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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Top 15 Sun & Moon:
Guardians Rising
#3 -
- S&M: Guardians Rising
Date Reviewed:
May 31, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 4.67
Expanded: 4.75
Limited: 4.00
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
This is the card of the format
right now. No joke, this Garbodor has single-handedly
defined an entire genre of deck types as of late and has
absolutely dominated a variety of tournaments since its
release - here in the States, in Japan, in Europe,
There's a pretty big reason for
this, naturally, and it's not Acid Spray. The second
attack Garbodor has is a 3-for-70 hit with a coin flip
to discard an Energy from the opponent's Active Pokemon,
which honestly doesn't mean it's a bad attack at all.
Maybe a little underpowered for 3 Energy, but the coin
flip is justified for the Energy-discard, which can be
beneficial. The truth of the matter though is that the
attack is completely overshadowed by his first attack,
Trashalanche is the kind of attack
people love. They see the 1-Psychic Energy cost, they
see the 20x multiplier for damage and get excited, and
then they read the description and feel their eyes widen
as they find the crazy description that says, "I do 20
damage for every Item in your opponent's discard pile."
At first glance, this card seems awfully reactive. It's
not quite like Vespiquen or Night March, where you can
throw stuff into your discard pile and profit
immediately in the early game before steamrolling into
the mid-late game. It's reliant on your opponent playing
a bunch of Items to be effective, and if you can't fight
off their set-up, it's just not as useful.
That's what I imagine people
thought of this card at first. It's alright, it's
powerful, it'll be in a couple of decks, but it'll
probably not do so well against faster decks. And while
that might be the case for some match-ups, it seems for
ALL!! Think of it this way - it takes about 8 Items to
OHKO most evolving Pokemon, 9 Items to do the same with
Basic-EX and Basic-GX, and only 12 Items to OHKO most
any Pokemon in the game that's not a Stage 2 GX or named
Wailord-EX. And a quick Choice Band or Muscle Band will
change that. And how many decks run 12+ Items?
Garbodor may not have an amazing
early game damage output like some other cards, but
looking around at various lists featuring him, he's not
usually the early game attacker anyway - he's used as a
finisher, a midgame piece to put out to take out your
opponent's advantage, and possibly even a counter to
switching around. Partners-in-crime include Trevenant
(GRI), Espeon-GX (SM), Drampa-GX (GRI) - even Garbodor
(BKT) himself! And you can see why - Drampa-GX can set
things up quickly, Espeon-GX can spread out damage
across a wide field, and Trevenant can be used to
inflict early heavy damage on your opponent with
Poltergeist! It's a strong card on its own, but
partnered with these guys, he ends up becoming a clear
top-tier threat - better than Decidueye-GX, better than
Vespiquen, better than even Night March.
Garbodor is going to be the card
that people will build every deck around now - less
Items will counteract him and other cards like Vileplume
(AOR) who love benefiting from your opponent's lack of
Items, and there may be decks that stray away from the
Prize-costly EX and GX. Needless to say, Garbodor is the
card everyone's going to plan around now, and it's
something you should strongly consider when building
your next deck over the next couple of years.
Standard: 4.5/5 (despite a slow
early game and being a Stage 1, Garbodor is a MASSIVE
Expanded: 5/5 (and in the right
set-ups against the right decks, he can be a force to
reckon with)
Limited: 4/5 (but in smaller
environments or even Limited ones, he might not be so
bad...provided you can play around him)
Arora Notealus: What is it with
Garbodor always having to butt into the meta? His
previous incarnations have had format-shaping Abilities,
and now he gets to be the latest Night March/Vespiquen/Vengeance
deck? High damage for a low cost? At least he forces the
opponent to play differently instead of working decks to
play solitaire.
Next Time: Speaking of Items...

21times |
Anybody wanna argue that
Garbodor (Guardians
Rising, 51/145) isn’t the best card out of the
Guardians Rising expansion set after its showings
this past weekend in Seattle, Milan, and Austria?
So I’m feeling pretty good
right now about listing
Garb as my
number one card … but that’s all the bragging I’m going
to do about it because I’m sure there will be a HUGE
swing the other way this upcoming weekend for regionals
in Madison, WI USA and Birmingham, England.
I have no doubt that many people will be playing
decks specifically designed to beat
Some ideas:
Greninja Break
(Breakpoint, 41/122)
(Primal Clash, 97/160)
Dhelmise (Guardians
Rising, 59/145)
(Ancient Origins, 21/98)
(Sun & Moon, 12/149)
Vileplume (Ancient
Origins, 3/98)
(Ancient Origins, 10/98)
Obviously, the most favored
pairing with Garb
this past weekend was
Drampa GX (Guardians
Rising, 142/145).
