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You all know my Typhlosion story. It's a deck Alex
and I worked with at the beginning of modified. It's
the deck I played both days at the first modified STS, and
day 1 of the most recent STS. At the first STS, I
managed to take out every single Gatr deck with it..
except of course one. =)
But the deck is TECH.
It's mad tech, mofo. It's so tech it's not even
funny. I've played several games in which my
opponent immediately resigned at the sight of Typhlosion-
regardless of if it was in play or simply being discarded.
It's SO tech. Say it outloud. Tech.
TECH!! TECH TECH TECH. Okay, anyway,
this is the standard deck you all doubted. I'd be
walking down the street and people would spit in my face.
They'd yell (in scottish accent) "YA CAN'T DO IT
NESS!! IT JUST WON'T WORK!!" (and yes, people also
address me by Ness rather than my real name). And I told
that Scottish jerk, "Oh but it can!!"
A lot of you sick, sick people still doubt it. But
it's good. Now, am I speaking of Typhlosion, alone?
HA! Hardly. We all know that would be a sick,
sick joke versus something like Snichu. We
need another attacker, so we can have the Typhlosion as
the BACK-UP to take out what they have left after your
main attacker and theirs offset even somewhat. What
is that back-up?
It's Blaine's
Arcanine. Just like modified. It's a stage 2
and a stage 1, but it does work. You play a lot of
cards that you play in modified, because they conveniently
work with double evolution.
Clefable/Muk is a
popular deck in some areas, regardless of it's
ridiculously overrated ability (as it's attacking options
are easily limited), and Clefable and Muk will like
literally devour your big fire Pokey-mans, so be careful.
Anyway... the
deck. Don't you DARE make me specify which Cyndaquil,
Quilava, Typhlosion, or Cleffa.
Pokémon (21)
4x Cyndaquil 2x Quilava 4x Typhlosion
2x Blaine's Growlithe 2x Blaine's Arcanine
4x Cleffa
1x Pichu
1x Tyrogue
1x Moltres
Low basics, or more importantly, several low HP basics, is
nasty. You can get stuck with that lone Cyndaquil or
Moltres.. but oh well, until they print a 90 HP Cyndaquil
with a negative 4 retreat cost, let's stick with the 50 HP
11x Fire Energy
2x Metal Energy
You can play a double colorless to help retreat Typhlosion
when necessary.
3x Lass
3x Computer Search
3x Super Energy Removal
2x Professor Oak
2x Professor Elm
2x Energy Removal
2x Gust of Wind
2x Focus Band
2x Pokémon Breeder
2x Pokémon Tower
1x Gold Berry
1x Switch
1x Nightly Garbage Run
Focus Band buys time to Eeeeeeek and get set up.
It's also useful with Pichu and Tyrogue to get as many
attacks off as possible. Tower is great with the
basic energy. The rest is pretty simple.
is definitely a fun deck to play, and it's also good.
Unfortunately, I couldn't give it a corny name because I
couldn't think of one. And the next time someone
tells you that the deck won't work in standard, spit in
their face, kick them in their special area, and give them
the finger- and make sure you tell them that the finger
was from NESS- From POJO DOT COM, regardless of the fact
if their objection was verbal or implied from a dirty look
they gave you. And by the way, this is Steelix's
Pojo.com is here to provide guidance to all Pokemon
trainers out there. Whether it's the Gameboy Game, N64 or the Trading Card Game,
PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
If you have cool game tips, a killer deck, or breaking
news ... send them to us. We'll post it on the site
... and give you all the credit.