Wigglytuff ex / Muk
Unlimited Deck
December 15, 2004
For those of you that played Pokémon back in the days of
jungle, in 1998, you'll remember how powerful Wigglytuff
was. However, the new Wigglytuff ex is even more
powerful, dealing 20 more damage with Do the Wave for
the same amount of energy as the old Jungle Wigglytuff.
But, Wigglytuff ex is so much stronger now than the
original Wigglytuff was at it's time because:
1) Aquapolis's Boost Energy allows a Wigglytuff with no
energy to deal 80 damage out of no matter.
2) Wigglytuff ex has a two colorless attack that KOs
baby Pokémon, and 20 more HP than the original Jungle
3) A stronger Jigglypuff.
And, it's Stage 1 buddy, Muk, all the way back
from the Fossil set, shuts off all Pokémon Powers (this
includes Poké-Bodys and Poké-Powers). Fossil Muk simply
becomes stronger and stronger in unlimited everytime a
new set is released, simply because more and more
Pokémon Powers are released.
Here's the current decklist I'm working on. I'll show
you it, and then tell you how the deck works, and a few
of it's flaws.
In unlimited, since it's debut, I can't stress
enough the need for 4 Cleffa in your deck. It lets you
set up and gives you a chance to come back if your
trainers are taken away by Lass, Rocket's Sneak Attack,
The Rocket's Trap, or god-knows-what - there's so many
cards in this format now I could go on forever.
The 3/3 line of Wigglytuff ex is good, in most
games you're probably going to end up using two, it's
possible you could use 3, and of course, it's very
likely that you'll just use one and that's more than
enough to knock out all of the six-year-old's 40 HP
basics at the Pokémon league (and, thanks to the
PlusPowers, probably make him cry, too).
A 2/2 Muk line is fine because more than one Muk
is unnecessary, it's only useful if your first one is
knocked out and your opponent's deck is reliant on
powers. However, let me remind you, almost every
unlimited deck you will play against will have some kind
of Pokémon Powers in it by now. Muk shuts off all of
Now, with the other supporting basics, it's very
difficult to decide what to play. You do want to have
back-up attackers that can utilize the colorless
energies, but at the same time, you do not want to give
yourself more weak basics with a retreat cost that you
can get stuck with opening on the first turn of the
game, leaving yourself vulnerable to some form of hand
denial, like I just mentioned (Lass, etc.) and a quick
loss. So, I am reluctant to play cards like Erika's
Jigglypuff, Scyther (Jungle), or Erika's Dratini (Gym:
Heroes), but they are extremely useful - as long as you
are not forced to open with them. I ended up picking
Erika's Jigglypuff because it can win games on the first
turn when your opponent opens with a single basic.
Energy (13)
4x Boost Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
(Base, Base 2)
2x Cyclone Energy
2x Warp Energy
1x Recycle Energy
(Neo: Genesis, promo)
Alright, here's where the problems start. Boost
can't be attached to Cleffa, so, many games that I have
been playing, I have a Cleffa (or a way to get it), but
not the energy. Mathematically, it seems like enough
energy for Cleffa, but with only 9 you have about a 70%
chance of having a non-boost energy in your opening
hand. (if you're interested in how I calculate that, IM
But, anyway,
for Boost, it's amazing with Wigglytuff ex. It doesn't get Energy Removaled because
it ends up in the discard pile anyway, after you attack,
and it allows for turn 2 Do the Wave, even after you
Eeeeeeek first turn.
Double Colorless is an obvious choice. You can
Eeeeeeek with it, you can retreat any of your Pokémon
(nothing has more than a 2 retreat cost), and you can
use Wigglytuff's Sleepy Song, which is especially useful
after you use a Boost Energy on Wigglytuff to KO
something, because often times your opponent, if he or
she knows what they're doing, will send up a Cleffa and
Warp Energy is great for Wigglytuff ex, and even
better for Muk, which is a Gust of Wind + Lass target.
Without Warp Energy, you could lose turns retreating.
What makes the Warp even more amazing is that after it
sends your Pokémon to the bench, the energy is still
Cyclone Energy was chosen to replace Recycle
Energy because it's useful, especially in the opening
turns (you can use it to send their baby to the bench,
so you do not have to flip for Eeeeeeek). Because the
deck does not play heavy Super Energy Removal, is not
vulnerable to Energy Removal itself, and can one-hit KO
most threats, [rather than remove their energies]
Recycle Energy is not necessary.
Trainers (31)
4x Lass
(Base, Base 2)
4x PlusPower
(Base, Base 2)
3x Computer Search
(Base, Base 2)
3x Gust of Wind
(Base, Base 2)
3x Copycat
(Expedition, Team Rocket Returns)
2x Pokémon Fan Club
(Aquapolis) supporter
2x Item Finder
(Base, Base 2)
2x Professor Oak
(Base, Base 2)
2x Focus Band
(Neo: Genesis) tool
2x Pokémon Center
(Base, Base 2, Promo)
2x Energy Charge
(Neo: Genesis)
1x Super Energy Removal
(Base, Base 2)
1x Lucky Stadium
(Neo: Destiny, Promo) stadium
Trainers are so difficult in unlimited. There's
simply so many choices. I think this list is solid. 3
Computer Search, 3 Copycat (great when your opponent
uses Eeeeeeek), and 2 Pokémon Fan Club help give you the
best chance at the ideal opening (which is almost always
Lass, which removes your opponent's options, then
Eeeeeeek). Do not make the mistake thinking that your
job, turn 1, is to Oak as many times as possible and
fill your bench. Those were the old days. Don't waste
all your trainers that early in the game.
4 PlusPower allows Wigglytuff ex to one-hit KO
100 HP threats like Suicune ex, Blastoise, Wigglytuff
ex, and the hundreds of 100-120 HP Pokémon now available
in unlimited. Gust of Wind, of course, allows you to
remove these kind of threats to your Wigglytuff ex.
Pokémon Center and Focus Band are not only great
on a 100 HP ex Pokémon, but they work together as well,
which is pretty cool considering you can always do 80
the turn after you play Pokémon Center. Unfortunately,
it's the one-hit KOs that will end up being a threat to
the Wigglytuff ex, but with 4 PlusPowers and 4 Boost
Energy, your job is to knock out potential threats
before they can even do significant damage.
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