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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 105
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 19, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.00
Expanded: 2.13
Limited: 3.13
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Now here's an interesting idea:
what if there's a Pokemon that was able to devolve a
bunch of Pokemon at once? Truly a madman's
inspiration-oh wait that was also Porygon-Z.
Since his last appearance in
Ancient Origins, Porygon-Z hasn't changed much. He does
have Zap Cannon now, which is a decent attack at
3-for-80, but he can't use it next turn. That is, he
can't attack next turn unless you've got a Pokemon,
Stadium, or Tool that lets him use a pre-evolution
attack. Not like any of those would be much better, but
there you go.
The most interesting prospect is
Porygon-Z's Ability, Initialize, which devolves as many
of your opponent's evolved Pokemon as you'd like when a
Pokemon evolves into Porygon-Z. Now back in the pre-Sun
& Moon days, this wasn't that big of a deal, since the
worst thing was Mega-EX and BREAK, which could be
devolved by this method. But now we're gradually
transitioning towards GX, which have been shown in
variations of Basic, Stage 1, and Stage 2, meaning
there's more evolutions to go around.
That's the good news with his
Ability. The bad news is mainly in that running Porygon-Z...takes
a lot of investment on its own. You're running at least
3 cards (1-1-1) to try and get one tech on your opponent
by devolving their Pokemon forrrrrrrrr...a good purpose
I'm sure? Ideally you're doing it to make it easier to
KO stuff, if not actually KO them based on the damage,
but Porygon-Z on his own is not worth the space to
mass-wipe a field in that manner.
Sure he's got a lot of potential
which Initialize, but you're gonna need to have
something set-up that can take advantage of it -
otherwise, your opponent just plays them all down again.
Something to keep in mind.
Standard: 1.5/5 (a very niche use
that will probably see limited play)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (he's useful
against evolutions, but otherwise falls short)
Limited: 2.5/5 (so his play seems a
Arora Notealus: You think they made
Zap Cannon weak to compensate for his Ability? Sometimes
ya gotta wonder about what those crazy folks at the
Pokemon Company are thinking to make cards like this...
Next Time:

21times |
Porygon Z
(Burning Shadows, 105/147) received a new
incarnation in the Burning Shadows expansion set.
A Colorless Stage 2 Pokemon, it has the ability
which will allow you to devolve each of your opponent’s
non-Basic Pokemon and put the highest Stage card back in
his or her hand.
The only limitation to this ability is that
Porygon Z
must be played from your hand to activate its ability.
Obviously, this directly compares to
Espeon EX’s (Breakpoint,
Miraculous Shine.
However, being an ability gives it multiple
advantages over being an attack:
You don’t lose a turn of doing damage.
Shine does zero damage to your opponent’s Pokemon.
still allows you to do damage during the turn it is
This means you could still use Pokemon like
Alolan Ninetales
GX (Guardians Rising, 133/145) or
Weavile (Burning
Shadows, 86/147) to snipe lower stage Pokemon.
You could potentially use
N (Fates
Collide, 105/124) to snatch your opponent’s evolved
Pokemon out of their hand and put them back in their
deck. This
could cause a significant setback in your opponent’s
developmental strategy and give you a valuable advantage
in tempo.
You could use this to get around “wall” Pokemon such as
Machoke (Guardians
Rising, 64/145) or
Alolan Ninetales
(Burning Shadows, 28/147).
The downside is that it’s a Stage 2 Pokemon and you
can’t 100% control when you’re going to get this card.
Plus, you can’t use
Evosoda (Generations,
62/83) or Wally
(Generations, RC27) to access it either, so
you might not be able to get it when you need it.
And, of course, being an ability, it’s
susceptible to
Garbodor’s (Breakpoint, 57/122)
Garbotoxin as
well. I
would have to say, though, it’s still probably a better
play than Espeon
EX. In
my experience with various spread decks, I had included
Espeon EX as
a potential attacker, hoping that I could use it after
building up damage on various Pokemon.
In reality, I found I was never using it.
There are quite a few good big Basics still out
there (Tapu Bulu
GX (SM32), any of the Fire box Pokemon,
Drampa GX (Guardians
Rising, 115/145)), and I found that after a few
Flying Flips
from Tapu Koko
(SM31) to my opponent’s Pokemon, I wanted to
move those damage counters to key attacking Pokemon with
Meowstic (Generations,
RC15). I
simply wasn’t using
Espeon EX, so
I took it out.
