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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 120
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 11, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.68
Expanded: 3.18
Limited: 4.35
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Go figure, I was JUST talking about
Plumeria with Salazzle-GX last week, and now look where
we are! Plumeria is probably going to be one of those
cards that you figure is either overpowered or
underpowered depending on how you look at it. Is it one
or the other? Depends on how you look at it.
Plumeria's effect is to discard 2
cards from your hand to take off an Energy card from one
of your opponent's Pokemon. On the one hand, if you
compare this to other cards that discard Energy -
specifically Supporters, since comparing this to Energy
Removal (Base Set) is probably the most unfair
comparison you can make, the answer is use Energy
Removal - you could be tempted to say it's underpowered.
Xerosic (PHF), Team Flare Grunt (XY), Crushing Hammer
(EMP), and Enhanced Hammer (DEX) are all cards that
discard Energy in some form, and they don't have a steep
2-card cost attached to them. That's a pretty good
argument not to use Plumeria already - why bother with a
card that costs so much when you can get away with the
same thing for free? You might be a little limited in
what you discard - Team Flare Grunt only discards Energy
from the Active Pokemon, and Xerosic and Enhanced only
discard Special Energy - but still! They get it for
free, and you don't even need to use your Supporter for
the turn!
But there's some merit to this
card. Discarding cards fuels your discard pile, complete
with Energy and Supporters and Pokemon for all the
benefits you can reap from them. In fact, discarding
Exeggcute (PLF) can even circumvent the cost a bit and
make it almost free for what you use! But these are also
all Expanded-only interactions and cards, with the
exception of the Hammers - and those are Item cards that
are susceptible to Trashalanche! So for non-Item-based
removal, Plumeria's really good, and considering the
potential for what you discard fueling your future
strategies, you might end up finding Plumeria not only
to be fairly costed but even overpowered! What other
card lets you get up to 3 cards worth of advantage for
the price of one?
Like many Sun/Moon Supporters, I
feel Plumeria's popularity will rise and fall depending
on the structure of the format. She may be more popular
in some decks, but I don't think she'll be the primary
option for fueling the discard - that's where Sophocles
and Sycamore/Juniper/Sycaper will shine most. But here
in Standard, she might be one of the more dangerous
Supporters in the current arsenal. If your deck benefits
from having stuff discarded, or you're having trouble
finding removal for Energy that's not in Hammer-form,
maybe Plumeria's just what you need!
Standard: 3/5 (for Supporter-based
removal, she's a bit hefty)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (but for what she
can do with that discard and such, she can be DANGEROUS)
Limited: 3.5/5 (it's all a matter
Arora Notealus: I kinda like the
general direction many of these cards seem to be going
in. It's like the folks at the Pokemon Company know the
pace of the game has gotten pretty fast - I mean, how
could you not see that? - and have decided to reign
things in for the next rotation format where we lost
some speedy cards like N and Sycamore and will have to
work with stuff like Sophocles and Plumeria. Sure, we've
still got cards like Guzma and Acerola which are
generally powerful, but we're getting a lot of
Supporters that incentivize a certain skill in
decision-making - do I include stuff like Sophocles for
the benefits of drawing, or do I use Plumeria to put my
opponent behind? Do I swap out my Pokemon using Guzma or
Acerola? Is it worth running both Plumeria and
Sophocles? It's a lot of tactical decision-making that
makes Supporters as a card type - as well as the game
itself - very interesting to watch.
Next Time: I wish I wish with all

21times |
(Burning Shadows, 145/147) makes her debut in the
TCG in the Burning Shadows expansion set.
A Supporter card, she allows you to discard an
energy card from
any of your opponent’s Pokemon.
The catch: you have to discard two cards from
your hand to play
We wrote last week about how
discarding cards in the new format has become a riskier
proposition than in the prior Standard meta.
And like
Sophocles (Burning Shadows, 146/147), the
cost of discarding two cards in today’s game seems to
outweigh the benefit of discarding a single energy from
your opponent’s side of the board, even if it is from
any Pokemon, not just the active.
I will absolutely give you, though, the fact that
in some situations
Plumeria could devastate your opponent.
For example, if you are about to KO the active,
but your opponent has a powered up attacker on the
bench, the value of
Plumeria far
surpasses Team
Flare Grunt (Generations, 73/83).
However, I am of the opinion that most of the
time when you want to discard energy, you’ll want to
discard it off of the active Pokemon.
