Card of the Day
"I hear it's a lethal combo
with Pok�mon Trader- you can put it in your deck
and get any Pok�mon you want!" - Jedi
Well, Jedi, the deck mech anic
here that won the Prop15/3 Stall contest got to pick this card. If you
want to vote for the next card of the day please go to the other card
of the day I did today(Sabrina's Venomoth) and vote at the bottom of
that page.
Vine Whip- 10?
pathetic. Many cards can do 20 for any energy. This isn't going to get
you anywhere.
Call for Family
you really need another, go for it. It really won't do much, either, I
guess if you're
to fill your bench for Wigglytuff you can do it, or if you need
another Bellsprout to evolve, and load with energy, or if you're going
to lose because you have no bench, even though you'll most likely end
up losing anyway.
40 HP
is pathetic. This card can be knocked out so easily, it's never safe
on the bench.
And it has a Retreat!? And a Weakness to
can't even send it out before you draw. Ouch. The fire weakness makes
it vulnerable even more to Magmar.
Will it be Good at the
To make it simple, it pretty much will never be good in any format!
My Rating (1- Almost
completely useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
It's attacks are terrible, it has low HP
and a retreat. This is truly one of the worst cards in the Pok�mon
TCG. This card just passes the lowest possible rating, by getting 1.5.
The only thing that stops it from
1.0 is it's one energy ability to get more Bellsprout, which is
semi-useful in rare situations, since it pretty much can get knocked
out so easily after it attacks, by almost anything.
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