Card of the Day
"I know there's combos
with it... why can't I think of them?"
I looked at this card the
day Gym came out and told thought to myself the quote above. It's a
card that allows you to cheat a rule, and I knew it'd have good uses.
Finally, I got some ideas of how to make it useful.
Gyarados' Deadly Flail ?
a Gyarados out. With 100 HP, it's a decent staller. You start building
up other Pok�mon while Gyarados takes damage. I think Magmar/Gyarados/Erika's
Dratini/No Removal Gym is an okay deck, since's Gyarados needs to be
stopped with Energy Removals, and your opponent will have to mess up
their hand to stop it, but that's not important.
let's say you start building a couple Magmars. Your Gyarados has 80 on
it now from two Thunderpunches from a Buzz. They think they've got you
good. It can't retreat, incase of Switch they'll gust it and knock it
out, incase of Scoop Up you lose Gyarados(although that's no biggie),
then suddenly, you play Recall. When you do this for the first time
against someone you can watch your opponent's face. You'll see him
look at the card and think, it should normally take around 3.5 seconds
and then you'll hear some sound of amazement, most
players completely overlook the idea of a damaged Gyarados Recalling a
Magikarp's Flail the
first time. For one water energy you just did 80. Wow.
So What Else Works?
honestly, I think Gyarados, Base Magikarp and Recall are the best
Recall combo, but there are other decent things to try out. Blaine's
Arcanine cal recall Growlithe's Stoke, to help get the large amount of
energy it needs for it's ridiculously overdamaging attack.
Dodrio can recall Retaliation when it's damaged, although that doesn't
really seem like an unstoppable combo. It does K.O. the Buzz that got
tails with Thunderpunch though. (10 to itself then 60 with
You'll Wish You Had it
sure sometime in your Pok�mon playing you'll be in an awkward
situation where Recall can be useful. I ended up winning one of my
first games I played with a Devolution Spray I put in my deck as a
joke. (Venusaur VS Mr. Mime with 20.) Devolution to Bulbasaur, Leech
example is against the Mime, like mentioned above, when you want to do
20. Or you might have your Dark Primeape out, and your opponent has
used Recycle to put the Full Heal on top of his deck. You have one
prize left, but he does too. If he can full heal he can get rid of
poison and Shell Attack with Squirtle to win the game. You only have
one energy on your Dark Primeape, so you recall Mischief and shuffle
his deck to reduce the chance of him drawing the Full Heal. What a
game, heh.
don't think that ANY parts of a game played by good players would ever
use Dark Primeape, Rocket's Squirtle(unless it's a RainDance or weird
potpourri), and most importantly- FULL HEAL! Why not just Switch?
Switch ends all status effects, also. Switch is almost always better,
but awkward situations can arise, don't make me create another weird
situation that won't ever happen!
Will it be Good at the
Trainer spots are limited for important cards and the Gyarados deck
won't do much. Getting the Recall and Gyarados can be difficult when
searching is limited, too.
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
This card seems to have only one good use, and that's Recalling Flail.
Otherwise, it's almost useless. It gets a below average rating of 3.0.
Players learn how to avoid the combo after the first time you do it,
unless they're stupid.
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