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Well, I might as well write some more while I feel like
writing. Here's another original deck. Now,
make sure you don't get the impression that it's a weaker
deck because it's original. I design decks to win.
I'm not one of those people that designs deck with
unpopular cards and is amused because of that. No,
people like that make me sick, to tell you the truth.
Just kidding. =/ But this is a good
Now, at first glance,
we see the 2 most unoriginal cards there are: Cleffa and
Sneasel. Buuuuuut... the idea of the deck is
so cool. It simply is an overpowering Sneasel.
You can't stop it. It's too hard to repeatedly
remove it's energy because there is high prevention (EcoGym)
and high recovery (Energy Charge).
While EcoGym limits
your removal options, what's going to beat Sneasel in a
free-for-all, besides another Steelix?
Steelix, perhaps, has a chance. Otherwise, Sneasel
eats it.
4x Cleffa
4x Sneasel
2x Pichu
2x Tyrogue
1x Brock's Mankey
1x Murkrow
out on Sneasel. It simply is going to cause damage.
Tyrogue's your anti-Chansey, Wigglytuff. Brock's
Mankey is nice when Taunting a Slowking, especially with
Chaos in play. If they have 3 (or the unlikely 4) in
play, they're not going to retreat it, because the other
energyless one is immediately Taunted as soon as the
active has an energy on it. Pichu is nice to take
down Ditto, an enemy of Sneasel, and other things that
sometimes are benched without purpose, in this case,
Igglybuff is a perfect example.
4x Darkness Energy
4x Rainbow Energy
4x Recycle Energy
low. We have 3 Energy Charges. You might find
yourself in situations where you can't Eeeeeeek because
you only have a dark, and also only play 2 Super, but hey,
there's high drawing and you can fo offensive instead of
defensive in the opening, which can throw your opponent
4x Lass
4x Double Gust
3x Computer Search
3x Professor Oak
3x EcoGym
3x Focus Band
3x Item Finder
3x Energy Charge
2x Professor Elm
2x Chaos Gym
2x Super Energy Removal
1x Gold Berry
1x Nightly Garbage Run / Energy Removal / PlusPower
have high drawing, and Focus Bands to give Sneasel an
advantage over other Sneasels. We also max out on
Double Gust (remember every card in this deck hasn't a
retreat cost), and high default. Every time they
take out an Eco they become more susceptible to the Chaos.
And if they do default and Super the Sneasel- you simply
Super them back!
you're a Sneasel fan, then play this deck and see why this
card is so broken.
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