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Card of the Day
Rocket's Mewtwo
P, former #4 Pojo Ladder
Okay, first of all, sorry I couldn't get a card
done in the last few days, I have been very busy. Also, in the last
card of the day, there was no poll. There was supposed to be. There
will be a poll at the bottom of this site to decide tomorrow's card of
the day. I got a lot of E-mails from people who wanted Rocket's Mewtwo
evaluated, a lot more than any other card, so I decided to evaluate
it. I have looked at a lot of the Rocket cards! By the way everyone, a
lot of people think I'm a different person, someone that played in the
ladder league. Nope, I'm a different Ness.
3 Attacks!
Rocket's Mewtwo is the only Pok�mon to have three attacks. We
immediately can think of Sabrina's Alakazam having some fun copying
all three attacks.
this is one of the most risky
attacks in
Pok�mon. When done with perfect timing, this attack can be good. Or,
it can really let you down. Remember, it's a flip. For example,
your Rocket's Mewtwo has been Thunderpunched by an Electabuzz with 3
PlusPowers, flipping tails. (Ouch). You have 60, Buzz has 10.
You could put the Buzz near K.O, but there are better things.
Try to get Mewtwo free completely of damage, try to go for a K.O, Gust
something! Go for anything with 60HP or less that you could knock out,
if there is anything. Otherwise, go with something with a high retreat
and no energy. A different Buzz is perfect, but don't fall into Scoop
Up Bait, maybe RSA or Lass after you Gust to make sure. When you Gust
the weakling, you can go for a very risky attack. If the Mewtwo has
10, and Juxtapose fails, it can get knocked out easily, and will quite
often, as Mewtwo will use this attack when it is damaged heavily. It
may be better to try to do it with 50 on you, if you were Gusting a
damageless and energyless Buzz. That way, Shock couldn't K.O you, and
Lass or RSA can take the PlusPower(s) and Scoop Up(s). Juxtapose
is very risky, but works good with Alakazam. Moving damage to it, and
then Juxtaposing something with no damage works well, but when you
move damage to Mewtwo, if Juxtapose fails, you're in trouble. You
can't just Juxtapose 2 damage counters with one. It won't do anything,
even if it works. Even moving 60 with 0 on something won't be
unstoppable, as you can still get hit next turn and near even out the
damage, making Juxtapose useless with the Pok�mon, and probably
forcing the Hypnoblast for the knockout. Juxtapose, overall, is just
very risky, and needs perfect timing and a coin flip to be VERY good.
If it doesn't work, then that was very bad.
it shows it's more riskyness. Two psychic for 20 is kind of expensive,
considering I thought flipping
for sleep went out with base set!
Flipping for sleep gives you a 50% chance of putting them to sleep in
the first place, and if you do, they have a 50% chance of waking up.
If you're desperately trying to stall I guess you could try for it,
but that would be pretty desperate. If you just need to do 20 I guess
a 25%
chance they stay asleep
is better than nothing. When you don't Juxtapose, you'll probably be
using this.
they sure gave this thing an expensive attack. 60 is nice as it is a
PlusPower away from giving a one hit K.O to take out the cards popular
in tournament environments today, but it is expensive. It's hard to
get something built like that, but if they don't play Removal, go for
Psy Resistance
Resistance, or basically Wigglytuff, is just too powerful. It makes
Hypnoblast useless pretty much, Psyburn is too hard to build up
against a fast Wiggly deck, and the only hope of stopping Wigglytuff
is Juxtapose, as it's not a weakness/resistance attack, it just moves
damage counters. Rememebr though, Juxtapose
can never move more than 60 damage,
so it's impossible to knock out the Magmar, Buzz, Chan, Scyther,
Mewtwo with it. That hurts! Juxtapose is just too situational, it's
not going to stop Wigglytuff.
Ditto Hurts Too!
has the ability to Hypnoblast first turn for 40 with a colorless,
which immediately leaves it with a threat of being knocked out. Two
colorless can Psyburn it for 120. Ditto just makes the card faster,
and the weakness to themselves are an advantage for Ditto because it
can build faster, just like Ditto has an advantage over Rocket's
Zapdos because two colorless can do 70 to Rocket's Zapdos, knocking it
Will it be Good at the STS?
could be, but resistance hurts even more in Prop15/3, and there will
be a lot of Wiggly and Clefable. Still, you could try to Juxtapose
around it, but it's not gonna happen.
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
It's such a risky card, Juxtapose has been overrated by a lot of
people. It's not as great as it seems. It's a flip, it can't knock out
any 70HP basics, and it has to be done at the right time against the
right Pok�mon. It's Hypnoblast's sleep chance aren't good, and
Psyburn's hard to build. It's been overrated by people, and I think it
really deserves an 8.0.
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