Therefore, I decided to plug
Porygon Z
into a spread deck and give it a shot.
I went 8 W 4 L in twelve matches, but I actually
only used Porygon
Z once.
I did have it at Stage 1 in another match, and I think
that contributed to my opponent’s concession.
In the one match in which I did use it, I
probably would have won anyway, but it definitely
accelerated the win.
Here’s the decklist I used:
* 1 Porygon EVO 71
* 1 Porygon2 BUS 104
* 1 Porygon-Z BUS 105
* 2 Sneasel STS 60
* 2 Weavile BUS 86
* 2 Tapu Koko PR-SM SM31
* 2 Tapu Koko PR-SM SM30
* 2 Espurr BUS 59
* 2 Meowstic GEN 115
* 4 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130
* 4 Energy Loto GRI 122
* 4 Pokémon Catcher SUM 126
* 4 Po Town BUS 121
* 2 Guzma BUS 115
* 2 Special Charge STS 105
* 4 Evosoda GEN 62
* 3 Random Receiver FAC 109
* 4 N NVI 92
* 3 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 4 Double Colorless Energy EVO 90
* 6 Psychic Energy SUM 162
Standard: 2 out of 5
While Porygon Z
can help you win matches, I just don’t know if you’ll
use it enough to justify the three card slots it takes
up. I found
that I simply didn’t use it enough, and I don’t think
it’s really going to increase your win percentage as
much as other cards might.

Otaku |
Today, on Porygon-Z…
The joke requires you read that in the old Dragon
Ball Z narrator voice. So, we’re looking at
Porygon-Z (SM: Burning Shadows 105/147).
It is a Stage 2 Colorless-Type Pokémon with 130 HP,
Fighting Weakness, no Resistance, Retreat Cost [CC], the
Ability “Initialize” and the attack “Zap Cannon”.
Initialize triggers when you Evolve one of your in play
Pokémon into this card and bounces the highest Stage of
Evolution from your opponent’s Evolved Pokémon to hand.
Zap Cannon requires [CCC] and does 80 damage while
placing an effect on Porygon-Z that prevents it
from using the attack again on the next turn.
Being a Stage 2 is a drag, but it seems more plausible
in Standard now than in recent years. Being a
Colorless-Type means no worries about Weakness or
Resistance (at least on whatever Porygon-Z may
attack), and little to worry about the Type’s support or
counters, as the former sees very little competitive
play and the latter none (at least that I can recall).
130 HP should keep Porygon-Z safe from the
bottom half of attackers, but only against those, and
not even them if Weakness comes into play. Being
Fighting Weak isn’t happy; Marshadow-GX means
even when a Fighting-Type deck isn’t near the top, we’ve
got to mind it. No Resistance is typical, so we
won’t worry about it. The Retreat Cost of [CC] is
also typical, but worthy of a little consideration;
paying it once isn’t too bad, but more than that might
not even be an option. Initialize is a hindrance
on its own, but if combined with damage spread, hand
disruption, etc. could really frustrate Evolution
focused decks. Zap Cannon is subpar filler, but it
can do in a pinch.
Evolves from Porygon2, which in turn Evolves from
Porygon; I was going to recommend a Porygon,
but looking through our options, none really stand out.
I guess don’t use BW: Plasma Blast 72/101;
it has the same stats as all the others, but its attack
- which does 10 for [C] - is available under a different
name on SM: Burning Shadows 103/147, along with
another attack. Porygon2 (XY: Ancient Origins)
is another to avoid, but because it has a Retreat
Cost of [CC]. Let me stress that none of
these cards have been great attacks, and none have
useful Abilities. This is a surprise because
all the older Porygon2 have that era’s
equivalent of an Ability, and some are quite good, even
by today’s standards! There are a couple of
other Porygon-Z to consider, but I’m just going
to look at one because of a potential combo that sprung
to my mind. You see, mass Devolution begs for
damage spread so that the typically smaller lower Stages
of your opponent’s Pokémon might be KO’d when they are
Devolved. This made me think of combining
today’s Porygon-Z (SM: Burning Shadows
105/147) with Porygon-Z (XY: Ancient Origins
67/98); its “Digital Reboot” attack allows you to
Devolve as many of your Pokémon as many times as you
like. Besides resetting Initialize, it would allow
you to spam the Abilities on Alakazam-EX,
Crobat (XY: Phantom Forces 33/119), Golbat
(XY: Phantom Forces 32/119; Generations
31/83) and/or Forretress (XY: Flashfire
60/106). Po Town would be another option to
increase the damage counter placement.
