Focusing only on
basic Pokemon & evolutions, these are the strongest cards in
modified at the moment. If you've played in any City
Championships, these cards won't be a surprise to you.
#10 Latios* (Deoxys)
Working great in decks that can get multiple
energy in play (to power it up quickly), Latios* one
hit KOs almost everyone of the many Stage2's in
modified. |
#9 Arcanine ex (Legend Maker)
With 120 HP, a great Poke-Body, and great
attacks, Arcanine ex is one of the hardest Stage1's
to deal with in modified. It's only downside is the
large amount of energy you are forced to commit to
it, and you often end up unable to build a back-up
attacker. |
#8 Holon's Magneton/Holon's
Electrode (Delta Species)
The ability to use Celio's Network or Professor
Elm's Training Method to get an energy will help you
when you are in energy trouble. In addition, the
fact that it provides two of anything lets it fit
nicely in almost any deck. |
#7 Houndoom (Unseen Forces)
Houndoom allows you to control what stadium
plays in stay, and also limits your opponents'
options. Although Houndoom can fit into more decks
than our #6 card, your opponent will usually end up
being able to play trainers after a few knockouts. |
#6 Manectric ex (Deoxys)
The speed of a Stage1 allows Disconnect to be a
very disruptive attack. The ability to quickly stop
your opponent from playing Rare Candy, and numerous
other trainers, while controlling which stadium
stays in play will give you a winning advantage in
numerous matches. |
#5 Dragonite d (Delta Species)
Dragonite d fits into the Holon Engine and has
great synergy with Metagross d. Although not used
primarily as an attacker, Dragonite d can allow you
to use attacks that require discarding of energy,
namely Metagross d's Crush and Burn. |
#4 Metagross d (Delta Species)
Working best with Dragonite d, Metagross d also
gains power from having another playable Metagross
to accompany it. Delta Control helps Stage2 decks
get set up, and although its attack is nothing
special, it can be made strong when used in
combination with Dragonite d and Metagross DX. |
#3 Banette ex (Legend Maker)
The speed of Banette ex can put any deck in
trouble fast. It's power can help you get a fast
knock out on a 50 HP basic, and is also useful for
weakening higher HP Pokemon that Shadow Chant would
be short of knocking out. Having a weakness to
dark is one of the best weaknesses to have, as most
dark Pokemon in modified rotated out. |
#2 Raichu d (Holon Phantoms)
Also evolving from a delta basic, Raichu d has
the advantage of fitting into a Holon Engine and
works great with Scramble Energy. Zzzap hits about
half of the cards that do well in modified. |
#1 Holon's Castform (Holon
Not only an amazing energy that can be
retrieved with Holon Mentor and any various other
supporters, Holon's Castform works perfectly with
decks focused on Delta Pokemon. Without Holon's
Castform, decks like Metanite, Delta, and more would
struggle to setup. |