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Pojo's Pokémon Card of the Day
- S&M: Burning Shadows
- #BUS 25
Date Reviewed:
Sept 8, 2017
& Reviews Summary
Standard: 3.14
Expanded: 3.42
Limited: 3.75
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale.
1 being horrible.
3 ... average. 5 is awesome.
Back to the main COTD

aroramage |
Ahhhh the spicy lizard from the
volcanoes of Alola. She sure is...very much a lizard
Actually Salazzle-GX has a lot
going for her right off the bat, seeing as all her
attacks cost the exact same 2 Fire Energy! But does that
make Salazzle-GX a major threat or just really mediocre?
Well a 2-for-110 vanilla move like Heat Blast isn't
really what you think when you're looking at selling a
That's where Diabolical Claws would
come in. This move really takes a new title to
"overkill", dealing out 50 damage to the opponent for
every Prize card you've taken. This is basically a "win
more" kind of attack, in which ideally you're already
winning by a fair clip, and this attack is just meant to
keep the momentum in your favor. After all, it doesn't
actually do anything until you've taken Prizes, and
realistically you need to have taken at least 2 Prizes
to be dealing out significant damage. At least Heat
Blast is consistent!
But if you're worried about your
opponent getting the edge over you, there's always
Queen's Haze GX, which allows you to discard all the
Energy attached to the opponent's Active Pokemon. That
can get rid of some Special Energy pretty easily, which
might be key to your opponent's strategy if it forces
their set-up back a turn or two. But all things
considered? I'm not really a fan of using your "once per
game" move on something you could accomplish with
Plumeria - and even at the same cost.
...and let's face it, no one
running Plumeria right at the moment.
Salazzle-GX really has her
strongest suit in dishing out potential 2HKOs with Heat
Blast until your Diabolical Claws are strong enough to
smash through at OHKO range. It's not exactly efficient
on its own, but with some other Fire-types around, I'm
sure it's at least capable of competition. If anything,
Salazzle-GX probably won't even be needed in most Fire
decks...at least for now.
Standard: 2.5/5 (the potential
damage output of Diabolical Claws is pretty tempting)
Expanded: 2.5/5 (but don't let the
high numbers fool you)
Limited: 3.5/5 (you've gotta
already be in some good position before you can make due
with it)
Arora Notealus: I wonder why only
the female Salandits can become Salazzle anyway? Is it
because of the portmanteau with "Salamander" and
"Dazzle" only works if it's female? Or maybe the
plethora of male Salandits makes a female having the
capability to evolve that much more appealing? Or maybe
it's a shout-out to lizards in tropical areas that work
the same way Combee and Vespiquen work around each
other? Perhaps, perhaps...
Weekend Thought: Think there's a
potential for some of these cards? Think they'll be
better when a few other cards rotate out, or have they
reached their fullest potential already? Are some cards
good enough to play despite the current meta, or will
the meta affect what you stick in your deck?

21times |
Salazzle GX
(Burning Shadows, 25/147) burns its way into the
meta from the Burning Shadows expansion set
released about a month ago.
A Stage 1 Fire Pokemon, it has three attacks, all
of which cost two Fire energy.
Its first attack,
Diabolical Claws,
does fifty damage for each prize card taken.
The attack you will probably use the most,
Heat Blast, does 110 damage.
GX attack, Queen’s
Haze, does no damage but discards all of the energy
off your opponent’s active Pokemon.
Queen’s Haze
surprised me – I used it a number of times, most notably
against Gardevoir
GX (Burning Shadows, 93/147),
Darkrai GX (Burning
Shadows, 88/147), and
Volcanion EX (Steam
Siege, 26/114).
Haze has the dual effect of one, obviously,
rendering your opponent completely powerless and unable
to attack you (unless they have a single energy attack)
but also it functions to strand them as an Incapacitated
Active Pokemon, stuck in the active.
After playing
Queen’s Haze, not only can your opponent not attack you with that
active Pokemon, they have to either power it back up or
find a way to get it out of the active position and get
another powered up Pokemon into the active.
Queen’s Haze can significantly disrupt your opponent, and I would
not discount it as an option.
I used it more than I used
Diabolical Claws.
Claws can do a ton of damage – especially in a seven
prize card match in which
Diabolical Claws
will one shot anything if you only have a single prize
card left – however, if you have only one or two prize
cards left and a powered up
Salazzle GX in the active, chances are you’ll never get to actually
use Diabolical
Claws as your opponent will probably just concede.
Heat Blast
is the attack you’ll use the most, and it’s not bad.
It can put some pressure on opponents.
With a
Choice Band (Guardians Rising, 121/145), it
two shots everything in the game.
The problem is, it two shots everything in the
game, and with a two attachment attack, you can
potentially fall behind the many single energy attackers
out in the meta today.
Another problem is that it’s Fire, which means
weakness to Water, and Water Pokemon are the big winners
with the banning / rotating of
Forest of Giant
Plants (Ancient Origins, 74/98).
Although Metal decks are still weak to
Salazzle GX, I haven’t
seen anybody playing Grass with the exception of a few
Golisopod GX (Burning Shadows, 17/147) and
Tapu Bulu GX
(SM Promo 32) decks, and
Bulu isn’t
weak to you anyways.
Last week Fire was a great play… this week, not
so much.
I will definitely say that I
Salazzle GX is a good card, but I had very little success with it as
a feature Pokemon.
I went 3 W 9 L in twelve matches in a deck with
both Garbodors
(Breakpoint, 57/122, Guardians Rising,
51/145). My
strategy was start with
Salazzle GX to
put some pressure on the opponent and force them to use
their items to develop, then use
Garbodor GRI
to take some prizes in the middle, and finally close the
game out again with
Salazzle GX and Diabolical
It did work well in one match – I beat a
Gardevoir GX
deck – but overall I just couldn’t quite figure out how
to win with this deck.
I then tried the Fire toolbox deck (I’d call it
my Red Box deck but that name is copyrighted), and that
was definitely the better way to go with 5 W and 1 L in
six matches.
Salazzle GX
was only a role player in that deck, however.
I would compare it to soccer where you have your
best PK scorer go last, that’s
Salazzle GX’s
role in the Fire tool box deck.
Standard: 3 out of 5
I don’t think you can just play
four Salazzle GX
and expect to win many matches – I don’t think it is a
feature four of Pokemon that you can completely build a
deck and a strategy around, but I definitely think it
has a place in Fire tool box decks as a late game
attacker and a potential disrupting Pokemon as well with
the GX attack
Queen’s Haze.

