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Rocket Attack
yo yo yo yo nessy sup boy ya u gunna fix my deck i have
been wining turnaments since uve mentoned how good
slowking/sneazel is but just incase please make it beter
adjusts the spelling and organization of the decklist
Pokimon (17)
4x Slowpoke (Neo: Revelations) Note:
What is wrong with all of you? Are you all nuts?
Slowking (2 Neo: Genesis, 1 Southern Islands)
4x Pichu (TECH- anti Igglybuff)
3x Sneasel (2 Neo Genesis, 1 Promo)
3x Murkrow (TECH- anti Cleffa)
Energy (20)
11x Darkness Energy (I use Japanese darks too)
9x Psychic Energy
Trainers (28)
4x Professor Oak
4x Professor Elm
4x Energy Removal
4x Super Energy Removal
4x Gust of Wind
3x Pokimon Trainer
2x Gold Berry
3x Berry
Oh my god. You people are sick. I don't even
know where to begin insulting this deck. Seriously,
what is your problem? I really hope this was a joke.
Any 5 cards of your deck are over 60. Eight of them
are illegal. Half of it's unnecessary. And
seven of them don't exist.
I think I am going to start blocking all of my E-mail soon
because of things like this. Do you even know how to
play the game? Southern Islands Slowking!?
What the hell were you thinking? I swear to god you
better be a blind 5 year-old or something. And even
if you are, I guarantee Helen Keller could top this deck.
4 Pichu? Oh my god. You didn't even say which
Pichu and what's say is I could really see you playing the
promo one because that ugly reverse holo tickles your
fancy. And how is Murkrow tech? Do you have ANY idea
what that word means? Do you even know your name?
Do you even know where you live, or what sound a cow
makes? I think you need to learn these things first.
As for your energy, why do you think darkness energy reads
"Not a basic energy card." Do you know how
to read? Or did your semi-illiterate mother send me
this deck? And the psychic energy- don't even get me
started on that.
And the trainers? Pokimon Trainer? That
doesn't even exist! I don't even think there's a
japanese card like that! At least you had drawing
and a removal line. You're still a sick human being.
I get E-mails like
this everyday. I really, really hope this was a sick
joke. Hopefully in the next week or two, I will
receive a deck that is actually fixable. And where
did you get the name "Turbo Rocket Attack" from?
I really hope I don't ever have to meet you in person.
Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon
trainers out there. Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game,
PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking
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