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of the Day

you probably guessed, this review is on the GOOD
Feraligatr, not the bad one with Berserk. After
seeing how good Clefable did at the last STS, I reviewed
it, and since Feraligatr was obviously the best card in
this format, I thought I should have a review in it..
first, let's look at it from the Standard point of
The Main Idea
main idea of making a Feraligatr with 3 water energy on it
successful is having the ability to do constant and enough
damage. It does damage depending on the amount of
water energy in the discard, but after the attack,
shuffles it all back in. Doesn't seem like it can do
a lot of damage consistantly, but it can.
Cards like Misty's Wrath can fill
the discard with cards, especially the water Feraligatr
needs. But regardless of what it discards- after
using it's attack, you lose all your water, but the rest
stays. This is when a large discard pile is useful.
Trash Exchange allows you to get a whole new random
discard pile, and most likely enough water back in there.
The Trash Exchange and Misty's Wrath idea are MUSTS
in a Feraliagtr deck. This is how Feraligatr can do
excessive damage with Riptide every turn.
And if you have to, just use
Downpour and put water in there.
Misty's Wrath? Won't you deck yourself!? Now I'm
Feraligatr is like one of THE best anti-decking things
there is. If you can keep your Feraligatr attacking,
you will never deck yourself. It's repetitive, and
it's hard to stop it, considering it has 120 HP. Fortunately,
in standard format (where it really isn't used) you can
just Super Energy Removal the stupid thing, but this water
can actually be used advantageously considering Feraligatr
does 20 more because of that Super. Still, 3 water
is expensive.
and that Chompasaur thing
at the STS was famous for getting 3 heads and knocking out
Cyndaquils. It happened to me, actually.. and it
also KO'd babies first turn, despite the fact that it
needed 4/4 heads. But anyway, Fury Swipes isn't THAT
bad of an attack. I'm not even going to mention
anything about the 40 HP Totodile just because it simply
has NO advantage over the 50 HP one and is a waste of a
As for the Croconaw, I'd play the
80 HP one, since 80 HP is safer, and it's attack can get 3
cards off your deck to help Feraligatr's Riptide attack.
The 70 HP one isn't that good, you can Jaw Clamp
something that can't attack to stall.. or you don't, and
just play the other one.
WHY was it successful at the STS?
the STS, Feraligatr's backup trainers, Misty's Wrath AND
Trash Exchange were both legal. (How convenient-
sorry had to say it once, if you saw me at the STS you'd
know it's my favorite thing to say) And there was a lot of
fire being used, so Feraligatr went through those things.
A Cinnibar City Gym never gave Blaine's Arcanine a
chance. Yeah, hang in there Arcanine..
And at the STS, no one had to
worry about being Super Energy Removaled. And no one
had to worry about a turn 2 Sneasel gusting your
Chompasaur (as I like to call it) out 2nd turn and using
Beat Up and getting an unnecessary 6 heads and KOing it
and making you cry and scream "WHY Sneasel
Rate this puppy
in the STS, is something I would give a 9.5/10.
Slowking is what stopped this card, although
Slowking wasn't that popular, although those little rigged
dice that wouldn't roll helped it. Slowking stopped
it because of it's ability to stop excessive amounts of
water from getting in the discard.
As for standard, I would rate
Feraligatr a
This card is actually a little underrated. It is
almost useable in tournaments.
And to all you people at the STS who wanted to get on
Hello to Dylan,
who made top 8 with the Feraligatr deck he didn't wanna
play.. hello to Alex,
who got killed when he played Dylan, hello to
who likes the coolest song in the world also (South Side
with Moby and Gwen), and his cool Uncle, hello to
Jeremy who
also made top 8, but lost the first game, hello to Phil
and his friend (though seemingly slave) Steve,
who proved Slowking is still a threat in this format,
hello to Rudy,
who gave us all a love for Nidoran, hello to Matt,
who had the best idea for a Feraligatr deck by playing
metal energy, hello to Crispy,
who helped prove how good Illinois is by making
semi-finals, hello to Tom,
who gave me a good but extremely long and boring game for
the finals, and hello to everyone else I am forgetting..

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