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Cardz Shop

03.07.05 Welcome to the first edition of Cardz
Shop. First off, thanks for actually coming in and seeing
what’s going to be in store for the rest of my time here.
First off, I hate long introductions, so let’s just say I’ve
been playing pokémon either online (i.e. on Apprentice) or
in real life since the release of Jungle back in 1999. Since
then, I’ve been deck meching on message boards, trying other
TCGs, and more or less been trying out other games, both
collectable TCGs and boards games. But I’ve finally come
back to what I think is one of the more balanced TCGs out
today, Pokémon. Hopefully this fix will get you used to how
I run fixes. With that mini-intro, let’s dive in.
This deck was sent to me by another reviewer on another Pojo
site who used to play Pokémon when he was younger. His deck
could use a little bit more than a little help. I’ll let you
guys see what I mean.
Hey, my name is Mike, a DBZ COTD reviewer, and a Featured
Writer for DBZ too. I played Pokemon when I was younger,
then I stopped, then I picked it up again. I need some help
with my Deck, (which I'm sure needs A LOT of work). If you
put newer cards from when Nintendo took it up, please tell
me what set there in so I know. Thanks for the help. Here's
my deck-
(Note from Deck Mech: When you sent me this deck, there were
a lot of NOA cards that have duplicates of what you sent me.
I did my best to guess at which cards you were talking
about. I hope I did well at guessing. I’ve also modified the
deck a bit so that it would be easier to read.)
1 Wingull (RS)
1 Pelipper (RS)
4 Mudkip (RS: 1 Bubble, 3 Pound)
1 Marshtomp (RS: Bubble)
1 Swampert (RS: Water Call)
1 Horsea (DR: Wave Splash)
1 Seadra (DR: Energy Cannon)
2 Team Aqua’s Carvahna (1 Confuse Ray, 1 Wave Splash)
1 Team Aqua’s Sharpedo (Slow Acting Poison)
1 Team Aqua’s Spheal (Rollout)
1 Team Aqua’s Sealeo (Aqua Trance)
1 Team Aqua’s Poochyena (Roar)
1 Team Aqua’s Mightyena (Aqua Call)
1 Ditto (FRLG)
1 Tailow (RS)
1 Swellow (RS)
2 Lady Outing
1 Team Aqua Conspirator
2 Team Aqua Schemer
1 Team Aqua Ball
1 PokeBall
1 PokeNav
3 Energy Search
1 Energy Restore
1 Switch
3 Potion
2 Oran Berry
21 Water Energy
Alrighty, there are a couple of big problems with this deck.
The main problem is the lack of focus. There is most
definitely a focus on both using Swampert to pseudo-Rain
Dance energy onto what ever is active and attack from out of
nowhere. However, Team Qua is also accented in this deck
with some of the trainers being Aqua specific and 3 separate
Aqua lines. In my humble opinion, this deck could go one of
two ways. This could become and Aqua-centric deck, using
Team Aqua’s Magnetric (Power Shift), Team Aqua’s Seviper,
and Team Aqua’s Kyogre to do something similar to what is
done in Team Magma decks, only to a lesser extent. If you’d
like to do that, those are the cards you should look for to
fix up the deck with along with other Aqua-centric trainers.
However, I think this deck would also work well with
everything centered on getting a couple Swamptert up on the
bench and attacking with something else. This is the
approach I’d like to take with this deck and is where I am
going to dive into right now.
Pokémon: With the above decision to make this a decent
Swampert-centric deck, we can drop the six Team Aqua pokémon.
Now, to strengthen out main line of pokémon. Add 2 more
Water Call Swampert and a Swampert-EX (from Magma/Aqua).
Swampert-EX can kick out a max of 100 damage, which can be
easily W.Called by a benched Swampert. Also, one more
Marshtomp will help out the deck curve a lot.
Now that we have a solid central line, let’s work on the
supporting pokémon you’ll be using. Those pokémon will not
include any of the colorless you currently have or the
Wingull/Pelipper line. As nice of a line as it is, there is
another, much better line of water pokémon you’ll be using.
The other Water pokémon line we’ll be using is Kingdra from
Team Rocket Returns (one of the newest sets out). Its great
for covering your immense weakness to Lightning pokémon.
Let’s add two of those and another Horsea of the type you
already have. A 2/1/2 line may look lopsided, but I have a
well known trainer in mind that could really help you out.
On top of this other supporting pokémon, we’re adding 3
Dunsparce from SandStorm to help fill your bench early and
two Suicine-EX (from Magma/Aqua). In theory, you could be
doing 80 per turn with 2 benched Swampert Water Calling the
returned energy back onto Suicine-EX. With these additions,
your deck should run fairly smoothly.
-All Team Aqua Pokemon
-Wingull/Pelipper line
-All colorless pokémon
+1 Marshtomp (RS)
+2 Swampter (RS: Water Call)
+1 Swampert-EX (MA)
+1 Horsea (DR)
+2 Kingdra (RR)
+3 Dunsparce (SS)
+2 Suicine-EX (MA)
Trainers: With the removal of Team Aqua, their trainers can
be easily dropped. On top of that, we can drop PokeNav
(doesn’t fit into this deck), PokeBall (better options),
EXP.ALL (takes up space that will be filled), and Energy
Search (you’re only running one type of energy, so the
search won’t help you out that much). Along the same line as
Energy Search, all your Lady Outing are getting dumped as
you can only get 1 Water Energy from using it. Other cards
may be taken out later, but for now, let’s stop here.
