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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
Escape Rope
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 163
Date Reviewed:
September 7, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 2.50
Expanded: 2.95
Limited: 3.33
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Wow, to think the last time we
reviewed this card was back in Plasma Storm. And yet I
STILL feel like we've reviewed it a lot!
...wait I haven't even reviewed it,
what the what?
Escape Rope has been around for
about 4 years now, debuting in the Plasma Storm
expansion and recently getting reprinted in...well, this
set. It did also show up in Primal Clash, which is
probably why I imagine it's something we've seen a lot
of even if we've hardly seen it that much at all.
Basically this is what you might call the Item version
of Guzma, where it switches around both players' Active
Pokemon, starting with your opponent's and then you with
The main differences to keep note
of are that, with Escape Rope, your opponent gets the
choice of what they put into the Active spot, instead of
you choosing like you would with Guzma. This gives your
opponent an opportunity to pick something that they'd
rather put out like, say, a back-up attacker or a big
beefy wall to soak the damage before swapping things
around again, instead of that extremely vulnerable
Bench-sitter or evolving Basic. The other important note
is that this is an Item card, which means that you risk
adding on more damage to Garbodor's Trashalanche attack
if you end up with that match-up.
That being said, this is probably a
great card to run a couple copies of in Golisopod-GX
decks, since freely switching Pokemon around to have the
ability to inflict MASSIVE DAMAGE is a core part of that
deck's strategy. I wouldn't overburden yourself by
maxing out at 4 copies though - you could end up giving
yourself a dead card to draw if it's not a good time for
switching, and you do fuel Trashalanche the more copies
you run, so 2 seems to be a pretty safe number to work
with. Besides, you'll be maxing out on Guzma anyway.
Outside of that deck, though, I
don't imagine most people will want to run Escape Rope.
Guzma does more with the rotation that players want, and
they don't want to push their Item count higher due to
Garbodor, so it makes sense not to run more than 1 copy
if that. So basically you run it if you'd like the extra
switch option on your side but otherwise keep it tucked
away in your backpack.
...not your actual backpack, that
was...that was a game reference...
Standard: 2.5/5 (all things
considered, it's a decent card in its own right)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (has a lot of uses
outside of fueling an attack)
Limited: 3/5 (but definitely not a
bad card, just not as good as some others)
Arora Notealus: It was actually
brought up that Escape Rope is pretty much identical to
Warp Point, a card that came out as early as Gym
Challenge. Warp Point let your opponent switch their
Active around and then you switch yours. It probably
just made more sense, since Warp Point was only a
Trainer card, that when it came time to update things to
Items and such that Escape Rope made more for an "Item"
than a Warp Point. Can you imagine carrying one of those
tiles from Silph Co.'s building around all the time?
Looks a little silly.
Next Time: Coming back to fiery hot

21times |
Escape Rope
(Burning Shadows, 163/147) got a really good
looking full art reprint in the Burning Shadows
expansion set.
Rope requires your opponent to switch his or her
active Pokemon with a benched one, and then you must do
the same.
Obviously, if either player does not have a benched
Pokemon, they can’t switch, but the card can still be
played so long as one player has a benched Pokemon.
This card saw a lot of play until
Garbodor (Guardians
Rising, 51/145) came along.
And then we got
Guzma (Burning
Shadows, 115/147) and it has all but dropped off the
face of the Earth.
This was definitely one of the cards that fell
prey to the power of
(Steam Siege, 25/114) decks especially that
used to run at least one if not two
Escape Ropes
took them out.
improves upon
Escape Rope because
you get to
decide what Pokemon comes into the active, not your
And since neither
Trashalanche nor
Guzma are
going anywhere any time soon (actually, all three cards
would rotate out at the same time, about a week less
than two years from today), I doubt
Escape Rope
will see any play over the term of its Standard legal
Standard: 1 out of 5
I wonder what the conditions might be that would bring
this card back into usefulness?
They would have to involve some way to minimize
or divert damage done by
some way to prevent Item usage from fueling
I know that there’s a “Lost Zone” that is in the
Legacy format.
Perhaps if the game designers bring that back or
something similar where we can either move Items to or
put them directly there after playing so they don’t add
fuel to the fire for
then we would certainly see a return to the liberal
usage of Item cards and we wouldn’t have to grit our
teeth when we put more than five items into our

