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Jason Klaczynski
there is so much talk about this format. The main
reason it was created obviously was for
"originality" or different decks to be used...
basically, people that just can't handle cards like
Sneasel and think that the environment is really screwed
up. Basically, I think that it isn't necessary, and
anyone that thinks Sneasel/Slowking and other cards are
ruining the environment are just weak players, in my
opinion. While Sneasel is an extremely fast card and
if you don't have trainer options it can start getting a
KO a turn, there are enough ways to stop it, and it isn't
broken to the point where we need to ban it from standard
or freak out and soil ourselves every time mentions the
name. Banning Sneasel in modified is a good choice,
though, but modified itself, I don't think is.
While some cards are
obviously stronger than others, WotC does not know what to
do about it. Modified is not the answer. I
think WotC has proved that they are very poor decision
makers, and there are many examples to support that:
-No 15+ at the STS. (seriously, what the hell were
they thinking?)
-No 15+ trips. This is just stupid. I'm sick
of hearing about a Dallas incident that happened over a
year ago as a reason why we can't have free trips like
everyone else. It's extremely unfair..
Modified, is not the
best answer. I don't think there are that many
people that would mind a standard STS. If we're
going to have the best players in one place, let's see how
we do in standard. If we can do modified for the
qualifier, why not standard for the STS?
Modified is the deck
you play. The deck you play is basically a deck that
fits in in a circle of metagame... let's look at
some of the best decks..
Slowking (most likely with something like
Loses to: Typhlosion
About even with: Steelix,
various Grass
It stops Feraligatr dead in it's tracks by taking away
it's options to get water in the discard after a Riptide.
You think Igglybuff would help, but Umbreon eats the
stupid thing and you merely sit there with a smile on your
face as your bench disappears.
Loses to: Slowking,
About even with: Steelix
Riptide for 320... sometimes people will discard
unnecessary water to overkill your Cyndaquils. That's
just cruel.
Typhlosion (most likely with Blaine's
Arcanine/Blaine's Charizard)
Steelix, Grass
Loses to: Feraligatr
About even with:
can stop your trainers, but it DOESN'T stop getting your
Typhlosions and Blaine's Arcanine out. So when you
have 3 Typhlosions and a fully powered Arcanine out, your
opponent gets to watch every single one his Pokémon be
(maybe with Zapdos.. a Slowking, depends)
Loses to: Typhlosion
About even with: Feraligatr
Okay, Steelix is an idiot.
While this chart makes Typhlosion appear to be the
strongest, it isn't necessarily, and that's because
Feraligatr is so much more popular. Luckily for
Typhlosion, decks to metagame Feraligatr all lose to it.
"OOOOOOOOO YA" - Typhlosion
While good players can add their tech and try to beat the
deck's weakness, so can their opponents, and it goes back
and forth.. this whole format is a bad idea, it has
MORE luck than standard, and very much so. Deck advantage
means almost everything. Going first is a huge
advantage because it allows you to BUILD first, and to
gain the Double Gust option to take out whatever they are
building.. and then Focus Band flips make it even worse,
and full of luck..
Soon enough, because of getting to play with the cards so
much, and seeing what works, people will want certain
cards banned in modified, and the whole idea becomes
But anyway, standard isn't that bad. Seriously, can
anyone name the last time a Sneasel broke into their house
and spoiled their milk, or dirtied your clean clothes, or
didn't flush the toilet after doing his business? Probably
So basically, all I'm trying to say is modified wasn't
needed. It isn't that great. I'm sure we'll all have our
fun with it for a little while, until we realize that
whatever deck you make, it's going to lose to something,
and it's going to beat something, consistently. However,
since we still have our standard tournaments, it's not
something to worry about. You can obviously tell
Wizards wants to kill off standard or something though,
with the way they conveniently add "Modified"
tournaments as soon as people begin to start testing with
it. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!! (although
it is a possibility).
seeya all later ... have a nice day ... don't get hit by a
bus. (unless I don't like you, then get hit by a bus
several times)
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