I could be wrong on that – I haven’t done any
kind of study on it, it’s just my
If you believe that you will want to discard
energy off of Pokemon on the bench more than Pokemon in
the active Position, by all means run
It’s just to me, I would guess that well over
fifty percent of the time, the Pokemon you want to take
energy off of will be in the active position.
Add to that the cost of discarding two cards from
your hand, and Plumeria is a pass for me.
What I do have some stats for
is the surprising loss rate of decks that run energy
discard cards during this new meta.
I posted a very early statistical analysis
here, and I was very surprised that I’m now actually
8 W 3 L in the 11 matches in which players have employed
energy denial cards.
In 107 matches, that’s about 1 out of 10 decks
running energy disruption cards, which is significantly
less than in the prior meta where about 17% of the decks
I faced ran some type of energy removal card.
It is, however, consistent with other studies I
have done that show that playing cards that discard
energy don’t actually help you increase your win
In fact, decks that run energy discard cards tend to win
less than
those that don’t
run energy denial.
It’s counter intuitive, I know, but the facts are
there. There
are other cards out there that will help you win more
than any energy disruption card you could play.
Standard: 2 out of 5
While I can see situations
where Plumeria
is advantageous over other energy removal cards,
generally speaking, I would still recommend
Team Flare Grunt
over it … or better yet, finding an even better
non-energy discarding substitute that will help you win
even more.

Vince |
Today we look at
Plumeria, a Supporter which requires you to discard two
cards from your hand so that you get to discard an
Energy card attached to one of your opponent’s Pokemon.
Energy Removal is
a powerful effect. It creates an irritation to
your opponent by messing up their setup and setting back
one turn if they rely on manual attachments. She
hits even harder on some Special Energy cards that
provides at least two units of energy such as Double
Colorless Energy or the new Counter Energy that was
revealed couple days ago. Of course, that won’t do
much good on basic Energy cards, which can be retrieved
by countless ways, Pokemon whose attacks costs one
energy, and Pokemon who provides multiple energy
attachments to get fully powered up.
Discarding cards
from your hand may be a drawback; you may not have
enough cards to discard or that the cards that you
currently have in too valuable to discard. You may
need some cards that can retrieve itself such as
Exeggcute (BW Plasma Freeze) or Darkrai-GX.
Fortunately cards from BW-on have decent amount of card
In the end, I
can’t see much usage on Plumeria, its effect seemed
underwhelming to me. I might be missing something.
Standard: 2.5/5
Expanded: 2.5/5
Limited: 4.5/5
Notes: I’ve faced
some battles against Plumeria, both the demo and maybe
once or twice in Sun and Moon. Unfortunately, I
don’t know what her role is in Team Skull.

Retro |
When I first saw the Sun and Moon trailers, I was
disappointed at Plumeria. And I was right. She doesn’t
seem to fit the stereotypical Team Skull character,
being more mature in an otherwise goofy gang. But
unfortunately, since she is the caretaker of the gang,
she has to be of that nature. And her Team Skull
original outfit also didn’t fit her well, but her
redesigned outfit in the post-game suits her better. But
hey, that’s personal preference. And finally Plumeria is
able to show herself in the TCG realm to accompany his
boss Guzma as a Supporter. So how well does she perform?
Plumeria has a unique effect, that although its
rather commonly seen before, she does it her own way. By
discarding 2 cards from your hand, you can discard any
energy card from 1 of your opponent’s hand. We have seen
Supporter-based energy denial cards in the not so long
past ago, and 2 of the best examples are still in the
Standard format; Team Flare Grunt (XY
Base Set, XY Generations) discards an energy card
from your opponent’s Active Pokemon, which is really
useful in a bind to slow down your opponent, and Team
Skull Grunt (SM
Base Set) discards up to 2 of any energy cards from
your opponent’s hand. However, I have many beliefs that
Plumeria can be better than both, all because of a
simple reason.
Team Flare Grunt discards a card from your
opponent’s Active Pokemon only, which means that if your
opponent promotes a Pokemon with no energy attached,
something like an Alolan Vulpix (SM
Guardians Rising) that doesn’t need energy
attachments to do what it’s supposed to do, this card
becomes a dead and unplayable. I have seen multiple
matches where I used the old Team Flare Grunt disruption
engine in decks like Quad Wobbuffet and I wished that
the energy denial card I had is Plumeria, not the hair
gel grunt. Plumeria’s greatest asset is that you can
hunt down energies from the benched Pokemon as well,
meaning as long as there is at least 1 energy card in
play from your opponent’s side, you can deny their
setup. As more decks now have this mindset that the best
place to setup is in the bench, Plumeria just say no to
those mindset. Meanwhile, Team Skull Grunt discards
energies before they even come to play by throwing them
from your opponent’s hand. Although this might have been
a much better energy denial card than Plumeria, because
you also gained valuable information by looking at your
opponent’s hand as well, there are lots of chances that
your opponent has no energy in their hand. Decks that
accelerate energy from the discard pile like Metagross-GX
(SM Guardians
Rising) appreciate having their energy discarded
early from their hand to then using Geotech System in
their next turn. What Plumeria offers here is that you
can discard energy attached from a battle ready Pokemon
next turn that thinks “Yeah, I’m chilling in the bench”,
which is why Plumeria is better than Team Skull Grunt.