Now, to add a draw line. Most drawing done today in modified
comes from Supporter cards, all of which come from NOA sets.
3 Copycat and 4 Celio’s Network are a must in this deck.
CopyCat helps you do some serious drawing and Celio searches
out evolutions for you. TV Reporter (Dragon) is another very
nice trainer that can help you do some serious drawing. Pop
in three of those. Stephen’s Advice (Hidden Legend) is
another nice trainer that lets youd raw a certain amount of
cards based on how many pokémon your opponent has in play. 3
of those would be great as well.
Now, with a solid draw line, let’s move on to other trainers
that will be of great help. One of those is Rare Candy (SandStorm).
It will let you get out evolutions fast and your deck up and
running at least a turn quicker than normal. 4 of these are
a must. Another helpful trainer for you would be Master
Ball. 3 of these would do wonders in here, helping you
search for just the pokémon you need. To round off our
trainers, add another Switch for posterity, along with
another Energy Restore. If you’ll notice, we went over in
trainers by a lot. So, I’m removing all traces of healing
cards. I know that healing can be a good thing, but many
decks now don’t use any healing, with the exception of using
a Mr. Briney’s Compassion. Your deck is so full already that
I can’t find a place to fit the regular one in. If you can
find a spot to shove one of them in or even a Crystal Shard
(to combat the ever present dragons in today’s modified),
have at it.
-All Team Aqua Trainers
-All Energy Search
-All Lady Outings
-All healing cards
+3 CopyCat (RR, or Expedition which is a Wizards set)
+4 Celio’s NTWRK (FRLG)
+3 TV Reporter (DR)
+3 Stephen’s Advice
+4 Rare Cady
+3 Master Ball
+1 Switch
+1 Energy Restore
Still all water, as to help you get your Swampert up and
running. However, 21 is a bit much for running any deck.
I’ve reduced the number and added one more Energy Restore to
help you get any W energy that you’ll be needing.
-5 Water Energy
Well, that was bit fun. Here’s a final deck list for you to
look at.
4 Mudkip (RS: 1 Bubble, 3 Pound)
2 Marshtomp (RS: Bubble)
3 Swampert (RS: Water Call)
1 Swampert ex (MA)
2 Horsea (DR: Wave Splash)
1 Seadra (DR: Energy Cannon)
2 Kingdra (RR)
3 Dunsparce (SS)
2 Suicine-EX (MA)
3 CopyCat (RR, or Expedition which is a Wizards set)
4 Celio’s NTWRK (FRLG)
3 TV Reporter (DR)
3 Stephen’s Advice
4 Rare Cady
3 Master Ball
2 Switch
2 Energy Restore
16 Water Energy
Well, there’s the updated deck. I know that there are a lot
of new cards in there, but the format has changed a lot.
This decks main strategy is to get one or two Swampert on
the bench by turn two or three and have a Suicine-EX out in
the active position and ready to go. Two Swampert is needed
to pull off the 80 per turn combo. But, if the deck is
played correctly, you can achieve this by at least turn
five, if not 4. I hope that you have fun with this deck.
RaNd0m Thoughts…: This is the part of my reviews that tends
to veer away from the traditional reviews that any other
deck mechanic on this site has done (to my knowledge). Down
here, at the bottom of my deck fixes, I’m going to start
talking about random things. Some may be associated mildly
with the Pokémon TCG (as is the case today). However, on
other days, I might rant and rave about things ranging from
the Judiciary Branch of the US Government to Food Network
Television. So, just strap in whenever you get down here. It
could be a wild ride.
Also, when you read my comments down here about society,
stuff, and other things, feel free to email me at Cardz2004@hotmail.com
to comment on whatever I say, positive or negative. Who
knows? Maybe what you say will end up in my next fix.
Today, however, I’m going off about internet viruses. If any
of you noticed, last week, I didn’t do any CotD reviews. At
all. The reason? When I got the list of cards for the week,
my computer caught two viruses that slowed my computer down
to the point that it could not perform a virus sweep or stay
running long enough to do anything on. Not to mention the
myriad of pop-up ads I got hit with. Currently, I’m trying
to get the computer up and running long enough so that I can
delete the two viruses. The only reason I know its two is
because I performed a sweep right before my computer crashed
for the first time. And I know its about 7000-8000 files
into my virus sweep, so its going to take some time to get
the sweep over with. I did recover all the files that were
of future importance to me, but things aren’t looking good
for getting this virus sweep finished. Ever. So, this means
I’m going to have to delete every file on my computer. So,
there goes my Apprentice decks from the past two years,
almost all my poetry and prose, and even some other projects
I had just barely begun. Needless to say, I’m a bit angry.
I’m only hoping for the best right now.
So, how am I typing up this deck fix? Well, I’m on Spring
Break and using my parent’s old computer to type this up.
When break is over, which is in two weeks, I have to go back
to using my laptop. Hopefully I get everything fixed in the
next week or two but, if not, I may be able to be back to
fixing for another month, which is when I can get the
computer into the shop and get it fixed. Or I can wipe all
the files, which would not be fun. And, with some other
things coming up (which I’ll talk about two weeks, God
willing), I’m going to miss at least on deck mix in the next
month due to some extenuating circumstances. But, that’s a
story for another day and another time.
So, anyone else have a horrendous experience similar to
this? Or do some of you think that this is somehow my fault.
I’d love to hear from you and see your decks. Keep them
coming in.
Until next week…
Cardz out.