Trading Card Game
Set Lists & Price Guides
Pokemon Trading Card Game (TCG)
English Set Compositions and Price Guide
c.1999-2017 -
U.S. "EX :
FireRed & LeafGreen
Updated May 2017
Full Card List Notes
This set was not issued with "1st
Edition" cards.
Only "Unlimited" print run cards were
This set was released originally in August
Reverse Holofoils are worth approximately 3
times the stated values.
We are not listing uncommons or commons
individually. They just aren't worth
much to be honest.
Number |
Name |
Rarity |
Price |
1/112 |
Beedrill |
Holographic |
$4 |
2/112 |
Butterfree |
Holographic |
$3 |
3/112 |
Dewgong |
Holographic |
$3 |
4/112 |
Ditto |
Holographic |
$5 |
5/112 |
Exeggutor |
Holographic |
$2 |
6/112 |
Kangaskhan |
Holographic |
$3 |
7/112 |
Marowak |
Holographic |
$2 |
8/112 |
Nidoking |
Holographic |
$5 |
9/112 |
Nidoqueen |
Holographic |
$5 |
10/112 |
Pigdeot |
Holographic |
$4 |
11/112 |
Poliwrath |
Holographic |
$3 |
12/112 |
Raichu |
Holographic |
$4 |
13/112 |
Rapidash |
Holographic |
$4 |
14/112 |
Slowbro |
Holographic |
$1 |
15/112 |
Snorlax |
Holographic |
$5 |
16/112 |
Tauros |
Holographic |
$4 |
17/112 |
Victreebel |
Holographic |
$2 |
18/112 |
Arcanine |
Rare |
$2 |
19/112 |
Chansey |
Rare |
$2 |
20/112 |
Cloyster |
Rare |
$1 |
21/112 |
Dodrio |
Rare |
$2 |
22/112 |
Dugtrio |
Rare |
$1 |
23/112 |
Farfetch'd |
Rare |
$1 |
24/112 |
Fearow |
Rare |
$1 |
25/112 |
Hypno |
Rare |
$2 |
26/112 |
Kingler |
Rare |
$3 |
27/112 |
Magneton |
Rare |
$1 |
28/112 |
Primeape |
Rare |
$2 |
29/112 |
Scyther |
Rare |
$3 |
30/112 |
Tangela |
Rare |
$2 |
All Uncommons are valued at
$0.50 |
All Commons are valued at
$0.25 |
103/112 |
Multi Energy |
Rare |
$1 |
104/112 |
Blastoise ex |
Holographic |
$33 |
105/112 |
Charizard ex |
Holographic |
$125 |
106/112 |
Clefable ex |
Holographic |
$10 |
107/112 |
Electrode ex |
Holographic |
$12 |
108/112 |
Gengar ex |
Holographic |
$19 |
109/112 |
Gyrados ex |
Holographic |
$20 |
110/112 |
Mr. Mime ex |
Holographic |
$8 |
111/112 |
Mr. Mime ex |
Holographic |
$8 |
102/112 |
Venusaur ex |
Holographic |
$35 |
Release date: 2004
Distributed by Nintendo (U.S.)
We are NOT selling cards. These are compiled for
clarification of relative values and what you might expect
to pay at a game store or collectible dealer for these
Available in :
"Booster" Packs
(Expert Level Play)
$3.29 U.S.
9 random cards :
Each Booster pack contains: 1 foil card, 1 rare card, 5
common cards and 2 uncommon cards.