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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 147
Date Reviewed:
Sept 5, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.15
Expanded: 2.19
Limited: 4.32
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
I'd compare Wicke to N like I did
Sophocles to Sycamore, but that's really not fair. N's
wayyyyyyy better than this card and has nothing to do
with it.
See Wicke does cause both players
to put their hands back in their decks and draw a new
hand, but it counts the number of cards you had in your
hand to begin with prior to shuffling them into the
deck. In other words, you shuffle your hand into your
deck and then draw the same number of cards. The same
thing happens to your opponent.
While structurally it's essentially
a "redo" of sorts for you and otherwise doesn't change
the overall advantage, it can be disruptive against the
opponent if they've got something valuable in hand. I
don't imagine Wicke will see a lot of play to begin
with, but once N rotates out of the format, we will
likely see a very similar rise in usage the way we'll
see Sophocles rise up with Sycamore - maybe even more
so, given that she'll be used in a format more centered
around Evolution.
Wicke's usage for now is limited,
but once the "superior" card has been sifted out, she
may come out to be a potential dominator in the
format...either that or just end up on the side.
Standard: 2.5/5 (not too shabby in
terms of disruption, but mainly just a refresh)
Expanded: 2/5 (compared with N,
she's not as powerful a disruptor)
Limited: 4/5 (but without N, she
could be reasonably solid)
Arora Notealus: Wicke is one of the
scientists at the Aether Foundation and noteworthy as a
scientist with the most interesting fashion statement.
Seriously, among the scientists and workers around and
about, who else even has Wicke's fashion sense, putting
on display for the world to see her
huge......umm...tracts of land!
Next Time: The last of the Tapus

21times |
(Burning Shadows, 127/147), like
Sophocles (Burning
Shadows, 123/147) yesterday, is a brand new draw
Supporter card from the Burning Shadows expansion
Wicke has both
players shuffle their cards into their deck and then
draw the exact same number of cards they had prior to
In most of the pre-release
videos I watched, the reviewers quickly passed this card
by. Most
didn’t present any situation where it could add value.
I can see at least one situation: for example, if
your opponent only has a couple of cards in their hand,
it is very logical to use
Many times we play down our hand and maybe only
have a card or two left, but one of those cards is a
Professor Sycamore (Steam Siege, 114/114) or
N (Fates
Collide, 105/124).
If you play
Wicke at that point, your opponent probably won’t have a draw
supporter in their hand afterwards, and, in that
situation, it’s better than
N because you
aren’t giving your opponent three or four more cards
than they currently have.
But that’s about the only
scenario I can see where
Wicke might be
useful. I
would guess that at most she’s a one of, but, honestly,
I’m not putting her in any of my decks.
Standard: 1.5 out of 5
Many sets have Supporter cards
that don’t see play:
Ilima (Sun & Moon, 121/149),
Psychic’s Third Eye (Breakpoint, 108/122),
Lass’s Special
(Fates Collide, 103/124) just to name a few.
We’ve just been pretty spoiled since Sun &
Moon because all of the Supporters coming out of
these past couple of expansions have been so good.
They’ve all had at least a niche that allows them
to see at least some usage.
And Wicke
potentially has a place, I just think it’s scenario
for usefulness is so narrow that most players just can’t
afford to put it in their lists.

Otaku |
Today we look at
the new hard to pronounce card… Wicke (SM:
Burning Shadows 127/147, 147)! She’s a
Trainer-Supporter that causes each player to shuffle his
or her hand into his or her deck, then draw a new hand
of the same size (don’t forget to count before
shuffling!). I’m not sure if there are any pieces
of generic Trainer support or counters in Standard play;
in Expanded, there are some nice bits of Trainer support
but no worthwhile counters. When we narrow it down
to Supporters, however, we still have Tapu Lele-GX
in Standard to provide good Supporter search, while
Expanded has that and VS Seeker, to add in
easy Supporter recycling. There are even a few
cards, like Battle Compressor in the Expanded
Format, which provide indirect assistance for Supporters
(usually with VS Seeker); there are some
Supporter counters in Expanded, but again, no worthwhile
counters. Being a Supporter means Wicke
must compete with all other Supporters; you may only use
one during your turn, so all others in your deck are
dead-in-hand until the next turn, when you may once
again use only one. This might make you think
decks would run light on Supporters, and in some sense,
they do in Expanded play (thanks to Tapu Lele-GX
and VS Seeker), but the best of them have
amazingly potent effects so that each missed “Supporter
usage” is akin to a turn without attacking (a waste that
can cost you the game!). So, is Wicke among
those potent effects? Let us reduce her effect
into its components to see how they measure up.