I personally have had more success with
Trevenant (Guardians
Rising, 7/145) than
Drampa, but I
just got a couple of
Team Magma’s
Secret Base (Double Crisis, 32/34) last night
and haven’t had the chance to work those into the deck
yet. But if
you’re a regular reader, then you know me – when I saw
all those Drampa Garb pairings, my instinctual reaction was to go the other
way. I don’t
feel that Garb &
Drampa are the
best partners… but just looking at the top 32 from
Seattle is pretty good evidence and makes it hard for me
to argue that.
What I am very happy to see,
however, was that we did NOT have a repeat of Anaheim
If you remember, very few cards from Sun & Moon
were used at Anaheim.
That was the first major tournament where SUM
cards were legal, but very few players took advantage of
them. That
changed, obviously, a few weeks later at Oceania, but it
makes me happy to see that players weren’t tentative
about using the new cards from GRI.
And for those of you who are
freaking out about how
Garb is SOOOO broken and needs to be banned… stay
calm and find a counter.
Like I said above, Madison and Birmingham will be
filled with anti-Garb
decks. And
there are plenty of decks that can beat it: I’m 7-6
against Garb
with decks that don’t include
The pendulum always swings the other way, and
it’s going to be swinging really quickly this week.
Standard: 5 out of 5
I know that this review didn’t
really talk about what
Garb does, but
I’m pretty sure that anyone reading this already knows
how nasty this card is.
I didn’t initially have this as my number one
card, but it didn’t take long for me to figure out that
it would be more impactful to the meta than any other
card in this expansion… maybe more than any other card
since Night March.
Quick post-script: just learned
today of a new GX coming out in Burning Shadows
that will save us from
Gardevoir GX has a GX move that allows you to take TEN (yes, as in
one more than nine one less than eleven) cards from your
discard and put them back in your deck.
While it’s not
Karen (XY
Promo 177), it’s at least something to help stem the
tide against Garbodor.

Otaku |
Today we look at
our pick for the third best card of SM: Guardians
Rising, and that card is Garbodor (SM:
Guardians Rising 51/145), a Stage 1 Pokémon.
Being a Stage 1 means it takes twice the space as a
Basic, and either an extra turn or additional resource
(like Wally) to hit the field. Basic
Pokémon are the dominant force in the game, but this
slight slowdown hasn’t kept the best of them from
proving competitive. Being a Psychic-Type comes
with a few perks, and the only real drawback is how most
Darkness-Type and Metal-Type Pokémon are naturally
Resistant. Psychic Weakness is typical of many
Fighting- and Psychic-Type Pokémon. Psychic-Type
support is fantastic in Expanded, mostly due to
Dimension Valley and Mystery Energy; for
Standard play you’ll have Altar of the Moone
(though that works with [P] Energy and not just [P]
Pokémon) and… nothing else relevant springs to mind.
Let us move on; Garbodor has 120 HP, a decent
amount that has a chance of surviving a hit, though not
a great chance. Psychic Weakness is not a surprise
and enables a Psychic Type a probable OHKO. Lack
of Resistance is the worst, but also the most common,
and even while present Resistance doesn’t usually mean
much, so it isn’t as bad as it sounds. The Retreat
Cost of [CCC] is chunky; you want to avoid paying this
if you can, but it has a small chance of helping if the
deck can make adequate use of Heavy Ball.
has two attacks, “Trashalanche” and “Acid Spray”, priced
at [P] and [PCC], respectively. While not
optimally splashable, needing a single source of [P]
Energy isn’t too bad a cost and the staggering of the
attack costs makes attacking while building viable.
The first attack does 20 damage times the number of Item
cards in your opponent’s discard pile; with the way
decks have been running for the last several years, even
in the face of Item lock, this adds up quickly.
Just five gets Trashalance into 2HKO range for all
Evolutions that aren’t Mega Evolution or Pokémon-GX
cards, and 2HKO range for almost all Basic Pokémon-EX
and Pokémon-GX. Without radically altering one’s
deck to plan ahead, your opponent is not only going to
hit this amount but sooner or later, reach about 10
Items in the discard pile, at which point you’re OHKOing
those same targets. 15 Items, a not unrealistic amount,
means only cards with extensive protective help are
safe; even a Wailord-EX sporting Fighting Fury
Belt is a OHKO for Trashalanche at that level.
The 70 damage and coin flip to discard an attached
Energy from the opponent’s Active of Acid Spray are much
less impressive, but not useless. Some
decks and players will adjust to Trashalanche by running
and playing few Items (Item lock decks already reward
this to an extent). While even just four Items in
the discard means Trashalanche hits harder than Acid
Spray, if you’re not getting the OHKO and 70 damage
still sets up for the 2HKO (or 3HKO), taking a chance to
discard the Energy could definitely be worth it.