Plumeria catches your opponent off guard, while with
Team Skull Grunt your opponent can see that their energy
are going away, so they can predict it.
However, the thing that lets Plumeria down is the
if clause. You need to discard 2 cards to activate the
energy denial property. Back in the PRC-on meta, this is
easy as you just need to discard 2 Supporters (or
energies in some decks) to hunt down your opponent’s
energy. And the reason back then is simple; VS Seeker (XY Phantom Forces, XY Roaring Skies) are played everywhere, making
sure that those binned Supporters are reusable later in
the game. In the post-rotation meta however, this is
much easier said than done. You really need to think on
which cards to discard so that you won’t mess up by
discarding the wrong cards just to hunt your opponent’s
Double Colorless Energy, which they can just recover
back with stuff like Special Charge (XY Steam Siege) and making your Supporter useless for the next turn.
But all things aside, Plumeria is a really cool
energy denial card that can combo well into any deck
that aims to disrupt your opponent, and it does its job
Standard: 2.8/5
(Too much mind games to play with Plumeria; but when
played correctly it can win you games)
Expanded: 4.5/5
(VS Seeker is there; this means using Plumeria as the
main way of energy denial has less backlash. Especially
since Expanded has a lot of decks that just need Special
Energy to roll, Plumeria can really bring the pain. Love
it in the format)
Limited: 4.9/5
(Pull one of these and you’ll love it)
Next on SM Burning Shadows:
Baton Pass?

Otaku |
So we’ve finished
long since finished counting down our top 10 picks of
SM: Burning Shadows, and we’ve even gone through the
effective 11th through 18th place cards that didn’t make
the official site’s top 10 but were on some of our
individual top 10 lists. So with those runners-up
finished, we’ll now move onto the runners-up from the
two personal Top 10 lists that had more
than 10 entries because some of us just prefer to roll
that way. One of those lists was mine, so I took
the results of the two “extended Top 10’s” and gave them
the same treatment as the actual top 10 lists.
Instead of counting down, we’ll count up, with
each card impressing us less and less… but still being
worth a nod.
is a Trainer-Supporter that requires you discard two
cards from your hand in order to use it, then it allows
you to discard an Energy to one of your opponent’s
Pokémon. Something I probably ought to have
mentioned in my Guzma
is that neither he nor Plumeria have anything
indicating an affiliation with Team Skull (card art
doesn’t count). The short version is that
until the XY-era, Gym Leaders, Elite Four, evil teams,
etc. would have something in their name or printed on
their card designating them as belonging to that group
and making it easy for other card effects to
reference the collective. Some of these would be
counters, but most would be beneficial in nature
and tended to result in a net positive. It is
possible we’ll be surprised by some such cards releasing
later; the powers-that-be can be rather haphazard in
this process. Next, we’ll consider what it means
to be a Trainer in general; not much for Standard (Skyla)
and a little extra help in Expanded (Dowsing Machine;
Trainer’s Mail). Being a Supporter
should allow Plumeria a more potent effect,
as this subclass of Trainers are restricted to
once-per-turn usage in exchange. This arrangement
also means every Supporter is more or less competing
with every other Supporter for deck space, as you always
want the option of using one each turn but too many will
clutter your hand with dead or soon-to-be dead cards.
While there are some anti-Trainer and anti-Supporter
effects, thankfully none have proven competitive
in recent years… at least in Standard and Expanded play
(Unlimited is a scary place).
So what about the
card’s actual effect? The wording seems a bit odd;
it makes the discard cost seem like an effect and not
a cost but I’ve seen no rulings to support this.
The PTCGO doesn’t treat it this way, but the PTCGO
sometimes gets cards wrong, especially newer ones.