Vince |
Today’s Throwback Thursdays is Escape Rope. It was printed
multiple times in BW Plasma Storm, XY Primal Clash, and
SM Burning Shadows. Escape Rope puts you out from
a dungeon by sending you back at the entrance (or
Pokemon Center on RBY). So, how does this
translate to the TCG?
Both players switch their active Pokemon with one of their benched
Pokemon. Your opponent makes the switch first.
This should clear confusion as to who switches first.
This is more of a disruption card, not a control card.
Since the opponent is making the switch, you have no
control as to which Pokemon you would target.
There was another card with the same effect (even though wording is
slightly different) called Warp Point. This card
has seen moderate play in the past. Warp Point and
Escape Rope could be interpreted as:
Switch + Pokemon Circulator (HS Unleashed)
Switch + Repel (Sun & Moon)
There are ways to mitigate the first effect, that is, the opponent
making the switch. There are Pokemon whose attack
deals spread and/or snipe damage regardless of which
Pokemon the opponent would bring. Blastoise (HS
Unleashed), Raikou-EX (BW Dark Explorers), and/or Tapu
Fini GX has some attack which deals some serious damage.
There’s also Greninja BREAK and Trevenant BREAK that can
place damage counters regardless whether or not your
opponent switches their Pokemon.
So, enjoy Escape Rope in Standard and Expanded. In Legacy,
Warp Point is still there, so you could even abuse this
effect up to eight times (four warp points and four
escape rope)! Using Junk Arms and Dowsing Machine
cranks it up to 13 times! Sableye’s Junk Hunt will
make items limitless.
Standard: 3.5/5
Expanded: 3.5/5
Limited: 4/5
Legacy: 4/5

Retro |
Escape Rope; always a staple in any deck. It’s
that type of card that does what it sets out to do well.
Originating from the BW Plasma Storm expansion, this
card has seen 2 reprints, making it legal in 3 meta
blocks. XY Primal Clash reprints this card, making it
legal in the entirety of the XY season, and now SM
Burning Shadows also reprinted this card along an
amazing Secret Rare print, which makes this very
underrated card look sleek.
What Escape Rope does is that it is a predecessor
of Guzma (SM
Burning Shadows) before it ever comes to light. It
is an Item card that allows you and your opponent to
switch Pokemon, although your opponent switches first.
This is a godsend card for decks that have multiple
Pokemon that have high retreat cost like Volcanion-EX (XY
Steam Siege) which had a huge 3 energy retreat cost
or Pokemon that don’t want to discard energy liberally
because they only had limited resources of said energies
like Night March (XY
Phantom Forces). Back then, there are no such things
as double switch; to get the Pokemon you want to remove
from play, you also need a Lysandre (XY
Flashfire, XY Ancient Origins) to really hunt the
Pokemon you want. Although when you use Escape Rope, you
might probably have predicted what Pokemon your opponent
will promote otherwise.
I can’t tell you how much have Escape Rope have
saved my games many times, especially with Night March
decks. Since Joltik has so much HP and Pumpkaboo had a
massive 3 energy retreat cost, using Escape Rope is a
must to help me pivot around to get the Pokemon I want
to attack with easily. In other decks such as Primal
Groudon-EX (XY
Primal Clash)/Wobbuffet (XY
Phantom Forces, XY Generations), since it has 2
Pokemon who don’t want to burn energy to retreat, using
an Escape Rope is always a great idea when you don’t
have a Scramble Switch to help retreat in hand yet, so
you essentially have up to 5 ways to switch Pokemon
around (9 now with Guzma around). I can’t see why people
elected not to put Guzma in Primal Groudon decks. I
think it is an amazing card that can help you stall
opponents with putting Wobbuffet in the Active slot or
start attacking with Primal Groudon.
But also, you can see why Escape Rope has fallen
out of favor nowadays. You see, using Escape Rope allows
your opponent to switch their Pokemon around as well,
potentially benefiting them more than you do. But ever
since Guzma is printed out, and that card can give you
100% control over all Pokemon in play, Escape Rope has
now fallen out of viability thanks to Guzma.
Overall though, Escape Rope is always a very
handy card that allows you, in emergency situations, to
get your Pokemon out in a pinch, just like the in-game
item that inspired it.
Standard: 3/5
(A bit lower thanks to
Expanded: 2.8/5
(Faces more competition
from the diverse ways to get Pokemon out of the Active
slot, either by scooping them up or by Guzma)
Limited: 3/5
(Also thanks to Guzma)
Next time on SM Burning Shadows:
Burn out to your queen.

Otaku |
Coming Soon. |