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of the Day

everyone, I am alive. I will try to do CotD more,
maybe it will become weekly, but in order to make it not
take so much time I am going to have to cut back on the
the quotes, the polls etc. I'm sorry.. I'll do big
fancy ones occasionally.
Anyway, as for Ampharos..
Mareep is the most important part of playing Ampharos.
It's first turn Static Electricity is very nice even
with 2 Mareeps in play. It allows a breeder and a
next turn Ampharos. With one Mareep(the active one
itself) you can still get Ampharos attacking next turn.
The idea is just to be able to protect Mareep..
unfortunately, this can be hard. The best you could
do is probably gust something with a retreat, try to avoid
having to flip (if you're against a baby) and try to make
sure you're not gonna get Plasma'd with 2 PlusPowers or
something. Maybe a Lass will do, then static.. but
then you'll need to Eeeeeeek with a Cleffa or something to
get your hand back.. I don't know, whatever floats your
boat. 40 HP is nasty, but I am seeing less and less
PlusPowers in tourneys, so you should be able to get away
with it.
The attacking Ampharos!
Ampharos' attack is quite nice. Heads paralyzes
and 10 to bench. The reason 10 to bench is better
than it ever was before is because that 10 can actually
add up for knock outs against babies, back in the days
before Neo you didn't see 30 HP Pokémon being used.
The ability to paralyze allows it to take down 80 HP Pokémon
in two turns without giving them a chance to attack.
Not bad.
Geez this thing is bad, that's all I'll say. Well,
it's not that bad, but it's 60 HP, and you should go for
that fast Ampharos since Mareep can get you the energy.
Other Stuff
Well, there's not really much lightning weakness.. a
Sneasel with a rainbow can be PlusPowered for a KO using
Ampharos... overall, Ampharos isn't that bad, it's
very close to being tournament playable. Maybe it's
at the bottom..
I'd give Ampharos a 6.75/10. It's very, very close
to being tournament useable.
-Jason Klaczynski

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