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Rock Lock, Europe, and Eric Whitacre
03.23.05 WOkay, so as of the time I’m writing
this I’ve received no new decks. This leaves me with a bit
of a problem as I would like to alternate between doing
different styles of decks each week (i.e. switching between
Modified and Unlimited with and emphasis on Modified decks).
So, since I did an Unlimited deck last week, I really wanted
to do a Modified deck, since that’s the format that many of
you will be playing in most competitively.
However, the one deck I have in my inbox right now is an
Unlimited deck, one that I have plans of overhauling in two
weeks (more on the week off in RaNd0m Thought…). So, without
a deck to work on, what am I to do?
I decided that, whenever an instance such as this arises,
that I will go to a Pokémon TCG message board and pick a
deck from the Modified forum that has less that 4 complete
fixes in it or less that five total posts. Now, since this
is Pojo.com, I figured for my first venture into the message
board world I would check out the Pojo boards and see what
was on there. One of the first three decks jumped out at me.
This deck is already extremely well constructed and is one
of the main decks I believe will make a huge impact on not
only Nationals coming up in July, but also on Worlds. Here
is something to look out for here in the future. It’s an
excellent deck submitted by Sarz on the message board.
4 Dunsparce
2 Pidgey
1 Pidgeotto
2 Pidgeot
3 Larvitar (Fury Attack)
2 Dark Pupitar (Explosive Evolution)
3 Dark Tyranitar (1 Sand Damage, 2 Spinning Tail)
3 Mareep
2 Dark Flappy
3 Dark Ampharos
2 Copycat
2 Mr. Briney's Compassion
2 Rocket's Ball
2 Celio's Network
3 Steven's Advice
4 Rare Candy
3 Fighting
3 Lighting
3 Double Rainbow
2 R Energy
4 Darkness
Main thing to do is bring Dark-Tar to attack and to ATM rock
Dark Amphy would be back up attack
This deck has already had a LOT of work put into to it if
you can’t tell. He’s already tweaked a lot of the lines to
run much smoother and TecHed out his energy line to better
support his pokémon. However, there are a few minor
adjustments that could be made to better improve this deck
Pokémon: Already an extremely sold set-up. However, I think
that, since your focus is on Dark T-Tar as opposed to Dark
Amphy, you should slim the Amphy line down to a 2/2/2 and
run another Dark Pupitar to help solidify that line. 2
Spinning Tail and 1 Sand Damage is about the norm in Dark
T-Tar decks everywhere, so stick with that. You really want
to be able to get off the 20 to bench, 30 to active with
Dark T-Tar ASAP, which I think you can do with your Energy
line. We may work that out later, but for now, let’s just
stick with these changes in the pokémon lines. It’s already
an excellent set-up that just needed this minor fix.
-1 Mareep
-1 Dark Ampharos
+1 Dark Pupitar
Trainers: Not as much draw as I think you’d like, but I’m
sure the deck is curving well for you as is. I debate the
inclusion of 2 Celio’s even though you would only use them
to get a needed Pidgeot or Pidgeotto. But I guess they can
stay. 2 Rocket’s Ball is nice, but I really feel like 5 draw
trainers is too low for this deck. Even though I don’t see
another opening to put something else in (other than the
opening we created), I’d like to see more drawing. I run 3
Copycat and 4 Stephen’s in almost all my decks. And, with
the space we’ve created, you can do that. Your deck only had
59 cards to begin with (probably forgot an energy or
something). So let’s add another Copycat and another
Stephen’s to bulk up your draw drive.
I’d almost say to take out a Rare Candy for another Rocket’s
Ball, but with all the Stage 2s you’re running, you need all
four of them. Same goes for the ATM Rock. With this type of
deck, you’ve got to max those out to have any hope of
winning or doing decent. We’ll leave this area with that
+1 Stephen’s Advice
+1 Copycat
Energy: Looks fine. I would change anything, since you
should be able to get whatever you need with Pidgeot.
Here’s the finished decklist. Not much of a change, but
maybe significant enough to give you that one extra win
you’ll be needing in a tourney one day.
4 Dunsparce
2 Pidgey
1 Pidgeotto
2 Pidgeot
3 Larvitar (Fury Attack)
3 Dark Pupitar (Explosive Evolution)
3 Dark Tyranitar (1 Sand Damage, 2 Spinning Tail)
2 Mareep
2 Dark Flappy
2 Dark Ampharos
3 Copycat
2 Mr. Briney's Compassion
2 Rocket's Ball
2 Celio's Network
4 Steven's Advice
4 Rare Candy
3 Fighting
3 Lighting
3 Double Rainbow
2 R Energy
4 Darkness
RaNd0m Thoughts…: OK, I’ve got about three points I’m going
to hit. Tow are hit rather quickly. The last one is more or
less like my normal RaNd0m Thought…
First, send me your modified decks. That’s right, Send Me
Your Modified Decks. Again, SEND ME YOUR MODIFIED
DECKS!!!!!!!! And another time, in bold: SEND ME YOUR
Ahem, now for point two. As I’ve already made quite
apparent, I’m not going to be doing a review of over Easter.
That’s mostly on the part that I’ll be touring in Europe,
doing a five day concert tour with the choir I’m involved
with. Yeah, I know, it sounds great. And it will be great.
But I also lose contact with any computer use during that
time. So that means that community will suffer a minor loss
while I’m gone. I really enjoy helping you guys, and I hate
it when I’m unable to. But I’ll will be back in two weeks
doing a review on Monday (hopefully) in two weeks with an
Unlimited deck to look at.
And now, for the real thought…with this group I’m touring
with, I’ve been exposed to who is now one o my favorite
modern composers. That person is Eric Whitacre. If you get a
chance, search the web for his name and try and listen to
some the sound clips of his music (Its not like I would
blatantly advertise his website at ericwhitacre [DOT] com
now, would I? That would be wrong.). He has a way of
capturing music perfectly and balancing it thusly. I’m
currently performing “Lux Arumque” with the group I’m going
with, but he has other (in my opinion) better works, such as
“Leonardo Dreams of His Flying Machine” and “When David
Heard…”. The guy has already accomplished so much in his
short 15 odd years of being in the music industry. He won
numerous awards, written for and been a clinician for many
major university choirs and bands (he composes for both),
and even written an opera (based loosely on Paradise Lost).
If you get a chance, wing around the Net to hear about him
and check out all he’s done. Its quite astonishing.
Anyway, I still have some packing to do. Wish me luck in