Ness's Nest
modified deck
Hey everyone. Sorry for the delays.
Rock Block is the name my friend Alex Brosseau came up with
for the very popular deck archetype featuring Dark Tyranitar
and Dark Ampharos.
The concept of the deck is simple: Get Dark Ampharos
and Dark Tyranitar out quickly, then repeatedly use ATM
[Rock] with the Tyranitar active, which will accumulate
damage to your opponent's basic Pokémon. The repeated Stone
Generator attack from ATM [Rock] will force your opponent to
evolve the same Pokémon over and over, taking 20 damage from
Dark Ampharos each time. This, combined with Dark
Tyranitar's Sand Damage, ends up doing an overwhelming
amount of damage to all of their Pokémon with very few
Pokémon (24) Trainers (25)
4x Dunsparce
4x Steven's Advice
4x Darkness Energy
3x Larvitar
4x Celio's Network
4x Fighting Energy
2x Dark Pupitar
(RR,40) 2x
2x Double
Rainbow Energy
3x Dark Tyranitar
(RR,20) 1x
Mr. Briney's Compassion
(DR) 1x
Scramble Energy
3x Mareep
1x Rocket's Mission
2x Dark Flaafy
4x Rare Candy
2x Dark Ampharos
(RR) 4x
Ancient TM [Rock]
2x Pidgey
3x Rocket's Poké Ball
1x Pidgeotto
2x Rocket's Tricky Gym
2x Pidgeot
Pidgeot is especially necessary in this deck because
it allows you to search for Ancient TM [Rock] repeatedly.
When done several turns in a row with Dark Ampharos benched,
and Dark Tyranitar active, repeated rocking is extremely
devastating to virtually any deck, hence the name of the
deck. The Larvitar you play has a 1/8 chance of KOing a
Dunsparce first turn with a fighting, which although highly
the odds, it's almost a guaranteed win if you succeed.
Also, we play two stage 1's of each of our Dark Ampharos and
Dark Tyranitar lines, because if we rely on Rare Candy, we
will be extremely vulnerable to ATM [Rock] ourselves.
As for the trainers, the supporter line is pretty
straight-forward. I've chosen against playing multiple
Rocket's Mission, because you really can't afford to discard
your Dark Pokémon nearly as much as you would think you
can. Maxing out on ATM [Rock] is not a difficult choice,
and I've decided to play 3 Rocket's Poké Ball. Many other
decklists I've seen do not play this many Poké Ball, but I
assure you it's a necessity for the consistency and speed of
your deck. Rocket's Tricky Gym allows you to KO the benched
threats which will often be 10-20 damage away from KO
because of all the Darkest Impulse/Sand Damage adding up.

Double Rainbow Energy allows a single energy on a
Dark Pupitar (or Larvitar) to turn into a heavy
damage-dealing threat on the next turn, and the Scramble
Energy allows an energyless Dark Tyranitar or Dark Ampharos
to deal 50-70 damage out of nowhere if your opponent has got
ahead early in prizes.
Like most decks I work on, I will probably make
several changes to this list, and I'll let you know how it
-Jason Klaczynski