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Card of the Day
understand Neo: Genesis Pichu isn't the newest of the
cards, but it's proving itself more and more useful..
especially in modified.
First, let's look at Pichu in standard.. we see some
common things:
Muk VS Pichu
you're not going to play Pichu and Muk in the same deck.
Muk seems to get the job done. It's probably more
effective versus Slowking than Pichu is. However,
Pichu is a baby. It can slow your opponent down
first turn. It has no retreat cost, and unlike Muk,
isn't always a target for Gust of Wind. And not only
will it shut down your opponents powers in the long run if
played right, but it will use the powers against them to
get you prizes.
Main Targets
goes after a lot of things. Igglybuff is the most
common, being common in many decks and going down in 2
zaps, or 1 if it's taken any damage. Ditto is seen
everywhere, and Slowking is probably the most popular deck
around right now. Unown N, too. Typhlosion.
There are so many other powers that show up occasionally
too.. but the problem is being able to get enough Zzzaps
off. Well, you can, by playing multiple Pichus
is my favorite card to play Focus Band. With Focus Band,
your Pichu has a lower chance of being knocked out, and
therefore, a higher chance of being able to attack more,
and therefore a higher chance of being able to get enough
Zzzaps off to KO your opponent's high HP Pokémon with
powers. Versus Slowking it is important to get the
Focus Bands on 1 or 2 Pichu early before the Kings can
stop the Focus Band from being played.
Overall, Pichu is an
effective card and definitely has many advantages over
Muk..... in standard, I'd rate it a 7.5/10.
As for modified............
It's true, it's so true, and it's even more true in
modified. Pokémon Powers are in almost every
popular modified deck... look at it:
Slowking - There's numerous versions of Slowking
decks in modified, but they all can go down if a Pichu is
able to take down multiple Slowkings in the flipping war
of trying to KO the Pichu versus Zzzap. The best you
can do is give yourself flipless Zzzaps with Double Gust
and Zzzap when Pichu has the best chance of not being
knocked out.
Typhlosion - Typhlosions can go down to this thing,
too. That one Pichu that fits in Gatr isn't just for
Slowking, it can butcher this deck even more with back-up.
Feraligatr - Yeah, it's difficult to get siz Zzzaps
off, and hardly worth it considering you only occasionally
see multiple Gatrs out.
Entei/Magcargo - Oh good god! =/
Erika's Victreebel - It's still out there.. Pichu
does 20 to it.
Giovanni's Machamp - Takes 20.. but then it just
simply isn't knocked out.. and the Pichu versus Machamp
becomes war of coin flips.
However, there are powerless decks.. these are the decks
Pichu works best in.
Crobat! - Crobat is an amazing deck and I guarantee
you will see it in Top 8 at the STS. It is a
reliable consistent deck that is able to beat Feraligatr,
and use both Murkrow and Pichu, with their favorite
respective back-up trainers, Chaos Gym and Focus Band.
This deck is deadly.
Donphan! - Okay, hopefully with more Crobat around
I don't have to keep mentioning this obese rock elephant.
basically all there is to say for modified.. where I'd say
Pichu is probably around an 8/10..
there's just so many powers.
Seeya at the STS.
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