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Card of the Day
I know you don't like tailsfails cards, no one
really does, but if you can get a couple heads a game you can use
Recycle to do some pretty cool stuff.
The Common Sense
you Oaked, and you think you might have to again- you have an Energy
Removal you might want to save until your opponent plays the colorless
on the Wigglytuff, which you expect soon. You Recycle Oak, it's on the
top of your deck, you attach energy, he attaches the colorless, next
turn removal, Oak. That's a nice example of Recycle doing it's job.
You might think Item Finder is better, I am not disagreeing, but in
certain situations Recycle can be better, and I think it comes down to
the coin flip.
The Bill Combo
you need the card at the moment, such as the Double Colorless, Recycle
it. Then Bill. You get your colorless back from the discard, without
using up another in your deck. How nice.
It Does Add One
one card to your deck does slow decking, but not much. A 50% of adding
one card to your deck is not what makes Recycle a useable card, it's
the ability to re-use anything.
Overlooked Strategy
overlook a lot of things with Recycle, things they can do, and things
their opponent can do. If you Recycle successfully, then get Snuck
Attack, you lose a trainer, but, you also lose your top card as your
deck is shuffled. Imposter Oak's Revenge and Trap can also lose the
top card.
if you are out of anything you need, have the Recycle, but not the
Bill, and need it this turn, try to look at the fact that Recycle not
only adds to top of deck, but just plain puts it back in there. You
can Recycle and Comp Search for it.
It Will Be Good at the
don't think this is going to be a very useful card at the STS. With a
maximum of 15 trainers, you don't want to waste space on something
that has a 50% chance of doing absoloutley nothing.
My Rating (1- Almost completely useless, 5- Average,
10-Totally broken)
This is an overlooked card that can be useful in Trappers(since they
need to re-use cards constantly, and double colorless energy in Wiggly
trappers), Stall Decks also re-use cards, especially the Tickling
Machine/Imposter Professor Oak combo, and it also adds a card to the
deck, which is decent in both decks. In Hay variants it's not the
best, but you can try one, it can be useful, but then again- all this
strategy is a coin flip away from happening, so I'd give it a 6.0.
away the coin flip, we have a 10.0 card, but that's not gonna happen.
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