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of the Day
Loving Memory =D
Most of you probably remember my CotD section.. I did it
shortly after I started writing for Pojo. I used to
have fun with it, but it did get tedious. However,
while I was writing, I figured, for old time's sake, I
would write a detailed CotD like I used to, to tickle my
fancy. It's late, I just got finished wiping my
friend Matt out in poker (yes, we all bet junk rares,
sometimes in stacks of 100 in poker.. it's fun), and I
don't have anything else to do. This, literally, is
being written exclusively because it tickles my fancy.
Yes: My fancy is tickled. ANYWAY... let's see if I
remember how to do this.
Pokémon Tower literally prevents Item Finder from
doing it's job- getting the card back. Sure, your
opponent can discard it and two cards from their hand
while Tower is in play if it tickles their fancy, but this
usually isn't going to help them do anything.
The problem? The fact that basically every deck
relies on Item Finder for consistency and speed.
Now, there are three ways to look at this, and I prefer
the second:
1) Pokémon Tower Hurts a lot of decks. The opposing
deck is forced to play a default gym to allow their Item
Finders/Recycle Energy to be productive, and this allows
you to play YOUR Item Finder, then play Tower again.
2) If you play enough copies of each trainer, you can get
by without Item Finder. It just is more important
that you use the trainer at the right time, because like
Chandra Levy- it ISN'T coming back. Yeah, that was
really low of me. I'm attacking a dead woman.
3) Even if Pokémon Tower hurts you, the psychological
effect of it's dark background is so scary, it can freak
your opponent out- completely, causing him or her to go
into shock, and have a foaming seizure on the floor,
allowing you to win by default. Some people have
trouble getting the total psyche effect on their opponent,
and this is where you may want to repeatedly play Towers
over the old one, and eventually they'll break down
sobbing, followed, OF COURSE, by the foaming seizure.
If this doesn't work, stand up on the table and take a big
crap all over it. If your opponent doesn't resign
after that, then THEY'RE the weird one.
Of course, Pokémon Tower has another important use in
today's standard environment, and that is:
Energy's best option versus Pokémon Tower is similar to
that of a 6 year old boy's best option when surrounded by
3 catholic priests: BEND OVER, AND TAKE IT LIKE A
MAN. Just kidding. No need to offend any
priests out there.
Like you'd think,
Recycle Energy goes to the discard, but it simply doesn't
come back. It justs sit there. Combined
with high energy removal, Pokémon Tower is deadly versus
Wigglytuff, Chansey, and even Clefable focused decks.
These decks usually play 4 Recycle Energy, and rely on
colorless to attack, and because of this, they play low
energy, usually around 12. A 4/4 ER/SER line with
Pokémon Tower could literally remove EVERY energy in the
deck. However, Pokémon Tower is unable to
stop the Energy Charge options, but it is able to prevent
Item Finder for the Energy Charge, which is good,
considering numerous heads are needed to get back the
recycles, dce's, etc. that you remove.
Well, high
Energy Removal is obviously needed for Pokémon Tower.
The problem? SER works with the Recycle Energy.
Recycle Energy doesn't work with Tower? If you play
Sneasel, or Steelix, you may be forced to SER away your
dark or metal energies. Not cool. So,
it's obvious that Pokémon Tower, with it's high ER/SER,
works best in basic energy decks.
These decks include:
1) Typhlosion
2) Arithmetic Variants
3) Jumpluff
Typhlosion and Zapdos have the ability to get energy back
from the discard to play (not to the hand, and therefore
are not prevented by Pokémon Tower like many people
think), and Jumpluff manages to attack for one energy,
allowing you to be able to afford discarding your energy
because it simply will hurt your opponent more.
Your best bet
versus Pokémon Tower is not to lay the two recycles
versus their big hand and walk right into the Tower+SER.
You want to default, then use your Item Finders for a card
that will be useful later while you can. Gust of
Wind and Super Energy Removal are usually good choices to
leave yourself with, when possible, as they're both good
in the lategame, and games with Pokémon Tower can be
stretched out. A good example is Arithmetech versus
Snechu. Snechu should win because it eventually gets
the EcoGym in play that Arithmetech cannot Tower because
it only plays 3 Towers. Snechu plays 5 gyms.
Eventually Arithmetech runs out- and with the Energy
Charges- Snechu is abel to build the Sneasel, and take
down the Rocket's Zapdos. Arithmetech is still left
with the Tyrogue option, however.
The card
simply isn't worth it in either modified. Sure,
Recycle Energy shows up occasionally, usually not maxed
out, but Item Finder isn't around to metagame, Energy
Removal isn't around to help, and there are simply better
gyms to play because of this.
From 1-10, I would rate Pokémon Towe a 7.0
standard, and definitely consider it one of the best
Stadium cards ever made. As for modified, I'd give
it a 4.0.
Have fun guys, and play Pokémon with your friends.. that
truly is the best part of Pokémon.. and if you have
a lot of junk rares, play some poker with them. =)
(note: ness@pojo.com is no longer my e-mail address)
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