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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS-149
Date Reviewed:
Sept. 20, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 1.76
Expanded: 1.83
Limited: 2.83
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Spoiler alert, Shadowy Knot won't
make Wobbuffet amazing.
We've seen these kinds of attacks
before, and the only reason it's probably getting any
notoriety is because it is coming in a time where
Evolution Pokemon - which are usually better known for
having high Retreat Costs in general - are becoming more
dominant. Shadowy Knot costs 3 Energy and does 50 damage
for each Energy noted in the Retreat Cost of a Pokemon,
but that doesn't make it good. For one, the attack is 3
PSYCHIC Energy, it's reliant on the Retreat Cost of your
opponent's Pokemon which will usually be geared towards
lower numbers in general (2 is the likely average,
meaning you're hitting for 100 damage), and Wobbuffet
himself, while bulkier than most Basic non-EX/GX
Pokemon, isn't going to be able to carry a deck to
victory on his own.
It's no Trashalanche, but it's not
worth overlooking either. Perhaps a fringe choice in
some Psychic decks, but acceleration for Psychic Energy
in particular would be a must.
Standard: 1.5/5 (otherwise it's
overcosted for what it can do)
Expanded: 1.5/5 (it targets well,
but won't always hit more than 100)
Limited: 2.5/5 (and that's being
Arora Notealus: Someday, Wobbuffet.
Someday you'll be amazing, right? Maybe not today, but
maybe when you get an Ability that works with
Next Time: A blast from the
past...it's paperwork.

21times |
(Burning Shadows, 49/147) pops back up again in
the Burning Shadows expansion set.
A 120 HP Basic Psychic Pokemon, this version has
just one attack,
Shadowy Knot, that (for three Psychic energy) does
fifty damage for each * in the active Pokemon’s retreat
It took me two matches to figure out that our friend
Wobbuffet has
a HUGE Achilles heel: if the Pokemon it is attacking has
a Float Stone
(Breakthrough, 137/162) attached to it,
Shadowy Knot does a grand total of ZERO damage to
the opponent’s active Pokemon.
The card text on
Float Stone
reads as such:
“The Pokémon this card is attached to has no Retreat
Whether you agree with it or not, whether it’s logical
or not, it is what it is.
If your opponent’s active has a
Float Stone
attached to it, you do no damage to that Pokemon.
I didn’t spend any additional time trying to see if
Alolan Dugtrio
(Sun & Moon, 87/149) would actually increase the
retreat cost by one even if
Float Stone
were attached, and I didn’t bother with trying to see if
I could get Field
Blowers (Guardians Rising, 125/145) in a
timely enough fashion to counter
Float Stones
attached to my opponent’s active.
The fact that simply attaching a
Float Stone
will completely shut down
just makes it unplayable.
Standard: 1.5 out of 5
If it weren’t for
Float Stone kryptoniting
this card would actually be pretty good.
I actually won a match against a
Zoroark (Breakthrough,
91/162) Drampa GX
(Guardians Rising, 115/145) deck.
If you can get a couple of
Dugtrios on
the bench, you’re going to hit most feature Pokemon for
200 or even 250 damage.
And if you run four
Field Blowers,
maybe Puzzle of
Time (Breakpoint, 109/122) and
Skyla (Breakpoint,
122/122), it might be possible to get your
Field Blowers
quickly enough to minimize the oppression of
Float Stone.
But to me, it’s just way too easy for your
opponent to render
completely powerless, and way too hard for you to
overcome that dominance.

Otaku |
Today we’ll check out the newest card for my second
favorite Pokémon, Wobbuffet. Wobbuffet (SM:
Burning Shadows 49/147) is a Psychic-Type Basic
Pokémon with 120 HP, Psychic Weakness, no Resistance,
Retreat Cost [CCC], and the attack “Shadowy Knot”.
For [PPP], Shadowy Knot does 50 damage per [C] in the
Retreat Cost of your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
Being a Basic is still the best Stage of Evolution, and
being a Psychic-Type is solid as is the 120 HP.
