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5 Modified Decks
deck listed here should play at least 3 Cleffa, Focus
Band, Double Gust.. if it's not listed in the title,
it's common sense to just play it.
gets to a point in games where it's unstoppable. Whatever
you have, your opponent just will use Rapid Spin, and send
out a baby with a Focus Band. You don't even want to
take the 25% because it will probably fail and your Pokémon
will take 50', and repeat. Pichu can start damaging
your bench (since almost every deck plays Pokémon
Powers), forcing you to try to attack. Rocket's
Hitmonchan is definitely effective VS Feraligatr,
Typhlosion, and almost anything in situations.. it's also
useful with Focus Band. =/
#4 Giovanni's
Machamp/Rocket's Hitmonchan
the Machamp gets going with Focus Band and it's Pokémon
Power, Fortitude, it gets very hard to stop. Giovanni's
Last Resort makes it even harder to knock out, and
eventually, it seems to go through everything, and no
matter what you do, you can't knock it out. Rocket's
Hitmonchan is good back-up.
Victreebel/Murkrow/Rocket's Scyther/Chaos Gym
deck can have trouble, and put the game on many flips.
It's main idea is to be able to beat Feraligatr.
The Bellsprout and a dark energy knock out the
Totodile. Erika's Weepinbell knocks out the Croconaw.
So does Victreebel, which does 100 to the
Feraligatr. Victreebel with 3 grass makes it nearly
impossible to try to start building another anything, as
it can take it down before it reaches it's evolution.
Erika's Victreebel also helps Murkrow get a Mean
Look lock on something like an Unown, and the opponent's
bench is wiped out, and the Murkrow player easily wins on
time. Erika's Perfume can force them to bench an
Unown, or something like a Rocket's Hitmonchan that is
only able to be effectively Mean Looked because the
opponent is low on energy.
#2 Typhlosion/Blaine's
Arcanine/Chaos Gym
deck is SO good. If it can beat Feraligatr, it can
pretty much beat anything else. That's why it
needs Chaos Gym. (Feraliagtr cannot consistantly do
mass damage without trainers.) Smeargle has really made it
harder for this deck to win, but it still can. It's
too easy to get evolution out in modified, and if you play
this deck, you can overpower anything. Blaine's
Arcanine with 2+ Typhlosions is able to Fire Storm
basically every other turn, and that's more than enough.
One Typhlosion takes down everything in a Steelix or
Erika's Victreebel deck. Fire Recharge makes it easy
to pay the retreat for whatever your opponent sends out
from a Double Gust.
#1 Feraligatr
/ A Lot of Tech
I hate the word tech, and especially "TeCH," but
I'm using it because it's the truth. Feraligatr
consistantly knocks out almost anything because it has
supportive trainers. Wrathing 3 times on the first
turn doesn't automatically lose the game, like it would
for any other deck, because Feraligatr feeds off of it,
and stops it from decking, too. Brock's Mankeys are
added to counter Slowking, Smeargles, to counter other
Feraligatr, Blaine's Arcanine, Rocket's Zapdos.. and a lot
of other things. Magby is nice VS Slowking, Erika's
Victreebel, Typhlosion, Forretress, other Feraligatr decks
etc. Skarmory can be used for anti-Erika's
Victreebel, but it isn't worth it. Elekid can be
used for the turns you cannot Riptide for enough damage or
don't need to Eeeeeeek and can't do damage. It
doesn't need Igglybuff as Magby is simply a lot better.
You can retreat to end the effect to use your powers
because of the weird ruling, and that 10 damage is always
great to knock out a Pokémon that a Focus Band has kept
in play. A metal energy makes Feraligatr unable to be
knocked out by almost anything.
Feraligatr is the strongest deck,
the most popular deck, and the most metagamed deck.
Have fun.
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