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articles in a row? I don't know what my problem is,
but I feel like writing stuff... I guess I'll write about
another deck. Maybe I'll end up talking about 10
decks by the time I'm done. Anyway, Steelix is a
very strong deck. It is one of the best choices
versus the Snichu deck I was just talking about. It
also stands a decent chance versus Slowking. The
reason a Muk line is unplayable in here is simply because
versus Slowking you don't make much use of the Muk.
What trainers need you to play? Gold Berry and
Eco... I think if you're going to play Muk, you need the
high ER line to stop the Sneasel while it's vulnerable.
And because we play Eco (which is necessary), we can't
play a high removal line, and therefore, Muk isn't worth
it. It will simply be taken down a Beat Up after
being Gusted.
Anyway, this is a
deck that Igglybuff, Ditto, and Unown N should be in.
But with Murkrow everywhere, and the Pichu which novice
players rely on in Slowking, they stand not a chance.
Now, I mean not to criticize in Pichu in Slowking.. but if
you learn to play Slowking correctly, you should always be
able to take our Igglybuffs with a temporary Mean Look
lock... anyway, the deck:
4x Cleffa
3x Onix (Southern Islands)
3x Steelix
2x Chansey
2x Pichu
2x Tyrogue
1x Brock's Mankey
Again, Pichu. It's anti-power. Either focus on
a game-winning Pokémon Power (Slowking/Typhlosion),
metagame it completely (Muk/Pichu), or both (Brock's
Ninetales/Pichu). Tyrogue is something I simply
consider a good card. I'd suggest using it in almost
every deck. If you want a 50% baby KO take out a
Tyrogue for an Erika's Jigglypuff. Afterall, you got
Onix to attack fighting weaknesses. 4 Cleffa
surprises nobody. It's not "giving up
prizes," you don't need to bench every one of them.
It's Cleffa that allows you to get Steelix built in a high
Lass environment. Don't bench the damn Onix unless
you can protect it from a Gust. If you bench it and
they have Gusting options, it gets Gusted, they get 100
Eeeeeeeks off, and you freaking resign. Bench the Onix
after you Lass. And then, almost regardless, drop
the Eco/Chaos (unless they play low removal and you can
make use of your own), and build the damn Steelix.
And- you have the Taunt/Chaos option versus Slowking.
Then Zzzap like a motha.
4x Metal Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Recycle Energy
1x Rainbow Energy
Yeah, this is where you can understand why Arithmetech can
take over with Pokémon Tower. 3 SER and 4 ER can
remove and permanently remove, thanks to Pokémon Tower,
10 energy. Like Snichu, we'll do our best to help
the energy get back in with our trainers.
3x Lass
3x Computer Search
Gold Berry
3x Energy Charge
3x Item Finder
2x Chaos Gym
2x Professor Oak
2x Professor Elm
2x Gust of Wind
2x Super Energy Removal
1x Switch
1x Scoop Up
Make sure you don't try to focus completely on one
Steelix, because when it goes down- your winning chances
go down with it. In general, 2 attacking Steelixes
is very nice. I don't need to go into details.
You should get the idea. A Steelix is dealing damage
and is very difficult to knock out. Eco and Chaos
take away it's remaining flaw- ER vulnerability.
The Super is nice after they default and super you, or
always, to remove double colorless. It can be used
before you play the Eco, too.
Maybe I'll write ANOTHER deck thing-a-ma-jig? ;x
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