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Card of the Day
Rocket's Sneak
It's been used since it was out, now
less decks are using it, but it's still in many of the Hay variants
and almost all Wigglys.
But before I talk
Rocket's Sneak Attack, I'd thought I'd talk about the tournament I was
at yesterday! I lost 3 games, drew once, won 4. Not very good for me.
It will really hurt my rating. I could have won the draw with a flip,
and I would have won another game if Magmar's Smokescreen would have
stopped a Chan from Jabbing out my single basic, it didn't stop him,
twice in a row I was jabbed with a PP and then jabbed again. I lost
another one of those because of those lovely opening hands of 3 Item
Finders and an Nightly Garbage Run. Boy did that suck.. it'll hurt my
rating, a lot, but I'm going to try to get it back.
The Bad Start it Gives
card when played first turn can really give you ad advantage. Say you
put the Jiggly down and attach an energy. You wanna go for the Wiggly
turn 2 with a full bench. Energy Removal could slow you down. Sneak
Attack it away. Play up to 4 if you need to get rid of the Oak, Comp
Search, and everything, leaving them crippled. It will normally leave
your opponent with no good trainer options for a few turns while
Wiggly is doing the wave with PlusPowers for one hit knock outs. I
think an important part about a Wiggly/RSA deck is to have a good
enough advantage on them so when they do get the Oak or Comp Search
for it you can still win, not allowing them to recover. In other
words- don't build up just one Wigglytuff, and attach extra energy if
you have to to stop those ERs or force them to play a lot.
Hay variants using it you just have to stay fast and use Gusts and
more importantly PlusPowers, to just beat on your opponent fast and
hard before they can recover. If they do get the Oak soon, you'll be
in trouble, since they are Oaking from a deck that has had things
added back to it, depending on how many times you RSA'd. I believe
that if you Oak and your opponent can keep up with you without doing
it, you'll lose, because you two will come close to being even, then
his Oak will hurt you.
The Very Bad Start it
your opponent has benched no basic, RSA them, get rid of their card
drawing and searchign, preventing them from getting another basic
easy. You can use your PlusPowers to quickly knock it out for a fast
The Seldom Middle-Game RSA
not always useful in the middlegame since hands are normally large
enough that taking the Oak won't hurt, and anything you want to get
rid of can be easily recovered by a Comp Search or something, but it
can be, and you may have to play two, but it's best at getting rid of
someone's Scoop Up. Most good players can tell when their opponent is
intending on playing a Scoop Up on their Pok�mon. They send out a
Lickitung, before you Thunderpunch it or Smog it to 70HP, RSA them.
Take their Scoop Up. If they have two Scoop Ups and a Computer Search,
or just many ways to get the Scoop Up(more ways then you have RSA's to
get rid of), don't take the Scoop Up! Get something else. It's
normally not very good in the middle game though and especially not
well toward the end game when decks are low and hands have a lot of
things to work with.
The Trapper Combo
Trapper decks, RSA is great to get your opponent down to 3 cards, then
Trap. You don't need the Imposter Oak's Revenge, always. You can RSA a
5 card twice, since you should probably be able to spot two trainers,
then Trap. After they get two cards in their hand it's a good
idea to Trap or RSA since Comp Search and Item Finder can be played
with the third draw.
The Viewing Benefit
forget- RSA lets you know your opponents entire hand. If it's a lot of
trainers, after you have a nice Pok�mon advantage and enough energy,
play Lass. That's always good. You can RSA them to see if they're
worth Lassing, (if they have a huge hand of card drawing, removal
Will it be Good at the
people believe it will be worse at the STS because with only 15
trainers, there isn't much to take. Others believe 15 Trainers makes
it easy to take the single Oak. It will be good at the STS. That's the
truth. All decks still need their card drawing, and if you can stay
fast and if you can have an advantage and leave them with few options,
it will be even harder for your opponent to recover, especially since
most recoveries need Removals to stop what you have built. Most people
won't waste space on normal removals, but watch out for Supers.
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
This card has really changed the Pok�mon environment, making going
first very important. It makes games "come down to the
draw," which is something I really don't like about Pok�mon(it's
so much luck). It can really win a lot of games, fast though, and with
the damage it's doing in Hays, Wiggly, and Trapper, I think it
deserves the very high rating 9.5.
Remember, it's not a coin flip, like everything else in Pok�mon...
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