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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
Ness's Nest
with Jason Klaczynski
Top Modified Decks
December 1, 2006
In no particular order, I
consider these the top decks in modified at the moment. Most
of these decks are popular all over the country, so none of
them should surprise you.
Mewtrick (Manectric ex/Mew ex)
The loss of Rocket's Admin. was a devastating blow to
Mewtrick, as your opponent's large hand becomes a loaded
cannon ready to go off as soon as you are forced to stop
using Disconnect. However, Mewtrick has gained a critical
stadium card, Crystal Beach, which improves not only its
Delta match, but countless more. With so many decks running
similar engines and Pokemon, Mewtrick no longer is required
to play 5 basics to counter all of them, and now has room to
fit more trainer cards.
Delta (Raichu d/Exeggutor d)
Relying on the Holon Engine (Holon's Castform/Holon
Transceiver/Holon supporters), Raichu's Zzzap seems to hurt
every deck but your own, conveniently spreading damage
without taking prizes. This perfect attack will give you
great board control and simultaneously allow you to respond
with Scramble Energy once your Raichu d is KO'd. Exeggutor d
uses Split Bomb with the same idea, and also has a Delta
Circle attack, which works perfect with the 8+ delta Pokemon
in your deck.
Metanite (Dragonite d/Metagross d)
Another deck that was strong in modified last year is very
strong this year, too. Being the most consistent multiple
Stage2 deck in the history of modified, Metagross d &
Dragonite d use the Holon Engine and have great synergy that
can overpower any deck. Metanite relies on Windstorm to
avoid taking losses to decks that play multiple Cursed Stone
and/or Cessation Crystal.
Banette ex
With the release of a better Shuppet, Banette ex has become
a consistent and fast deck. While it runs into some problems
from Scramble Energy, Banette ex has the ability to swarm,
and can be combined with countless other Stage1 and basic
Arcanine ex
While overall a superior attacker to Banette ex, Arcanine
lacks a basic with the Ascension attack. This will make
Arcanine a little less consistent than Banette, but overall,
a more devastating attacker, with better HP.
Sallygross (Salamence d/Metagross [DX])
Another deck relying on the Holon Engine, Sallygross is
consistent, and Metagross [DX] uses Super Connectivity to
maintain an attacking Salamence d, which can oone hit KO's
almost every popular Pokemon in this format.
Flygon d/Salamence d
Like Sallygross, Flygon/Sally uses the Holon Engine too.
Except this time, Flygon d is providing Delta Rainbows to
maintain an attacking Salamence d. The advantage of Flygon d
over Metagross [DX] is that it has lightning resistance,
which works great against Metanite. This deck also has the
ability to run Flygon ex d.
Good luck at Cities!
-Jason Klaczynski