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Yu Yu Hakusho
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Ness's Nest
with Jason Klaczynski
Top 5 Overrated Cards
16, 2007
This week, I'm showing you the top cards
that get more attention than they deserve. Now don't think
just because these cards are overrated means they're bad.
Rather, realize these cards are simply the cards in modified
that have the biggest gap between how good people think they
are, and how good they actually are.
#5 Pokémon Reversal (Unseen
If a card's doing nothing half the time, it
better be worth it. But the reason Pokémon Reversal
is so overrated is that people often include it in
decks that either 1) are better off running more
supporters or energy, or 2) are better off running
Energy Removal 2. While Pokémon Reversal does fit
well into some decks, like Arcanine ex, more times
than not, its better off as another
consistency-boosting supporter or Energy Removal 2. |
#4 Exeggutor d (Holon Phantoms)
Exeggutor is, and by a longshot the weaker of
the two Pokémon in a Delta (Raichu d/Exeggutor d)
deck. Its attack maxes at a weak 70, and its
psychic weakness makes it an easy target for decks
like Mewtrick & Banette. |
#3 Mew ex (Legend Maker)
Believe it or not, Mew ex is an extremely
overrated card. Its 90 HP make it an easy two-prize
target, and despite the Poke-Body's name, Mew ex is
not a versatile card. The only deck Mew ex works
well in is Mewtrick. Try using Mew ex is almost any
other deck and you are wasting a spot on a two-prize
giveaway. |
#2 Arcanine ex (Legend Maker)
With 120 HP, one of the best Poke-Bodies in the
game, and two great attacks, how can't it be good?
The problem is Arcanine simply needs too much
energy. Because of the constant energy drops
Arcanine is forced to make, it often has trouble
having back-up ready to deal with Safeguard
Pokémon. And after loosing Swoop Teleporter,
Arcanine ex lost the Turn2 Engine (Jirachi DX/Swoop
Teleporter) which took a big bite out of its
consistency. |
#1 Cessation Crystal (Crystal
Not only overrated, but over hyped. If
Windstorm wasn't printed, we'd be looking at
possibly one of the best cards in the game.
Fortunately for every deck that relies on
Poke-Bodies or Poke-Powers, Windstorm was
printed. Anyone who plays with Cessation Crystal
notices how seldom the card "sticks," that is, your
opponent removes it from play quite easily.
(Usually with use of Windstorm.) |