(SM: Guardians Rising 50/145) actually matters;
while not a fantastic combo, this 70 HP Psychic-Type
Basic with Psychic Weakness, no Resistance, and Retreat
Cost [CC] has one good not bad attack. For
[P], “Stomp Off” discards the top card of the opponent’s
deck. Even if your opponent is trying to not
use Item cards, this is a chance to add one to the
discard pile. “Drool” is the usual filler attack,
though: [PCC] to do 30 damage. This isn’t a strong
enough combo to make it the guaranteed best Trubbish,
but it puts it in the running. The only other
related card we’ll worry about is Garbodor (XY:
BREAKpoint 57/122); “Garbotoxin” is still a
fantastic Ability and is a perfectly fine Bench-sitter
to partner with today’s Garbodor. You don’t
have to, though; either Garbodor might be run on
its own or run as partners with various splits.
Guess who became
the new top deck? This ‘mon! I’m hoping some of
it is growing pains, but Garbodor (XY:
BREAKpoint 57/122) backed decks are now sometimes
Garbodor (SM: Guardians Rising 51/145) or
both. The popular Decidueye-GX plus
Vileplume (XY: Ancient Origins 3/98) deck was
hit far harder than I expected. There are
multiple variants using Garbodor(s) and
they’re doing great. Just this last weekend,
Drampa-GX/Garbodor won the Seattle Regional
Championship in the Masters Age Bracket. Also, it
took third, fourth, and sixth place! Seventh and
eighth place went to Espeon-GX/Garbodor
builds. If you want decklists, keep checking
the official
or try your luck with Google… or maybe another reviewer
will provide one. Besides running out of time
(like usual), I don’t think I really need one to explain
the merits of this card. Even needing a specific
Energy Type, even being a Stage 1, even potentially
competing with an older version of itself, Garbodor
is pretty plainly potent. We’ll see if it lasts,
or if this ends up being more like Night March and
Vespiquen (XY: Ancient Origins 10/98) decks;
everywhere because the deck isn’t too hard to learn or
build, but horribly overhyped because it still ends up
being difficult to master.
Wait! How can
you say such a thing Otaku? How much have you
tested this? Tested against this?
Oh, I haven’t run
or faced Garbodor yet. I named two other
decks built around a Stage 1 that had the mixed blessing
of not relying on the opponent to fuel their
attacks but having to dedicate space in themselves for
damage-boosting discard-fodder. There aren’t any
glaring weaknesses here to exploit, at least of which I
am aware. If you have something like a nice,
chunky Stage 2 Pokémon-GX up front, do your best to go
light on Item usage in that matchup and hope the
Garbodor player can’t force you to discard some as
well. Yes, some builds do include cards like
Team Rocket’s Handiwork to force discards in the
hopes of hitting your Items! Even if your opponent
uses Choice Band backed by a Professor Kukui,
though, he or she will need you to have at least eight
or nine Items in your discard pile for the OHKO.
So if you OHKO two Garbodor before it 2HKO’s you,
you that’s breaking even. Yeah, the resource costs
and/or whoever scored the KO first matter, but most of
the Garbodor decks I am seeing still run
Pokémon-EX and Pokémon-GX as well. So, just like
with Night March, you try to remain calm, adjust to the
situation at hand, and power through. I am not
guaranteeing you victory if you do, but if you don’t
only pure luck can save you. This is the new face
of Standard, might be the new face of Expanded, and is
even pretty good for Limited; there might not be many
Items to fuel Trashalanche, but being a 120 HP Stage 1
with Acid Spray is still pretty good.
is here, and it’s already winning tournaments.
Just remember not to panic, or you’ll make things worse.
It isn’t unbeatable, just the hot new thing that isn’t
too hard to come by (it is a Normal Rare), isn’t too
hard to learn, and is already being heavily played.
The event I mentioned it had already won and dominated
the top eight? If the ratio from the top 32 was
similar to that of general participation, two-thirds of
the decks used were Garbodor backed or based.
When you outnumber all other decks combined two-to-one,
you should have a commanding presence.
edged out Choice Band by eight voting points, and
only missed tying tomorrow’s second place finisher by
one single point. One. Single. Point.
Which is my fault as Garbodor was my fifth place
pick. Yeah, I ranked it below Aqua Patch
and Choice Band above it, plus our last two
cards. Aqua Patch, I regret, but the other three
are as good or better. Yes, that sounds insane,
but there are two more amazing cards left in this set!