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Well, I had to write something. After all, I figured
if I didn't write something soon I'd be assumed dead. =/
Anyway, most of you
probably remember Arithmetic. The Rocket's Zapdos/Metal/Gold
Berry focused haymakers. Well, Arithmetic lost a lot
of it's power when Neo came out. But recently, a
nice little promo came out and gave the deck just enough
life to be considered useable.
Before I even say
anything else, let me remind you, this is a Chicago deck.
It's made to be able to beat many other decks, like
Typhlosion, which is more popular in Chicago than anywhere
else, I believe. Although it can work anywhere, it
works best in an area where Slowking dominates, Typhlosion
is popular, and Chansey/Wigglytuff are seen a lot, too.
Slowking is everywhere, and while this isn't exactly a
Slowking metagame, it stands a nice chance versus it.
4x Cleffa
3x Rocket's Zapdos
3x Grimer
2x Muk
2x Tyrogue
1x Electabuzz
in a fast deck, I max out on Cleffa. It simply it a
big disadvantage being Lassed and Eeeeeeeked against when
you're opening with something like a Zapdos, or Electabuzz.
It gives them 2-3 Eeeeeeeks on average, which is enough
for a Slowking deck to gain a huge advantage. You
can't let that happen. You need to be able to set up
to. Muk really poops on Typhlosion's face and then
makes it eat it's poop to rub it in. Yeah, it's
nasty metagame. Tyrogue is seriously just a nice
card. It can deal damage and avoid it. For any
smart ass that tries playing Clefable (who of course is an
idiot because it just begs to be Sprouted and Mean Looked
by anyone who isn't a total idiot playing Slowking),
simply Smash Punch them. It's also useful versus
Chansey, Wigglytuff, Erika's Jigglypuff, Electabuzz, and
has a scary 25% baby KO chance. Because of the lack of
recycle energy in this deck, will be using two lightning
most often to attack. That's too vulnerable to SER,
so we only have one. You can play a 3/3 Muk line, or
2/2, and you can also add an Erika's Jigglypuff in.
9x Lightning Energy
2x Double Colorless Energy
2x Metal Energy
similar to old Arithmetic versions. There is no
Recycle energy. We're going to tech against Recycle
energy. Metal, of course, is great with Zapdos, and
situational. The double colorlesses help the Muk,
Zapdos, and Electabuzz retreat when they have to.
4x Professor Oak
4x Energy Removal
Computer Search
Pokémon Tower
Super Energy Removal
3x Gust of Wind
3x Gold Berry
3x Lass
2x PlusPower
1x Double Gust
1x Switch
1x Secret Mission
1x Nightly Garbage Run
have a very heavy removal line. Combined with Pokémon
Tower, you should be able to wipe out any Chansey deck or
Steelix deck because Recycle Energy doesn't come to your
hand when you Super with a Pokémon Tower in play.
Do we need recycle energy? No. We have
Rocket's Zapdos to get lightning out of the discard and
make it a high-damage-dealing threat. There is not
Item Finder, and therefore timing is crucial with every
trainer you play with this deck. You shouldn't play
a Pokémon Tower and not take out Recycle Energy or not
prevent an Item Finder from being used because it ends up
simply being defaulted. You need to drop that Tower,
then Super the two Recycles off the Wigglytuff or Chansey.
The high amount of Gusts allows Zapdos to be able to
Plasma without failing versus the Cleffa, thus slowing it
down. Now, this deck has a problem with being
Eeeeeeeked against. A Zapdos can't KO a Cleffa with 1
Plasma, and on average, it's probably around 3 turns.
That's too many. 2 PlusPower help this, and then the
Double Gust and the Switch also help. The 4 Oak, 3
Comp, and even the Secret Mission help make the deck
faster. You do not want to get stuck with a single-energied
Zapdos versus a Cleffa with no lightning in the discard,
but no matter what, it will happen occasionally simply
because you are Lassed. This is why Sneasel is
broken and superior to everything. It's high damage
and, it's fast- AND IT HAS NO RETREAT COST. Crazy.
Well, anyway, as for Sneasel, a 4/3 removal line with 3
defaults (to take out Eco) give it a good chance versus
deck isn't something miraculous, but realize Pokémon
Tower is something that allows basic energy decks to
become stronger... it really isn't that bad of a
deck if Chansey, Wigglytuff, Typhlosion, Slowking, and
Steelix are all popular. And in most areas- these
decks are popular. So try it out if you
liked Arithmetic.
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PoJo.com provides all the wisdom you desire.
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