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Ness's Nest
with Jason Klaczynski
Top 5 Underrated Cards
4, 2007
There are a few cards that get a lot of
attention in Pokemon. Some of them, like Holon's Castform
or Holon Transceiver, deserve the attention they get.
However, there are numerous cards that don't receive the
attention they deserve, simply because people don't realize
how good they are.
5) Tropius d (Dragon Frontiers)
Having a searchable Full Heal is great,
especially considering how many cards you can use to
retrieve it. Any deck running the Holon Engine can
turn any Holon Transceiver, Holon Mentor or Holon
Transceiver into a Full Heal at any time. |
4) Fearow (Crystal Guardians)
Fearow can fit into any Delta Pokemon deck
relying on the Holon engine, especially ones with
Stage Twos. It gives these decks a huge jump in
consistency that they would otherwise lack. |
3) Strength Charm (Deoxys/Dragon
Ten damage isn't generally a big deal. But when
it means a knockout instead of 10 short of a
knockout, it is. Using Strength Charm with cards
that are often 10 damage short of a KO speeds your
deck's disruption by an entire turn. This turn can
win games. |
2) Holon's Magnemite/Holon's
Voltorb (Delta Species)
The consistency bonus from having Holon's
Magnemite or Voltorb by far outweighs the downside
of starting with it. Decks that rely on the Holon
Engine can play this card to significantly increase
their chances of using Delta Draw by turn two. |
1) Tauros (Crystal Guardians)
Tauros is one of the few ways to get rid of
a stadium that a Manectric ex's (Deoxys) Disconnect
or Houndoom's (Unseen Forces) Lonesome have locked
in play. Without Tauros, you could be stuck against
a Cursed Stone, Battle Frontier, Crystal Beach, or
some other stadium that is going to quickly take
away any chances you have of winning. |