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of the Day

- Forretress
"A bench warmer, nothing more." - Jim
" =/ " - Robby
Spikes power, it seems so amazing when you first read it.
You realize multiple are dealing 20 or 30 if you get
3... that means you KO Cleffas that are send out with 3 in
play. So why isn't this card being used?
First, we'll look at the good..
I mentioned above, multiple Forretress all deal 10 damage
when something is sent out. That means if you can
manage to get 3 out, a baby Pokémon sent out active
during your opponent's turn is knocked out immediately.
Not bad considering all the Cleffas being used now.
And it's attack seems
to work with it's combo. They switch their Pokémon.
They have to. Afterwards, they'll probably
want to send their attacker back out. Then
Forretress(es) deal that damage. And that damage
adds up considering it can be done every turn.
Say for example, they
have a Rocket's Zapdos with 50 damage on it. They
have a Cleffa on the bench, and are low on cards. They
need to start doing damage. You gust a Scyther out.
(Yes, a Scyther- a free retreater, it doesn't
matter!) You have two Forretresses. If they
wanna send Zapdos back out, they'll need to get rid of the
damage first, or it would be knocked out by Spikes.
Forretress only deals
damage on your opponent's turn, so that does not mean the
Pokémon they send out for Rapid Spin takes damage. Forretress
can protect itself by sending something like a Scyther or
a Cleffa (maybe with a Focus Band out) so that whatever is
out can most likely safely take a hit, then allowing
Forretress to come back out.
So what you've read so far makes Forretress seem like a
great card, but if you know how to get around this card,
it's so awful it's not even funny.
The Overlooked BAD
first thing you probably noticed is MCC as it's Rapid Spin
energy requirement. That's begging for a Super
Energy Removal. And then it's one of those things
that is Gusted, and wastes turns for you.
But that isn't the
biggest problem, even bigger is the brand spankin' new
Igglybuff from Neo 2. It ends Spikes for a turn,
allowing you to send out what you want without taking
damage. (Of course, two Forretresses would need two
Igglybuffs, but that isn't uncommon in decks, either.)
Another thing people
overlook is that that Spikes damage can HELP to trigger a
Gold Berry into working.. and of course, we are left
with the #1 problem, also the msot overlooked problem..
Forretresses do NOT attack as one. Whether you have
1 out, or 4 out, something with a metal energy attached to
it takes 0 damage from Spikes when it is sent out.
Each Spikes is doing it's damage separately,
allowing metal energy to reduce each one by 10, to 0.
How convenient. Arithmetic plays metal energy.
Steelix, hopefully, plays metal energy. Arcanine
plays metal energy. Slowking.. doesn't. Muk decks..
don't need to. (Hooray, Forretress stands a chance
against SOMETHING, and this is Slowking, which is already
becoming unpopular because of Igglybuff.)
that, you big piece of metal junk.
Rating Time
would give Forretress a 6.5/10. It is not a
tournament useable card because of metal energy, which is
SO popular, combined with Igglybuff.
By the way, some of my ratings were screwed up, and other
cards limit the powers of others.. anyway, Sneasel's
rating should be 9.0, metal energy a 10/10(it's amazing),
and some other things I'm forgetting that I'll remember
Seeya at the STS. -Ness
(haha it rhymes)
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