Wicke forces each player to count his or her hand
size, but both players should be aware of their own and
each other’s hand sizes anyway; it is just something you
do if you wish to make informed decisions. Mostly,
the first part of the effect is just there to remind
players to do this before moving onto the next
step, as it can’t be “rewound”, a term that means both
players try to get their hands, field, etc. back to
where it was before a certain action (usually playing a
particular card or using an attack) occurred. Why
would the game need to rewind? How about when you
and your opponent cannot agree how many cards one or
each of you had in hand before shuffling them away?
This could be an easy way to blunder into a big penalty
in competitive play, and it is annoying even in a
friendly, casual matchup. The next step is each
player shuffling their hand into their deck, then
drawing that a new hand of the same size. As
you’ve just used Wicke, your hand is one card
smaller than when it began and you’re out your Supporter
for the turn. This can be a good deal if your hand
was already pretty large and/or there are other
extenuating circumstances, such as vital cards or a deck
too small to use Professor Sycamore, or if the
current Prize counts make N unfavorable. Of
course, there are other, simpler options for these
situations, like a search card (which may not even have
to be a Supporter) or smaller draw Supporter, like
Hau; especially when one’s hand is modest, that is
where this draw effect proves most inadequate.
So, what about
forcing your opponent to shuffle and draw?
Your opponent isn’t going to risk decking out, as he or
she has added as many cards to the deck as shall be
drawn. Unless we get some effects triggered by the
act of drawing, this is about disrupting an opponent’s
plans. Against a small hand, this can be deadly;
it is not uncommon for a player to intentionally
reduce his or her hand size because, at the start of his
or her next turn, the first play will be to use
Professor Sycamore (or VS Seeker for
Professor Sycamore). A large hand,
however, gives a decent chance of drawing back into key
cards - like Double Colorless Energy - and/or
another draw card. N (mid-to-late game) and
Red Card usually will do hand disruption better.
Now we need to put it all together; is the whole greater
than the sum of its parts? I think so but
not by much. Again, if Pokémon develops more
effects that would activate when a player draws cards,
that’d be something, but I don’t know if such a thing
exists at all in the Pokémon TCG. It might
help in a few control decks, but it seems too imprecise
for that. I could see a niche developing for Wicke,
but if there is one now then I’m not seeing it.
She’s yet another draw Supporter to revisit in about a
year when we’re stripped of most of our comfortable,
familiar, proven options. Something that
won’t apply for Expanded, as stuff like N and
Professor Juniper/Professor Sycamore aren’t
leaving there due to set rotation. At the same
time, the combo options make me think she is
ever-so-slightly better in Expanded than in
Standard, at present. Any draw Supporter is
usually welcome in the Limited Format, and Wicke
is no exception.
Conclusion & Top 10 Background
still has a chance of getting you the cards you need,
and without the pain of having to discard anything,
but unless you already have a flush hand, the odds
aren’t all that great you’ll end up better off after
she’s done her thing. Still, she is once again a
functional card in most decks; a poor choice that
is far from the best, but you’ll almost always be able
to use her. Possibly “always”; cards that have you
shuffle your hand away always shuffle your deck even if
that hand is “zero” cards but Wicke has
each player count first, so I’m not sure if that makes a
earned two voting points and only made one of the
personal Top 10 lists, so she’s effectively our 16th
place finisher from our countdown of the best of SM:
Burning Shadows. As stated yesterday, she
actually tied with Sophocles, but after failing
to break the tie by rolling dice (as each rolled a “7”
on 3d6), I remember Sophocles was my 25th place
pick for my top 25. If that sounds odd, I’d
restricted myself to a Top 24 to match the one other
“extended Top 10” list I’d received. Wicke did
not come close to making my own list, as you might be
able to tell by how I’ve score her card. In fact,
I went back to the review I’d already written for
Sophocles (before it was posted) and
bumped its scores up a bit; reaching for positives about
Wicke (can probably always be played) reminded me
of a similar positive to Sophocles (can always be
played if you’ve got two other cards in hand).