While you’re forced to give up your attack for the turn
to mass Devolve your own stuff, you could be setting up
for Devolution KO’s on your opponent’s side of the
field. Of course, you could save the space of a
Stage 2 line and just run stuff like Acerola,
AZ, Devolution Spray, Super Scoop Up,
etc. In fact, you could skip today’s
Porygon-Z as well by attacking with Espeon-EX
to Devolve your opponent’s Pokémon in the same manner as
Initialize. You’re still giving up your attack, so
let me get to what might be a legitimate use of this
card. In the Expanded Format, Trevenant BREAK
decks spread a lot of damage while blocking the opposing
player from playing Item cards from hand via the
“Forest’s Curse” Ability it gains due to having Evolved
from Trevenant (XY 55/146). Forest’s
Curse only works while the Pokémon with it is Active, so
using Espeon-EX to Devolve would break the Item
lock. This could also help with some problematic
Abilities, but only some. I’m not sold on the
idea, but I like it. For Standard, I don’t really
have anything major. For Limited Format play, try
to slip even a 1-1-1 line into your deck unless
you’re rocking a +39 deck. Focusing on Evolved
Pokémon and retreating an injured attacker are both
common tactics here, and while Zap Cannon is still
mediocre here (though for being harder to shake its
effect instead of not doing enough damage), almost any
deck should be able to use at least one (and probably
both) of its effects.
Perhaps because I remember the days of Ancient
Technical Machine [Rock] and mass devolving decks
with multiple Evolutions mostly Evolved via Rare
Candy, I have a soft spot for this mechanic; I tried
to reign that in, at least a little. Most of the
time, Espeon-EX is going to be a better option,
even though you’ve got to attack to Devolve with it.
I would fancy trying this with Trevenant BREAK in
Expanded, except I’m still just a bit shy of having what
it takes to build that deck or to be willing to subject
my PTCGO opponent’s to it.
made both 21times’ Top 24 list and my Top 25, in 24th
and 15th place, respectively. I’m thinking he was
right about this one.

Vince |
Today’s we’re looking at Porygon-Z. Zap Cannon
is nothing home to write about, but it’s ability,
Initialize, is a coming into play ability which devolves
each Pokemon from the opponent. What makes it
better than Espeon-EX’s Miraculous Shine is that
Initialize can be used multiple times on one turn
depending on how many Porygon-Z you can bring into play.
If you happen to play at least three Porygon-Z, you just
effectively wiped their entire evolutionary line down to
their basic forms!
Porygon-Z is another good option to devolve Pokemon.
All you need is another Pokemon to finish off evolving
basics. I think Miltank from XY Flashfire is a
good choice because it’s Powerful Friends does 80 for
one energy if you have a Stage 2, which Porygon-Z is.
Throw in a few damage boosting items such as Muscle Band
or Giovanni’s Scheme/Professor Kukui, and Miltank would
be able to KO most evolving basics. The Pokemon
that isn’t fazed would be 130 HP basics like Xerneas and
Yveltal that can BREAK Evolve and Evolving Basic-EXs.
Here’s an example skeleton list of such an expanded deck
(haven’t tried yet):
Pokemon 17
4 Miltank (XY Flashfire)
4-2-4 Porygon-Z
3 Empoleon (XY Breakthrough)
Energy 10
10 Water Energy
Trainer 33
2 Archie’s Ace in the Hole
4 Ultra Ball
1 Battle Compressor
4 VS Seeker
3 Rare Candy
1 Dowsing Machine
4 N
4 Choice Band
10 other trainer cards because that’s as much I can
think of…
Standard: 2/5
Expanded: 3/5
Limited: 2/5

Retro |
Despite not as beloved as its younger, Kaspersky-protected
younger brothers, Porygon-Z remains as forgotten as its
siblings. As its youngest form, Porygon, is banned from
Pokémon anime spotlight ever since that Japan seizure
hysteria in ’95-’96, naturally its evolutions are also
unwilling victims of the incident. However, this doesn’t
stop the competitive scene from forgetting Porygon-Z;
the entire Porygon line are all amazing competitive
wise, thanks to a great mono-Normal typing, extremely
wide movepool and nice stats. Porygon itself is a nice
offensive wall in the Smogon Little Cup, Porygon2 has
achieved legendary fame in VGC17 as being that Pokémon
that can be inserted into every team regardless of
composition and Porygon-Z is that amazing sweeper that
can use the Z-Conversion setup to aid power
and sweeping.