Why would the discard being an effect and not a
cost matter? If it is an effect, then you
could use it to discard cards even if the
opponent had no Energy in play; for certain decks, that
would be at least somewhat valuable. For now,
though, assume it is intended as a cost and the wording
was just to make sure there would be no workarounds to
having to discard two cards from hand to remove an
Energy from an opponent’s Pokémon. Actually
discarding Energy from your opponent is like so many
effects in this game; it can range from pointless to
game winning, depending upon what both of you are
running. Pokémon usually need Energy to attack, so
stripping it away can leave your opponent unable to
retaliate, however, if you don’t time the removal
right it can be utterly pointless. Some decks
are very energy efficient, so the Energy you’d discard
has already paid for an attack and if your own
deck has a strong enough offense, said Energy was going
to hit the discard pile anyway because you were
going to KO the Pokémon to which it was attached.
If your opponent is running sufficient Energy
acceleration (especially paired with Energy recycling),
whether you were going to KO the Pokémon to which it was
attached or not, discarding it won’t matter.
Between these two extremes, though, are decks that
will feel the hurt from having Energy discarded.
Just to further add to the ambiguity, there will be
exceptions even to what I just said; the deck that
normally can’t spare any Energy surprisingly gets Energy
ahead, the deck that has numerous attachments suddenly
runs dry, or other unusual occurrences. When we do
start considering the discard cost, it creates a few new
opportunities but removes some as well; some decks
need to discard things from hand, some decks just
can’t afford it, and most (again) fall somewhere in
It may be useful to
look at the other contemporary Energy discarding
Trainers. Crushing Hammer can discard an Energy
attached to any of your opponent’s Pokémon and is only
an Item, but it requires a coin flip (and “tails
fails”). Enhanced Hammer is guaranteed and is
also an Item but it may only discard Special
Energy cards. Team Flare Grunt requires no coin
flip and can discard either a basic Energy or a Special
Energy, but is a Supporter and can only target your
opponent’s Active. Team Skull Grunt is a recent
addition and can discard two Energy (basic, Special, or
one of each) but from your opponent’s hand, not
those already attached. Xerosic, besides being
an Expanded-only option, can discard one Pokémon
Tool or one Special Energy attached to a Pokémon
in play, and can even target your own cards if you wish.
All of these cards have had periods where
they’ve been largely ignored, loose staples, or
somewhere in between, I expect Plumeria to share
a similar fate. I am not guaranteeing
anything; ol’ Otaku doesn’t have the track record for
that. Even with that caveat out of the way I’m
not certain she’ll ever hit the high points, either.
I just believe Plumeria is too good to completely
fail; she’ll at least be slightly subpar general usage
card that serves control/disruption decks quite well
and/or maybe becomes killer TecH.
I’m still getting
my bearings for the current Standard and Expanded
Formats. With what I currently know or suspect, I
think Plumeria will be one of the many niche
Supporter cards floating around the Standard metagame.
Expanded looks slightly better for Plumeria; she
might become an established TecH Supporter. Not a
staple (at least, not yet), but with VS Seeker to
easily recycle a single copy, Battle Compressor
to get it into the discard pile ASAP, and Exeggcute
(BW: Plasma Freeze 4/116; BW: Plasma Blast
102/101) or more deck specific discard options like
Darkrai-GX, I mostly have to explain why it will
not be a staple. Which is what this review
hopefully did; even when you’re able to effectively use
Plumeria on your end, your opponent still has to
have an Energy in play worth the effort of
discarding. Non-Supporter draw also matters for
both formats: Octillery (XY: BREAKthrough
33/162), Oranguru, and Shaymin-EX (XY:
Roaring Skies 77/108, 106/108) not only serve their
usual purposes but might appreciate the discard cost of
Plumeria, as it could help them draw more from
your deck. Plumeria is a must-run in the Limited
Format; most players won’t have decks that can afford to
lose any Energy and your deck probably won’t have
enough Supporters for them to really be competing
against each other. You’ll also probably
have a lot of filler, though when you are stuck
discarding something valuable, you probably won’t have a
means of reclaiming it from the discard pile.
is another card that benefits mediocre to adequate
general usage spiked by brilliant performances in more
specialized decks. I think. I hate looking more
double-minded than usual, but I just don’t have the
data. I’ve only run Plumeria a few times on
the PTCGO, which is not enough to be
statistically significant. I still haven’t seen
the actual lists for the decks that performed well at
Fort Wayne, either, let alone results from multiple
large tournaments. I think Plumeria has
potential largely based on how she is a variation of
cards that have performed well, both past and present.
It was enough that she was my 11th place pick in my Top
25; after a roll-off between her and the card that
topped the other reviewer’s Top 24 list, she came out on