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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 94
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 15, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.88
Expanded: 2.67
Limited: 3.10
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Diancie's a rarity of a gem! Too
bad I don't watch enough Steven Universe to make a joke
with that.
That said, Diancie does come with
two attacks. Sparkling Wish ends up evolving a Pokemon
for 1 Fairy Energy. You just grab whatever evolves from
1 of your Pokemon straight from your deck and BAM!
Instant Stage 1 or Stage 2! Which in an era of GX,
that's EXTREMELY valuable, even though it costs you your
attack for the turn.
There's also Diancie's second
attack, Diamond Storm, which does 2-for-30 so it's not a
great primary attack, but it does also heal off 30
damage. A nice little bonus for a move you'd rarely use
in the first place. That's about all I can say. I'm not
recommending you throw a 90 HP Basic out in the Active
slot to try and heal 30 damage, just use a Potion if
you're that crazy.
Diancie's great at one thing, and
that's where her strength lies. I'd imagine that only
Fairy decks (coughcoughGARDEVOIR-GXcoughcough) will make
use of this, but for those decks that can/do make use of
Diancie, you might find the results to be quite
...though it's risky having a 90 HP
Basic substitute for something like Wally or Evosoda.
Standard: 2.5/5 (more by virtue of
the deck she supports, I think Diancie gets a good wrap)
Expanded: 2/5 (but otherwise, it's
hard to see her in other spots)
Limited: 3/5 (still, great support
for what it's worth)
Arora Notealus: Diancie's
apparently got something to do with Carbink
transformation, but I don't think they ever get into
that? Like how exactly does Carbink become a Diancie,
and why does that give it the power to Mega-Evolve? So
many questions...
Weekend Thought: Lot of good cards
this week, though maybe a bit niche. What do you think?
Is there a build in your decks for these cards? Wanna
make use of them in multiple decks, or just hang around
with the one?

21times |
(Burning Shadows, 94/147) got a new version in
the Burning Shadows expansion set.
A 90 HP Basic Pokemon, this card is seeing quite
a bit of play in
Gardevoir GX (Burning Shadows, 93/147) decks
because of its attack
Sparkling Wish
which for a single Fairy energy allows you to instantly
evolve any Pokemon on your bench.
Gardevoir GX
decks are using this to be able to get a fully evolved
Stage 2 Gardy
on the bench by turn 2 if you go second.
It’s a pretty amazing accelerator if you can get
things to line up right for you.
Many of the top tier decks in today’s game take a
few turns to get fully set up, including some versions
of Gardevoir GX.
There are some
Gardevoir GX versions that use
Alolan Vulpix (Guardians Rising, 21/145) and
not Diancie, and while Vulpix
can get two cards you potentially need, it’s also very
likely that it will get you zero cards you need if your
opponent N’s
(BW100) you.
And Vulpix can’t accelerate the way
Diancie does
Although many
Gardy decks are running
Vulpix or even
both Vulpix and Diancie, I’ve
been actually running four copies of
Diancie in my
builds to maximize my chances of starting with it.
Diancie’s Sparkling Wish
is not limited solely to Fairy Pokemon, however.
You can use it to evolve any Pokemon on your
bench. I
frequently use it to evolve
Octillery (Breakthrough,
33/162), and I tested it and you can even use it to
directly evolve Basic EX Pokemon into their Mega
evolutions as well.
The only downside of
Sparkling Wish
is that it requires a Fairy energy.
If it were a colorless attack, it would probably
revolutionize the way we build our decks.
Even still, it is a great starter for any Fairy
evolution deck, and it helps put
Gardevoir GX over the top and make it the BDIF.
Standard: 2.5 out of 5
can help expedite your offensive plan and allow you to
bring tremendous pressure on your opponent very quickly.
At 90 HP, it’s tanky enough to usually take a hit
or two early in the game and if it does get KO’d in a
Gardevoir GX
deck, there’s a good chance that KO will turn the match
into a seven prize card game.
Like I said, if
Sparkling Wish
were colorless, this card would be probably 4.5 or maybe
even 5 out of 5, but as it requires a Fairy energy, I
think it won’t be able to find its same usefulness in
non-Fairy decks.