And also we have rather decent Porygon-Z cards; with the
latest being the Ancient Origins variant which is a very
meme-ish card that has the Digital Reboot attack, which
is basically a mass Devolution Spray for all of your
Pokémon. And why I bring this old Porygon-Z card up?
It’s because this new one functions similarly to that
Porygon-Z’s Initialize ability allows you to
devolve all your opponent’s Evolved Pokémon from play
and put it back to their opponent’s hand. Sounds
familiar? Well, it’s because
is basically Espeon-EX’s (XY
BREAKpoint) Miraculous Shine attack, reprinted as an
ability! Have you remembered that Decidueye-GX
(SM Base Set)/Alolan
Ninetales-GX (SM
Guardians Rising) deck, that anti evolution
Pokemon-GX deck where you just essentially deal damage
counters slowly and carefully using Decidueye-GX’s
Feather Arrow ability, Alolan Ninetales-GX’s Ice Blade,
and Tapu Koko (SM30
Promo)’s Flying Flip, to then use Espeon-EX’s
Miraculous Shine to devolve them all to their non
Pokemon-GX form, which has significantly less HP and
clean the board afterwards? Although the rotation of the
Forest of Giant Plants (XY
Ancient Origins) signficantly reduce its potency, it
is still a nice concept, and one deck where Porygon-Z
might prove itself useful. When you are using the
Porygon-Z cleanup method, you can essentially clean up
decks while still using attacks that deal damage, which
is great. And remember the Porygon-Z from Ancient
Origins told earlier? This card can actually synergize
with the Digital Reboot attack it has, so you can reuse
Initialize again and again. Combine this with Po Town (SM
Burning Shadows) and you have yourself a very niche
denial deck there! You also has an attack in Zap Cannon
for 3 Colorless energies that can deal 80 damage;
personally with the power creep the meta now has, this
attack is a bit rubbish. Especially as you can’t use the
Zap Cannon again next turn.
However, this is where things started to go a bit
wrong. You see, as a evolution denial attacker, there is
one thing that makes Espeon-EX very good; its a one card
tech that can be placed in a deck with minimal
consequences that can actually benefit you in the late
game thanks to cards like Super Rod (XY
BREAKthrough) and Rescue Strecher (SM
Guardians Rising), making Espeon-EX discardable in
the early game and then you can just retrieve it later
and use it for a mass Miraculous Shine with just 1
Colorless energy. Whilas when you use the Porygon-Z
Pokemon cleanup method, you need to invest in it; i.e.
put some Porygon and Porygon2s in the deck, which can
take up deck space that can actually be used for other,
better cards, get and evolve them in the bench which can
be used for that second Decidueye-GX or Tapu Koko, and
also the fact that its devolution method is an Ability,
not an attack, which means cards like Garbodor (XY
BREAKpoint) can actually shut you down in this
regard. Although since you will play Field Blower anyway
(SM Guardians
Rising), this might not be the biggest issue. And
also a very simple fact still remains that big Basic
decks are still here to stay; decks such as Volcanion-EX
(XY Steam Siege)/Turtonator-GX
(SM Guardians
Rising)/Ho-Oh GX (SM
Burning Shadows) are still here to stay; and since
they consist of fully Basic Pokemon, devolution methods
aren’t going to work in those decks, and thus you need
to painfully build up the damage count to a high degree,
like 180/190 HP level, which is super high.
Personally, I do love the idea of Porygon-Z; its
a evolution denial method that can be used in the bench,
it doesn’t need to end your turn, it has very few
counters, and most importantly it will survive next
year’s rotation. But between the speed of the meta, the
possible popularity of full Basic decks, and the fact
that you need to invest in multiple cards for this to
work does let it down a bit.
Standard: 3/5
(nice inclusion as a evolution denial card, but too much
investment on an otherwise tech card lets it down)
Expanded: 2/5
(evolution decks aren’t that popular in Expanded, so
this will also impact the viability of Porygon-Z as
Limited: 4.5/5
(It’s easy to pull a full set Porygon-Z line; so you can
fully exploit the ability to its fullest extent)
Next on SM Burning Shadows:
Got tripped up?