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Card of the Day
Mewtwo (movie
card that defined Pokemon for 6 months."-Scott
hate that card."-Doll (Dark
Muk lover)
(former DM)
Rocket's Zapdos now out, we see this almost as a weaker version."
Before referring to the quotes, first things first. About
Blaine's Charizard, the last card of the day. It needs one fire, now two,
to take out Scyther and Rocket's Scyther. Not two. I have no idea how two
got in there, but I think you all know it only needs one, as one fire will
do the 80, KO'ing all those weak-to-fire grass.
Anyway, one of the msot
popular decks that is starting to die is Sponge. This is a deck where
Mewtwo is one of the main Pokemon, combined with Electabuzz, maybe a
couple Ditto, for those of you who don't know. Well, personally, I believe
Mewtwo has lost a lot of power in the last few months, especially with the
release of Gym: Challenge, we see that Rocket's Zapdos can do what Mewtwo
does best better. I'll explain below.
Once again, you will pick
the next card of the day, then I'm heading to New Jersey over the weekend
for the Super Trainer Showdown! I'll have details on how I do when I get
back. I'll try to have a card of the day on the weekend for you guys, too.
Energy Absorption, and it's Many Uses
like you play first. You're against a Chan with your Mewtwo. Let's see
Energy Absorption go to work.
1) Your
hand- Computer Search, 2 Psychic Energy, One Double Colorless Energy, 2
Gust of Wind, Scyther
you need to get the Oak? Nah. You can presume they have no other basic or
few basic in their hand, since it would be unlikely for someone to open
with Chan anyway, unless forced to, (unless you're playing a weaker play).
what do you do? You Comp Search discarding a colorless and a psychic, you
get a Lass, and play it to remove their drawing (and chances at getting
another basic).
you Lass, attach psychic, absorb, you're threatening to win. The speed of
Mewtwo is great. 3 energy at the end of turn one is amazing.
2) Your
opponent is low on energy, you've got a couple Super Energy Removals in
your hand, but not much too spare. You're against a Wigglytuff, which is
fully powered, and threatening K.O to your Mewtwo. Psyburn for 10 won't do
much, since this Wiggly has no damage. They are also building a Ditto, and
you each have one prize left, and one card left after your opponent draws.
Your last turn will be your last. Your last card is a Gust of Wind. You
can double super with your Mewtwo's energy to hold back the Wiggly and
Ditto, then next turn, with the energy from absorption, gust that Ditto
out. Of course, things like Gust of Wind, Lullaby, Scoop Up, or surprising
attacks from your opponent could happen, but I'm trying to give simple
are two good examples of the usefulness and speed of Energy Absorption.
Absorption is what makes Mewtwo good, but the Super Energy Removal and
getting the energy right back with absorb seems to work better with
Rocket's Zapdos. Although Rocket's Zapdos only gets one energy, Plasma
does 20 damage, which will be better in so many more situations. Mewtwo
uses Energy Absorption simply too, just when it needs energy to attack, it
gets it!
attack is a decent amount, it does 40. It can K.O. the Hitmonchan and
Ditto with one shot, but watch out for Ditto, as it has the ability to use
colorless, and build faster than Mewtwo, also taking out Mewtwo in one hit
with a Psyburn, as Mewtwo is weak to itself. Be careful!
Weakness / Retreat
weakness to it's own type is bad in risking to attack with confusion, as
tails does 40 to itself. But hey, that's what Scoop Up is for. The 2
retreat cost is easier to pay because of Absorption's ability to get
Double Colorless Energy from the discard. (it allows you to get all
energy, not just basic energy)
Psychic Resistance
all know the popularity of Wigglytuff, which has psychic resistance. This
hurts Mewtwo. Mewtwo's best chance against Wiggly? Super Energy Removal!
Will it be Good at the STS?
is even harder to get around in this format, and Wigglytuff will be there,
as well as our new friend, Clefable. I don't think it would be the best
choice other than a deck that is more than 2 colorles, so it has more
options to get around resistance.
My Rating (1- Almost completely
useless, 5- Useable, 10-Totally broken)
About 6 months ago, you could expect
me to give this card a better rating. Magmar is too popular now and
Smokescreen is a nice weapon against Mewtwo, as it needs two attacks
normally to get it damage-doing. Mewtwo promo #3, and #14, remember, are
the same exact card, just with different artwork. (personally, I believe
#3 looks cooler, what about you guys?)
So I'd
give it a 8.0.
That Energy Absorption attack is really something, and Hitmonchan isn't
completely dead yet, and Ditto sure isn't, but will be less popular with
the release of Neo.
(#14. Same card, different picture)
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