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Card of the Day
Lt. Surge's
Electabuzz (LV. 28)
not worth
also asked some other people what they thought of it.
okay, but no card named Electabuzz can be just okay and used in
on the phone. Be back in a bit."-Doll
Happy Halloween! You guys decided that we should do Lt. Surge's
Electabuzz on the poll yesterday, so I'm going to evaluate it for you.
You can vote again for the next card of the day by using the poll on
the bottom of the page. Whatever has the most votes will be looked at
Early Game Blunders
card needs to get it's lightning from. In the early game, it's harder
to get energy in the discard, but now you are probably thinking well
isn't it just like Mewtwo? Can't you Comp Search or Oak away a couple
energy first turn? Wrong. It's not worth it. The reason Mewtwo can
do that, and it's not a bad openign, is because it's stable. It has
the ability to keep energy and do damage. Look at Discharge! Discard
ALL energy. ALL ENERGY! You are left with zero. You could try this if
you're going for a quick win with discharge, but that's pretty much
one of the only times it's worth going for 0-90, probably either 30 or
not bad late game. If someone's trying to stall out on you, and you
need a single knockout, you can Charge this thing up until it's built
with 8+ lightning, giving it an opportunity to do an average of 120
with Discharge. (Then watch that darn Erika's Dratini come out!)
This is a useful strategy against fullout stall decks. Also, lategame,
it's easier to get energy back, as it's probably been discarded by
knockouts, removal, retreating etc. instead of just your trainers. You
don't have to get it in the discard, it's there already.
energy from
Charge, Super
Energy Removal and
Super Potion can
be nice. If someone isn't doing much damage, and you have an
opportunity, Charge more than once. It's hard to get two turns without
doing damage against most decks, but if you can, turn the energy of
one Charge into a Super Potion and Super Energy Removal, or a double
Super Energy Removal. The excessive energy makes it okay to discard
it, and it can be recovered back with Charge! Rocket's Zapdos is
useable with this card because Zapdos can be use the high amount of
energy dsicarded by Buzz for Plasma, another Super combo.
to fighting doesn't hurt as much as it used to. Chan is stopped with
other Pok�mon you'd play with this card, like Rocket's Zapdos.
retreat of 2 is like most good 70 HP Pok�mon, and after a Charge you
might want to Scoop it Up, to get around the cost, and let something
else go to work, or send it out healthy for another charge!
A 3 Energy Discharge
3 Energy Discharge with a PlusPower has a 37.5% chance of knocking out
the 70HP basics! Not good enough! It's not a risk players would
normally like to take, and it's too much to get more energy on it, and
not worth it, since it's just discarded. At least it can fight removal
though with Charge, although if they attack after removaling,
threatening knockout, you can't charge, as it's useless, since Buzz
will just be knocked out after you do. That seems to be the reason it
isn't something I'd consider in a Hay variant. It's
attacked, and doesn't even have time to Charge!
Will it be Good at the STS?
I guess it could
Charge can be a decent attack to get energy at the right time, but
just like normal format, it's hard to do, and discharge burns all it's
energy and 3 energy beign discarded, even with a PlusPower, doesn't
have a chance to knockout the good stuff!
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
It leaves itself energyless, and needs to Charge first! Early game it
runs into big trouble, too. It's hard in Pok�mon to power up an
attack like that, watsing a turn without damage, then relying on a
flip like that that won't get a K.O. against anything normally,
without good luck, and despite it's Super combos, it's not that great.
I'd give it a 6.5.
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