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Card of the Day
"Weird." -Me
"Really good.. or
really bad."-Alex Brosseau, #14
"Effective in the
right situation."-Chad Mills(Jedi), #33
It's appearing in some stall decks as a combo ,
but it has other uses that aren't seen.
The Stall Combo
Professor Oak is brought back into stall decks. It's been less popular
in stalls because it's hard to get your opponent's hand below 7 when
playing a stall, or slower deck, but now Tickling Machine is there to
help. With heads, your opponent's hand goes aside. The, you Imposter.
They draw 7. You can try the combo again, but when you get tails, it
ends your turn.
The Painful Tails
can tails hurt with this card. Not only does it then do
nothing for you, it ends your turn. Before playing Tickling Machine,
it is always
necessary to make sure you are ready to end your turn.
(not leaving out a weak basic, don't have something important to do
this turn etc.) Repeated tails really hurt, and make it difficult to
keep your deck significantly above your opponent's! (This is where
Gambler and their card drawing should help you.)
The One-Card Trapper
overlooked, but risky idea, is to play a Tickling Machine on your
opponent when he has one basic out that you are confident you can
knock out next turn. For example, you have a Jigglypuff. He has a
Magmar. You put an energy on Jigglypuff and Tickling Machine his 9
card hand. He might have had a nice plan, but next turn, if he can't
draw another basic, or an Oak
would really hurt since your opponent wouldn't have to discard
anything), you can then leave them with no options, knowing what's
coming. (Next turn Wiggly, colorless, full bench, PlusPower, boom).
This is normally something that can be done first turn. Very risky,
I'd say if you have the cards you need to take out the basic next turn
you'll have about a 30% of winning the game because of that. They can
stop you with another basic Pok�mon, although, if they do get another
basic, it's not like you can't recover. An Oak can be hard to recover
from though as they have a large hand after they end their turn.
Hold Your Opponent a Turn
an example of "holding your opponent a turn." He has one
card in his deck, and you know he has a few Nightly Garbage Runs in
his hand to save himself. Tickling puts them away. He CANNOT get those
cards during his turn no matter what. He would have been better off
Nighltying earlier. You just outsmarted your opponent.
another example, with one card in his deck and your Pok�mon being
full of damage you know your opponent can win the game with a Gust of
Wind and Energy. He has a one card hand, and a one card deck. You
Tickling Machine to get rid of either one of those, since he needed
both, you end up winning.
not really that good to do in this case of a situation, since it won't
end up doing much, but if you're scared of the Wiggly next turn with
the Oak and don't have much defense, go for it. it can buy a turn with
heads, but that's assuming they don't draw an Oak. (It's normally safe
to assume they won't, though.)
Risky Defense Removal
get a Blastoise out, powered up. A huge risk, but with heads your
opponent pretty much loses a turn to fight against Blastoise,
especially if he has little energy attached to Pok�mon. It pretty
much would just slow him down. I don't think this would really ever be
a good idea to do, though, but as Chad said, it could be effective in
the right situation.
Will it be Good at the
would be in definite favor of no. Stalls don't work well in time
limits, which is actually the number one reason not to play it. Sad
that time limit makes you not want to play a stall, but oh well. But
then again, it isn't always for stalls, you can get a first turn win
with it, right? I doubt it, people will seldomly leave one basic out
since most decks will have 15+ basic.
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
The Imposter Professor Oak combo isn't bad, and the
"trapper" quality idea is something that won't happen often,
but can once in a while. It's still a coin flip though, and a very
risky one. It gets an average rating of 5.0.
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