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5 Southern Island Cards
opinions often change. Don't get mad at me if I
don't agree with you. =/
you come home from the mall, you got your pretty little
$20 Southern Islands package! - You're all excited, you
open it up, show it off to your friends, you open your
rareless booster packs and are nonetheless fascinated by
the bright colors.
You see things that you may think
are good, and you see some weird holos too (but again..
you're nonetheless fascinated). So you say "Oh
my god! I know something's good, but I don't know
what!" and you probably freak out and have a seizure
on the floor.
After your seizure, you try to
think of what's good, and why. Well, to avoid having
another seizure, I'll tell you what I think.
First of all, the Exeggutor is ludicrously
(my new fav. word) overrated. They've got a
benched Sneasel? Well, 12 energy and you average the
knockout VS it, and if you've got a Meganium- then only 6
grass energy! What a deal. Seriously, how can
anyone think that's good? It's awful... an energy
for a 50% chance of 10.. NOT BAD. =/
that first attack stalls nice. But where does
stalling seem to get people in the current environment
anyway? =/ It fails VS the baby Pokémon, and then
you resign.
understand this thing is brought down to 20 HP with it's
big bad combo, the rainbow. Maybe Focus Band can
help it. It can wipe out Slowkings like a Pichu
though if your opponent's active is stuck out there, or if
he/she is in a bad situation and can't attack. You
Rainbow Wave, they Fury Swipes, and then you resign.
It's Stage 2. It has the best status effects
but it's one of those things that just gets knocked out
after you knock out their Pokémon that you messed up with
a status effect. It's attack is pretty expensive..
you repeatedly Paradise Pollen the Rocket's Zapdos,
then knock it out, then they send up the Sneasel, they
Beat Up, (getting an unnecessary 6/6 heads with 4 darks
mind you), and you resign.
WotC never produces Jigglypuffs that are awful. Look
at Jungle, Promo, Erika's, and this. This thing is
definitely worth playing in Wigglytuff as an anti Slowking
then can Do the Wave after a Tempting Eye. Wow, how
my god, an Onix that can do something. This Onix
significantly increases the power of Steelix. Steelix
is now even stronger and definitely one of the top 3
strongest decks in the current standard environment.
The Slam Attack can take down an Electabuzz or
Clefable on 25%, and do 40 on 50%. Steelix/Ditto is
now one of the few decks that can consistently beat
Slowking/Sneasel/Murkrow now.
Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon
trainers out there. Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game,
PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking
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