Vince |
Today’s card before you enjoy your weekends is Salazzle-GX!
We’ve got the non-GX Salazzle from Guardians Rising that
had a nifty status inducing ability. So how does
the GX version in Burning Shadows fare?
Well, each of her attacks costs two fire energy.
Diabolical Claws acts like a finisher, doing 50 damage times the
number of prizes that you have taken. This could
range from 0 to 250 damage (zero to five prizes taken).
If you find yourself doing less damage than you hope
for, then her second attack does 110 damage, a good
amount to 2HKO Pokemon with a little bit of help such as
Choice Band. But by the time you take your third
prize, you should no longer need to use Heat Blast and
instead keep using Diabolical Claws. Queen’s Haze
does no damage, but it discards all energy attached to
your opponent’s Active Pokemon. Against low energy
attackers, this move is bad and not worth the GX slot;
But against Pokemon loaded with energy such as Gardevoir-GX,
this could set back a few turns for the opponent.
Overall, Salazzle is a good all-around attacker that could see some
play. She’s all about putting pressure, and if you
can’t react fast enough, you could lose very soon.
Standard: 3.25/5
Expanded: 3.25/5
Limited: 4/5

Retro |
Possibly one of the most unique Pokemon that is
viable in what it does, Salazzle-GX has finally arrived
in the SM Burning Shadows expansion. And it being an
evolution Fire Pokemon, this finally means that The
Pokemon Company finally released a Fire Pokemon that
not’s a Volcanion variant! Sometimes when I play PTCGO,
I got bored when facing a Fire deck because I know it’s
going to be another Volcanion variant deck. Except they
have Grass and Dark alongside the Fire logo, you know
you’re facing a Vespiquen or Lurantis/Zoroark with a
Flareon tech, so it’s okay. So what do you have in
store, you speedy corrosive blaster?
Unlike its rather fragile video game counterpart,
Salazzle-GX has a solid 200 HP. For a Stage 1
Pokemon-GX, having that HP level, which the same as the
Eeveelution-GXs, is very good and it means that it will
tank hits well. But if it has exactly or less than 190
HP, which is the highest amount that Basic Pokemon-GXs,
it’s quite embarrassing for an Evolution Pokemon-GX.
Weakness to Water is rather unfortunate, but at least
Salazzle-GX, since it’s a low maintenance attacker with
just 2 Fire energies to use all of its attacks, can be a
solid snowballer in the meta. Retreat Cost of 2 is also
unfortunate, since you have to discard all of its
energies to retreat. But are its attacks worth its 2
Fire energy investments?
The first attack,
Delirious Claws, deals 50x the number of Prize Cards you
have took. This is surely a great late game attack. If
you have took 2 prizes, you deal 100 damage. You take 4,
you deal 200, and if you take 5 you essentially will win
the game by dragging anything to be brutalled by a 250
damage attack. But it is amazingly rubbish early game,
and thank God it comes with a vanilla attack with Heat
Blast that deals 110 damage. Well, with a Choice Band it
can deal 140 and a Kukui will boost it to 160 (just 10
shy of the lowest HP GXs, the 3 Tapus) against EXs and
GXs, which maybe enough to destroy Marshadows. But
realistically it will be used to defeat the 1 prize
Pokémon by firing 2 or 3 Heat Blasts to then divert to
use Delirious Claws. This may be good with something
like Turtonator-GX for the early game nuke or Lurantis
(SM25 promo) to boost its damage further. Not really
Its GX attack might just
be the thing to rot off the opposing board of energies.
Queen's Haze GX discards all energies from the opposing
Active Pokémon. Since most of the Pokémon that are meta
at the moment needs lots of energies, discarding them
all off without needing the hammers might just be a good
hail mary attack if they can't recover them.
Being an
Volcanion-independent Fire deck, Salazzle might have
just been a meta deck with all the checklists for a meta
Pokémon ticked. But it has one weakness; and it concerns
bench space. You see, Volcanion decks rely on sheer
brute force to punch through Pokémon and then use
Volcanion's Steam Up to help punch more. They are rather
supporter independent and thus can conserve bench space.
Salazzle-GX, unless they use Lurantis, didn't have the
option to boost damage, and using Lurantis means that
you need bench space to play them. You also need to
clear space for another Salazzle, a Tapu Lele, and also
several other techs. Some might say that Super Scoop Up
or Acerola can help, but it still take more digging to
get them. Waterbox decks are also still big and they
destroy Salazzle. Nevertheless, Salazzle-GX is an
amazing Pokémon-GX that is the best out of the
underrated GXs and will surely see play.
Standard: 3.8/5
amazing anti meta Fire-type attacker which can
realistically blow up games before it even started.)
Expanded: 4.5/5
massive amount of Fire support this format has makes
Salazzle-GX extremely strong and it outcreeps the power
level here with Diabolical Claws to one shot every
Pokemon in the format.)
Limited: 0/5
Stage 1 with no pre-evolutions? Da hell no)