better, no doubt
about it.
Water Pokemon, however, have the current misfortune of
living in the golden era of Grass decks.
Let’s face it: Grass decks will
never again
be as good as they are right now.
Forest of
Giant Plants (Ancient Origins, 74/98) raises
Grass decks up to a level of dominance above every other
type, especially Water as many Water Pokemon have Grass
Go look at all the top eight finishes for all of the
Standard tournaments since Sun & Moon.
Now, I’ll give you that
Lapras GX (Sun
& Moon, 139/149) won Roanoke – peace, you’ve got no
argument there.
But go count how many Water decks got top eight
finishes since February.
It won’t take you many fingers; in fact, it won’t
take you any at all.
In the six tournaments since SUM, except for
Lapras GX at
Roanoke, no Water
deck has placed in the top eight.
Grass has had
decks place in the top eight, an average of three per
In my own experience against
Lapras GX,
one of the most popular Water Pokemon currently in the
meta, I have gone 33-34 against it since SUM.
However, if you take out the matches where I am
playing decks that are built around less competitive
Pokemon that I am running for the sole purpose of my
reviews here at Pojo.com, the number becomes MUCH more
Against decks that I would deem good to top tier decks,
I beat Lapras GX
about two out of every three times.
Manaphy EX
(Breakpoint, 116/122), the staple of all water
box decks?
I’m 15-8 against it this month.
Look, it’s not that I don’t like Water Pokemon – I loved
Greninja Break
(Breakpoint, 41/122) back in January when at one
point I was winning more than 80% of the matches that I
started with
Talonflame (Steam Siege, 96/114).
I don’t care what type a Pokemon is.
I don’t have a favorite type, or Pokemon that I
particularly care for more than others.
I’m all about putting together winning decks
irrelevant of what type or stage or classification.
It’s just that when you’re weak to the best type
in the format, it’s going to be tough to put together a
competitive deck.
Standard: 3 out of 5
Aqua Patch
is a four of in Water decks.
I’m not even going to begin to argue against
that. When
I run Water Pokemon, I include it as a four of.
I only gave it a three out of five and ranked it
at number eleven on my list because it only benefits
Water Pokemon.
If it let you attach Water energy to any benched
Pokemon and not just Water Pokemon, it’d be five out of
five and hands down the most broken card in the set.
Unfortunately, Water decks need more than just
Aqua Patch to
help them catch up to Grass Pokemon.
Rotation comes in just barely three months though
– it’ll be here before you know it.
Then all you water box guys can have your revenge
on all the Grass Pokemon… except that without FoGP
nobody will be playing Grass anymore.
One last post script: I doubt this is very practical,
but if you play
Vaporeon (Ancient Origins, 22/98) then I’m
pretty sure you could tech in some
Aqua Patches
if you have Stage 1 Pokemon as your attackers.
I don’t know how well that might work in reality,
but it’s something to consider.

Otaku |
At last, we come to the Top 5 cards of SM: Guardians
Rising. We spent the last two weeks counting
down from 15th place until now. If you’re just
joining us, we decided upon this list by combining
individual Top 15+ lists from the CotD crew.
Reprints were excluded, as we already know those cards
are good, and if they have an impact, it will only be by
increasing the card supply or (in the future) affecting
Aquabox. Bluebox. Waterbox. Different
names for the same deck, one focused on a collection of
Water-Types, capitalizing upon their useful base of
support. There are also other Water-Type decks,
and they also care about today’s subject: Aqua Patch
(SM: Guardians Rising 119/145; 161/145). It
is an Item that allows you to attach a [W] Energy card
from your discard pile to one of your Benched [W]
Pokémon. This is almost the exact same effect seen
on the vaunted Dark Patch; besides swapping out
[D] symbols with [W] symbols, it specified “...basic [D]
Energy card…” but as only basic Water Energy
cards count as [W] while in the discard pile, the
difference is negligible. This makes these decks
both faster and more reliable, as not only do you access
the Energy more quickly, there isn’t the luck factor of
Max Elixir and you’re reusing Energy from the
discard pile. Yes, you’ll need to get Water
Energy cards into your discard pile, but that
is pretty easy given cards like Professor Sycamore
and Ultra Ball. Yes, you’ll need a way to
promote whatever you power-up, but there are
various Abilities and Trainer effects to help with that.
You may even just handle it by using your manual Retreat
Cost if things work out. The real concern
here is Item lock, mostly from Vileplume (XY:
Ancient Origins 3/98), and feeding the “Trashalanche”
attack found on Garbodor (SM: Guardians Rising
51/145). The former leaves Aqua Patch dead
in hand, possibly before you even get a chance to use
it. The latter hits harder the more Item cards you
(not the player running Garbodor) have in
your discard pile, with each allowing it to do another
20 damage.
The Water-Type has the card pool to make Aqua
Patch a phenomenal play, and thanks to the history
of Dark Patch, we already know how to use it in
general. Are Vileplume and Garbodor
really so strong that Aqua Patch isn’t
higher? Again I have to say “Yes” with the
the bold font for emphasis, as well as “but”
because there is a little more to it. Garbodor
appears to already be supplanting Decidueye-GX/Vileplume
as the deck to beat, but besides that, this set happens
to contains four cards that are just that much more
important. All should be obvious, but if you need
a hint, I’ve brought up one of them several times in
this review and the others are going to all
competitive decks either directly (being used by a
particular deck) or indirectly (because of the other
decks using them). From now on, Water focused
decks are going to be even faster in both Standard and
Expanded play. Max Elixir may fall out of favor.
Palkia-EX (XY: BREAKpoint 31/122) is both
enhanced and reduced by Aqua Patch; a slow deck
may use Aqua Patch to swiftly ready it, then
build on the Bench. Most will probably just shift
to Aqua Patch, either dropping Palkia-EX
or saving it for things like Item Lock. Alolan
Ninetales-GX, Lapras-GX, Seismitoad-EX,
and several others all become at least a little bit
better, and Vaporeon (XY: Ancient Origins
22/98) means we might need to reexamine all our Stage 1
cards, as its “Aqua Effect” Ability allows any of
them to potentially capitalize upon Aqua Patch.
If you pull this in Limited, the only reason to skip it
is that your deck won’t have a Bench e.g. you pulled
something worth running solo or because you didn’t get
even mediocre Water Types or both.
Apparently, the powers-that-be didn’t learn the lesson
I’d hope from formats past. Or even present.
Item-based Energy acceleration is good, even in a format
that punishes Item usage. This card would have
scored much higher without such factors, as well as if
it weren’t tied into a specific Pokémon and Energy Type.
Almost a literal staple for Water-Type decks from here
on out, Aqua Patch adds speed and reliability to
multiple Water Type decks.
Aqua Patch
beat out
last Friday's 6th place
Sylveon-GX by eight voting points. It also
tomorrow’s 4th place
finisher. Both Aqua Patch and tomorrow’s
card appeared on all the lists I received for
calculating the site’s Top 15, so in the end, the
deciding factor was a roll-off. Aqua Patch was
my personal 4th place pick but I was wrong.
In the time since submitting my list, my personal 5th
place pick has proven much more important than Aqua