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Card of the Day
quicker Scyther wiper-outer."
Hi everyone. I'm staying home from school today, I feel
terrible, I've been feeling worse and worse everyday for the past 2
weeks. As usual, I will let whatever gets the most votes for the next
card of the day be the next card of the day. That means you choose
what card I do tomorrow! Vote at the bottom of the page.
an attck! Turn 2 take out the Scyther and to 10 to the whole bench!
With tails, it does 30, which isn't bad. This is like an improved
Thunderpunch. It costs one more colorless(which is okay because of
double colorless), and with tails, it doesn't do 10 to itself, with
heads, it does 10 to all their bench. That is nice! It can be a sneaky
attack when evolved to Rapidash and done turn 2. With PlusPower
Scyther doesn't need a coin flip to be knocked out. Let me just say
this again to get my point across- 40
and 10 to bench for a fire and two colorless is GOOD!!
Another reason that Stamp is like an improved Thunderpunch is because
there is more
weakness to fire
lightning in tournament environment.
Fire Mane
has the ability to attack immediately after being Supered. This one
fire will do 40 to the Scyther and Rocket's Scyther, that's nice,
considering how popular they are, especially Scyther!
No Retreat!
it's one of those things you send out after a Pok�mon gets knocked
out, then you draw, then you can decide what you want to put out.
Don't you love that free retreat?
Weakness? Psh!
offense to Blastoise or anything, but, weakness to water? WHO CARES?
No one plays water besides those Rain Dances which if dared to be
played get wiped out by Lass and Electabuzz. Rapidash decks should
still be able to beat Rain Dance despite the weakness.
Ponyta isn't bad either. First turn, Hind Kick, maybe get it out of
there, put a Scyther out to take a hit, then turn two is the Rapidash
if you don't get the colorless removed. (Putting a colorless on turn
one is very risky, though.)
Will it be Good at the STS?
would say it's useable, there will be a lot of weakness to fire at the
STS. It's nice to play some evolution, so it is something to consider.
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
I like this card, it's just like an improved Electabuzz, looking at
Stamp VS Thunderpunch. The fire type is useful, the first attack is
useful, it has the no retreat, an although it's a Stage 1, the Ponyta
is useable too. I'd give it a 7.5.
It's something to consider using in
decks, I don't think a Rapidash deck is going to replace Sponge, Hays,
or any popular archetype, but it sure is close.
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