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5 Standard Decks
Close to not making the cut are many
variants of Muk/Sneasel decks.
is not a dead deck. The old type of Wigglytuff deck,
the 4 PlusPower turn 2 Wiggly is. The new Wigglytuff
plays Chansey, metals, and 4 recycle energies. Recycle
energy on Wigglytuff makes Wigglytuff's worst enemy, Super
Energy Removal, ineffective. You can Do the Wave
after being Supered the next turn. And Energy
Charges make it even harder to keep the Double Colorless
Energy and Metal Energy off the Chansey.
#4 Typhlosion/Blaine's
sick of hearing that this deck doesn't work, or it NEEDS
Item Finder. The deck is very similar to the
modified version I played at the STS. It just needs
Comp Search, Gust, Oak, Super Energy Removal. The
deck can beat anything, but Muk, and it really stands a
low chance VS Muk. It's worst enemy seems to be a
quick Sneasel. Typhlosion without Blaine's Arcanine
and Dittos instead to metagame Sneasel can also work if
it's popular in your environment. The default can be
Sprout if Clefable is around. Double evolution or
not- with Cleffa, it works. You cannot stop
evolution as easily anymore. Focus Band keeps the
Cleffa alive or benched Cyndaquils/Growlithes alive to buy
the turns you need to get the Typhlosions out... one
attacking Typhlosion can take down everything in a
Slowking deck.
Unown N is great for self-damaging attacks with Clefable,
Chansey, and also Team Rocket's Meowth. Igglybuffs
are needed as the deck is very vulnerable to Murkrow and
Slowking, and even with them, the deck remains vulnerable
to it, and needs to constantly be playing it's Energy
Removals to avoid losing to the deck. Building a
Chansey with recycles and metals forces them to start
using their ERs, and when you're using yours, but you have
the 4 Recycle Energy and 2/3 Energy Charge, they
eventually cannot stop it, and the Chansey starts going
through everything. Clefable is forced to retreat a
lot, so that's why Recycle Energy works so well with it.
Rocket's Zapdos, Typhlosion, Blaine's Arcanine,
Arcanine.. there are a lot of things vulnerable to
Clefable. Remember to play a Double Gust and 2 Gust
if you play this deck. =/
#2 Steelix/Ditto/Chansey
deck is so reliable. It's difficult to get stuck
with many things that are easily knocked out first turn,
and the new Onix can actually do damage. With Ditto
being able to take out Sneasel, metal energy to make Feint
Attacking Iggly only do 10, and a consistent attacker that
can get around Gold Berry and one-hit KO Sneasel (with
rainbow damage) and Murkrow on a flip, this deck can
actually consistently beat a Slowking deck, especially if
it doesn't play more than one default gym (to take out
Eco) or low energy removal line. An Unown N or two
is great with Chansey, maybe a Team Rocket's Meowth can be
thrown in.. just remember, Unown IS something that is very
nastily =/ vulnerable to Murkrow. This is a high
Gold Berry Deck. Vulnerable to Super Energy Removal?
With 3 EcoGym, 2 Chaos Gym, and 3 Energy Charge.. it
can beat the SERs, and it plays 2 itself, so if they do
take out the EcoGym and Super.. you can catch them off
guard by Supering them right back.
#1 Slowking/Sneasel/Murkrow
it's weakened, but you need to know how to play it right.
If you can play it right, it can beat anything.
If you learn how to use Murkrow to make a benched
Scyther or Chansey automatically lose your opponent the
game, you know how to play it well. Every card in
the deck is too powerful, and they all work together...
it's a truly broken combo. Pichu is not necessarily
the best way to get around Igglybuff, Mean Look and Feint
Attacking is.
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