Psychic Weakness isn’t the worst but can still be
dangerous (especially in Expanded), while lack of any
Resistance is technically the worst Resistance but
it is largely inconsequential. The Retreat Cost of
[CCC] is painful to pay, but most decks should have at
least some means of bypassing, eliminating, or at least
reducing it; slight benefit in that it makes
Wobbuffet a legal Heavy Ball target, so in
the end it seems fairly average. Shadowy Knot has
big Energy cost; three of a specific Energy-Type
is generally only affordable with the appropriate Energy
acceleration. That exists, but only in certain
decks right now and only Metagross-GX strikes me
as contemporary, successful example. I suppose you
could really push your luck with Max Elixir, if
you wished. For this much Energy, I’d want a
vanilla attack to hit for 100-120 damage, so how does
this attack’s effect compare? I’d expect to swing
for less most of the time; besides Pokémon with
nice, low Retreat Costs naturally being popular,
Float Stone (or similar cards) are not uncommon in
decks where the Retreat Costs would fuel big hits.
It isn’t all doom and gloom for Wobbuffet,
though, as you can do a few things to help it out.
One can partner it up with something that can handle
opponent’s that just aren’t going to take enough damage
from Shadowy Knot, either directly (by being an
alternate attacker) or indirectly (by improving the odds
of the opponent’s Active having a high Retreat Cost).
With the former, it might work best to look for decks
that already exist and might want Wobbuffet
as an alternate attacker. The only thing I can
think of which might fit are Metagross-GX decks;
the [PPP] cost of Shadowy Knot isn’t so bad when you
have the “Geotech System” of Metagross-GX to
attach Psychic Energy from your discard pile, and
Wobbuffet can be used to pound on chunkier
Pokémon (in general) while giving up only one Prize and
Fire-Types in general, since they can really put the
hurt on your Fire Weak Metagross-GX. For
example, Volcanion-EX has 180 HP with a Retreat
Cost of [CCC], so with a Choice Band Shadowy Knot
will score a OHKO. This brings us to the second
big piece of support; Field Blower; it will allow
you to discard Stadium cards like Fairy Garden
and/or Tools like Float Stone, which zero out
Retreat Costs. Other possibilities are to see if
you can build a Garbodor (SM: Guardians Rising
51/145)/Garbodor (XY: BREAKpoint 57/122)
deck; you’ll still want multiple copies of Field
Blower in there as well. The newer Garbodor
serves as an alternate (possibly the main) attacker,
while the slightly older one denies another
reasonably common means your opponent has for reducing
Retreat Costs: Abilities.
The third and final approach I’ll touch upon is the
least impressive; use cards that can increase the
Retreat Cost of your opponent’s Pokémon. The
big issue is that you can only do so much with
Trainers (mostly just the odd Stadium); you’ll be
employing Abilities and so it requires too much space to
work with the Metagross-GX idea and clashes with
the double Garbodor approach as well. Still, you
can use Alolan Dugtrio (Expanded includes some
other options) to tack on an extra [C] per copy in play
to the Retreat Cost of your opponent’s Active.
Sounds slick, since that means Wobbuffet could
use Shadowy Knot to do 200 damage, even when something
has a natural free Retreat Cost, but that would require
a really excellent setup to accomplish in the first few
turns of the game. It would also be vulnerable to
Abilities being shut down or Float Stone
counters; at least for now, Field Blower is your
best counter to both. Getting out multiple Stage 1
Bench-sitters while also managing to get [PPP] on
Wobbuffet once seems daunting; the fact
that Wobbuffet will be doing well to survive one
attack from your opponent’s Pokémon makes me think this
is best served for a “fun” deck. Maybe enjoy
Wobbuffet in Limited Format play, assuming your deck
runs heavy on Psychic Energy.
is a very, very specialized Pokémon and I don’t think
its specialization is very effective. The
powers-that-be seem to like effects that zero out
Retreat Costs, and those overwrite effects that raise
them, leaving this Wobbuffet too likely to whiff.
A radical shift in the metagame could change
this, but it isn’t a chance I expect to see happen. Wobbuffet
was 21times’ 15th place pick, but didn’t make my own
list; unofficially, I guess it would be our 25th place

Vince |
There’s not much
to be said on today’s card, Wobbuffet. It has only
one attack called Shadowy Knot. It costs PPP and
does 50 damage times the number of retreat cost of the
defending Pokemon to the defending Pokemon. This
could range from terrible (zero damage) to great (200
damage). The attack cost is hard to meet without
some max elixirs and depending on the matchup, it won’t
do as much damage than you think. Greninja BREAK
laughs at Wobbuffet while Trevenant BREAK and Volcanion
EX takes heavy damage from Wobbuffet!