Vince |
Today’s card is
Diancie from SM Burning Shadows. She makes another
appearance on the competitive scene, this time in the
Sun & Moon era. So what does she have to try and
see some play?
She has two
attacks. Sparkling Wish costs Y and it allows you
to search your deck for a Pokemon that evolves from one
of your Pokemon in play and evolve it. This helps
speed up evolution in a different way; You would play
the stage 1 from your hand to evolve and use sparkling
wish to fetch the stage 2 or Break Evolution. It
may cost you an attack, but this method avoids fueling
Trashalanche’s damage output (something that items fall
prey to such as Rare Candy or Evosoda).
And there’s her
iconic signature move, Diamond Storm. For the cost
of YC, it does 30 damage, and it heals 30 damage from
your fairy Pokemon. With 90 HP, she will get
OHKOed more often than not, but she would help other
fairy Pokemon survive a bit more. This seems like
the fairy equivalent of Rough Seas without the stadium.
You shouldn’t have to use this attack unless desperate
measures needs to be taken.
Outside of being
in a deck with Gardevoir-GX that won 2017 Pokemon World
Championships, I don’t see Diancie being used somewhere
else. Her attack cost suggests fairy energy, so
she’ll have to stay on one type. In Limited,
although damage output isn’t stellar, she can keep
healing 30 HP, which will help her survive against most
cards from the Burning Shadows set unless their own base
damage eventually starts to overwhelm her healing.
Standard: 3/5
Expanded: 3/5
Limited: 4/5
Notes: Celebi XY
Promo from Mythical Collection boxes tried to do the
same, but needing a heads coin flip to be successful.
Diancie doesn’t need a coin flip; the effect’s
guaranteed, but needing a specific energy type.
But even then, I would still use Diancie.

Retro |
Diancie is one of those rather uncommon cases
where a (very) good Pokemon in Smogon OU or the Battle
Spot doesn’t necessarily translate into amazing Pokemon
cards. Well, we do have Diancie-EX (XY43
Promo. XY Fates Collide) although the FCO variant is
better than the promo one, and a Mega Diancie-EX (XY44
Promo) which deals good damage and gives a Safeguard
effect for your next turn. However, it is outclassed by
almost all Fairy types as a cleaner, a wallbreaker or
even a wall, so its kind off lost here. Pokemon has
realized that and decided that the best action is to
make Diancie a hard support Pokemon. But has it worked?
Diancie is a Basic Fairy Pokemon with 90 HP,
which is bulky enough, and you can also lead with one as
a starting Pokemon. It also has the standard Metal
weakness plus Dark resistance, but you know, 90 HP isn’t
big. It also has a 1 Retreat cost, which is great as its
main attack cost 1 Fairy energy, but Fairy Garden (XY Base Set, XY Fates Collide) is always an option. Back to the
point now. Diancie can be classified as a hard support
Pokemon because of one move; Sparkling Wish. For 1 Fairy
energy, you get to search your deck for 1 Evolution
Pokemon that has its Basic form in play and evolve it
immediately. This is good for a myriad of reasons; when
you evolve a Pokemon with this attack, the next turn you
can evolve it again into its next evolution stage (if
you have got one), and since you evolve it from your
deck, not from your hand, Diancie can act as a hard
counter to decks running Po Town (SM
Burning Shadows) by denying the 30 damage it brings
when you evolve a Pokemon from your hand. It also has an
offensive move in Diamond Storm; add an extra 1
Colorless energy to Diancie and it deals 30 damage plus
30 HP heals to every Pokemon in the bench.
There are two decks which Diancie shines very
well. One is the Gardevoir-GX deck, where Diancie plays
a major role against Drampa/Garb decks that play Po Town
to deny their Stadium from hurting Gardevoir and Gallade
too much. The second is with Mega Evolution decks; I
used it in testing with a Mega Gardevoir-EX (XY Steam Siege) to replace the Spirit Links which can prove
problematic with Garbodor (SM
Guardians Rising) running around. Then when I
finished setup, I just get rid of the Diancie for an
extra 10 damage in Despair Ray! Other Mega Pokemon decks
that it might be useful are Mega Kangaskhan-EX/Aromatisse
(Expanded only), Mega Mewtwo Y-EX,
and also decks that run Rainbow Energy in
Overall, Diancie is a very solid one-off support
Pokemon that can act as a lead in many Fairy decks and
with 2 good attacks, it might be just the setup Pokemon
you might need.
Standard: 3.5/5
(As evolution Pokemon-GX rule the roost here, Diancie’s
evolution setup acceleration is greatly welcomed in the
Expanded: 3/5
(The contrary can be said in Expanded; Basic decks are
everywhere, and while there are a few viable Evolution
decks, they don’t necessarily need Diancie.)
Limited: 2.3/5
(Although Gardevoir is potentially the best deck here,
it’s rather hard to assemble a full Evolution deck here,
limiting its use.)