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Card of the Day
Narrow Gym
Simple Gym Killer with hidden strategy."
Alright, there are a lot of cards peop le
want me to do, I'll let you guys decide tomorrow's card by voting on
the bottom of the page. Anyway, Narrow Gym is probably, the simplest
Gym, but it has some cool stuff you can do with it.
Just Take Out Their Gym!
best reason to play one or two Narrow Gym in your deck is to take out
other Gyms, and at the right time. For example, someone's got a No
Removal Gym in play, and is building their Gyarados. Play Narrow, then
Super away, you don't have to discard 2 cards. Gyms discard other
Hurts Wiggly
order for Wigglytuff to take out the strong basics, it needs a
PlusPower and a full bench. Narrow Gym makes it harder for Wigglytuff
to get one hit knockouts. Wigglytuff decks can do it, though, but
that's why you should be able to Item Finder it, or have another one
to play. Narrow Gym is a good choice in your dedk if you play against
a lot of Wigglytuff decks.
Super Scoop Up
Gym definitely has an overlooked ability. If you have a damaged Pok�mon
on your bench, let's say you have a Magmar with 50 damage and one fire
energy. You could Super something with energy if you don't really need
the energy, or you could decide to keep it. Add more basics to
your bench, ones that you will have use for, of course, don't just max
out on Magikarp or something, and fill your bench. Then play Narrow
Gym. Since your bench is full you get to bring a Pok�mon back, and
this does include evolution and energy.
Cards Back to the Hand
is not something about Narrow Gym that makes it especially useful, but
I'm sure it could be sometime.
example, you have a base Charmander against a Scyther. The Charmander
has two energy on it, and you have one card left in your deck, a
PlusPower. Your Hand is Narrow Gym and Computer Search. You play
Narrow Gym and bring back any Pok�mon with energy attached to it, so
you get at least two cards from it, allowing you to Comp Search for
the PlusPower and Ember to win the game.
Will it be Good at the STS?
say it's useable, it can slightly hurt the still popular Wiggly decks,
and can take out Chaos Gym, which is a threat there, but not a big
one, as trainers aren't the source of everything like they are in
standard games.
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
It's a simple card, best for taking out other gyms, but it has other
useful abilities. It's definitely worth playing as it really doesn't
hurt you, but it doesn't really hurt your opponent either, unless
they're playing Wiggly, it makes a small difference. Narrow Gym is
useable in Hays. I'd give it a 6.5.
Remember, any gym can take out other gyms. This is pretty much
if your deck doesn't have a theme. You would probably think
then, then what's the difference if I play Celadon City Gym in a deck
with No Erika's Pok�mon? Well, Narrow Gym can slow Wiggly a little
remember, and it has the Pok�mon returning ability.
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