Standard: 1.25/5
Expanded: 1.25/5
Limited: 2/5

Retro |
Wobbuffet cards are normally disruption cards or
utility cards. And all Wobb cards are great at doing so.
But this time, we have a new Wobbuffet card that
essentially is an attacker. So how does it stack up as
This new Wobbuffet is a
Pokemon, so it does avoid the Wynaut phase, meaning that
Po Town (SM
Burning Shadows) isn’t going to lay a finger on it.
It has 120 HP, which is a bad HP count to have since
there are an awful lot of Pokemon that can hit for 120
damage, cleaning up Wobbuffet fairly easily. Being a
Basic Pokemon, you have the option of using Fighting
Fury Belt (XY BREAKpoint) to
boost Wobb’s HP to 160, which is nice and you also have
the extra 10 damage boost, which may come in handy. It
also has a retreat cost of 3, which is big, so the FFB
does compete for the Tool slot against Choice Band (SM Guardians Rising) for extra damage but it doesn’t boost the HP,
and also Float Stone (XY
BREAKpoint) to give Wobbuffet free Retreat. Which is
really confusing, because now you need to choose between
survivability or damage.
Speaking of damage, its only attack, Shadowy Knot
costs 3 Psychic energies. Being a basic Pokemon you can
use the item card Max Elixir (XY
BREAKpoint) to get energies quickly to Wobb, which
makes it able to attack in a single turn. And for those
3 Psychic energies, you get to deal 50x the number of
energies in your opponent’s Retreat cost. Let me tell
you, a 50x multipler is huge and can deal the damage
quickly. And luckily in this meta we do have ways to add
up the damage to be phenomenal. Although we do lose the
Stadium card Team Aqua’s Secret Base (XY
Double Crisis) which adds 2 more retreat cost to
each non-Team Aqua Pokémon in the Active slot, we do
have Alolan Dugtrio (SM Base Set) that has the Tangling Hair ability, increasing your
opponent’s Retreat Cost by 1 for each of these moles in
play. So if you can get at least 2 Alolan Dugtrio in
play, you add +100 damage to Shadowy Knot, meaning you
can hit for extremely big numbers. Against the 2 retreat
cost Pokémon, which are here in the format, you can hit
for 150 stock and 250 with the 2 Alolan Dugtrios in
play. This card is amazing, and it does have a bright
future ahead of it. But is it?
You see, this card is defeated by one card, and
one card only. Yep, it’s Float Stone (XY
BREAKpoint)! The same card that you might consider
putting in the Wobb deck. What Float Stone does, for
those new to TCG, is that it eliminates all the Retreat
Cost of a Pokémon the Float Stone is attached to. So no
matter how big you can make the Retreat cost of your
opponent’s Pokémon, when they have the Float Stone
there, your attack will deal zero damage. One might
argue that you can just use Field Blower (SM
Guardians Rising) to remove the Float Stone, there
are many instances where you just can’t find them by
drawing cards, and so there will be numerous
possibilities that the damage of Wobb will remain zero.
Of course you can use a Float Stone of yours to improve
your mirror match, but that will be weird. Another weak
point is the combination of Psychic weakness and low HP;
with such threats like Espeon-GX (SM
Base Set) and Garbodor (SM
Guardians Rising) running around, they are
practically able to kill you like slicing paper.
So at the end, Wobbuffet is a very cool
conceptual card with a unique attack that abuses a very
important fact in the TCG game, and that alone is cool.
But in practice it doesn’t turn out that way, which is a
Standard: 2.8/5
(A very cool deck concept, but it’s not that good in practice. Too slow
and seriously inconsistent.)
Expanded: 2.8/5
(The same reasons as in Standard)
Limited: 3.8/5
(A basic Pokémon that can abuse an important aspect of the game is very
good, and it can deal massive damage relatively quickly.
A must on Psychic decks.)