Vince |
Today we’re looking at Wicke, a Supporter that makes both players
count the number of cards they have in their hand,
shuffle them into their deck, and draw that many cards.
So, if you have, let’s say, five cards in your hand
(with Wicke) and your opponent has 2, then both players
shuffle; you draw 4 cards (because you played Wicke from
your hand, bringing the count down from 5 to 4) and your
opponent draws 2.
If you can’t make use of your current hand full of “dead cards” in
that particular turn, Wicke can help you out of a tight
spot, much like other shuffle-based draw cards.
However, you can’t further punish your opponent because
they already have such a small hand (overusing
resources). You might even help out your opponent
by drawing into cards that the opponent actually needs.
Wicke is a double-edged sword like N, either helping or hindering
you, your opponent, or even both. This is not a
card to worry about for the time being, but once
rotation happens and we lose both N and Sycamore, then I
can see her being heavily played.
Standard: 3/5
Expanded: 3/5
Limited: 5/5

Retro |
A new style of memes has arrived in the Pokemon
community. And it’s the thicc meme. Well, what do you
expect when Wicke was first introduced in the Sun and
Moon trailers? This meme started to appear left and
right. However, memes aside, Wicke is the only person in
the Aether Foundation that isn’t mad. In fact, she does
help you in your journey in catching the Ultra Beasts.
But we are in the TCG realm here, and such relationships
do not apply. What does apply though is that Wicke has
arrived to give you more draw support!
Wicke is a draw supporter that has an effect
similar that of Sabrina’s Gaze (Gym
Heroes 125). It forces each player to reshuffle
their hand to their deck and draw the same number of
cards according to their previous card count. So if you
have 8 cards before you play Wicke, you will get 7 new
cards, because 8 minus 1 = 7. So does your opponent; if
he has 6 cards in his hand, he will get 6 new cards. Now
we have seen this effect come into play in the
ever-popular Supporter; N (XY
Fates Collide) also forces a reshuffle of each
player’s hand and gives you a new hand based on each
player’s Prize Card count. Reshuffling is always good,
don’t get me wrong. It allows you to preserve resources,
denying easy victory and also slowing down your opponent
with just the fact that a reshuffle Supporter hasn’t
been seen anywhere and it might come back to get you.
And just like in the last XY meta block, where
everybody runs 4 Professor Sycamore and 3 N, in the
SM-on format everybody will run Wicke for that amazing
disrupt/resource preservation power it has, alongside
possibly 4 Sophocles we saw yesterday. This combination
is the one that I would foresee to be one of the most
popular combinations in tournaments when the meta has
However, as good as Wicke is, N will be a million
times better than Wicke because of one reason. You see,
the main usage of N, aside from resource preservation
and game slowdown, is because it is the perfect comeback
card. If you have 4 prizes in your hand and maybe only 2
cards in hand, and your has only 1 prize left and they
have say, 8 cards in hand, all you might need to win is
just a single N to give your opponent the dreaded
N-to-one possibility. And if their top deck isn’t
anything good, you essentially win! We have seen this
not long ago in the 2017 TCG Masters World Championship;
just as Naoto Suzuki was about to win the game, what
happened? Diego Cassiraga fired off the N-to-one
technique, giving him the victory. Wicke will not do
that in the slightest; if Naoto say had 3 cards, when
Diego used Wicke instead, Naoto might have gotten 3 new
cards, getting a higher possibility to get that last
Guzma and Float Stone to win the game.
That I think worries me most about playing Wicke;
as good as it might have been, it is not the perfect win
condition as N is now. And moving to the slower BKT-on
era, I think N will be a million times better. So, just
hope that a new card can help boost Wicke’s playability
to thicker heights.
Standard: 2.7/5
(N trashes it in terms
of usefulness and playability)
Expanded: 2/5
(N and Colress trashes
it in terms of usefulness and playability)
Limited: 4.5/5
(The only reshuffle card
in the format, can be useful for reasons explained
Next on SM Burning Shadows reviews:
The Worlds-winning Tapu shows up late.