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Serpents & Europe
05.03.05 Well, its nice to finally be back and
writing some deck fixes for you guys. By the way, my
computer got fixed about Thursday (thank God) but I haven’t
had time to write anything until now. So, to make up for all
these missed weeks of fixes, y’all are getting three reviews
this week. There are about two reasons why:
1) I feel like I’m responsible to make up the deck fixes I
missed for the past two week and the one for this week. You
guys have sent me some interesting decks, so y’all might
want to see them.
2) So much has been going on in the world in general (The
Pope died, in case you didn’t know) that I couldn’t fit
everything into just one RaNd0m Thought. So, to make
everything slightly more readable and not overwhelming, I’ve
broken everything up into three readable blocks. Today’s
deals with my journey overseas and some little informative
tidbits to help you all next time you’re traveling (whether
it be here in the US or over to Europe, like I did).
That said, I also had a very nice way of choosing my decks
this week. Two of you sent in letters explaining to me why I
haven’t been getting many decks: my email is halfway down
the front page and, let’s be honest, who looks down there
for ANYTHING. I’ll try and get my email up on my page ASAP
but, until then, just check down the front page to email any
more decks. With that said, let’s get onto this week’s first
of three decks.
This deck was sent to me by a former player, looking to get
back into tournaments. He has one coming up soon, so I
figured I’d better get onto his first so that he has ample
time to fix everything needed. So, here we go:
Hey my name’s John, and im just getting into pokémon. I
stopped playing right before N4, and im getting back into
the game. I haven’t played at any really organized event
yet, but I need your help for this deck before I go to my
first tournament later this month. I think it needs a lot of
work, and thanks in advance for fixing it. One more thing, I
found it kinda hard to find your email address on the sight.
OK, here’s the deck! BTW, its Modified
~Pokemon~ (26)
4 Feebas
3 Milotic
4 Magikarp (FL)
3 Gyarados (DX)
3 Marril
3 Azumarril
3 Corosola
3 Dunsparce
-Trainers (21)
2 Switch
3 Energy Search
3 TV Reporter
2 Wally’s
2 Potion
2 Warp Point
2 Energy Recycle
2 Double Full Heal
13 Water Energy
My strategy with this deck is to use Gyarados and Milotic to
attack. I use Corosola to get cards, and if I don’t like my
hand, I use POR, then use Corosola again. Reporter is for
added draw power. Both Feebas and Magikarp have Ascension,
so getting Milotic and Gyarados out is pretty easy. Also,
They can both usually hit for 80+ damage, which I think is
pretty good. I was going to use the Azumarril line for
support, but I was looking on the card, and I found out that
Drizzle is only good for active pokémon. Do you have any
suggestions for lines I could sub in there? I have a very
limited amount of trainer cards, so I just put in whatever I
could get. Maybe the Seaking or Starmie line? (I want a
bench hitter) Thanks a lot for helping, by the way I have a
medium access to cards.
Well, John gave me a lot of info to work with. Some of it
helps me (i.e. lack of ability to get EVERY card he might
need). Some of it I may not listen to. Some of it I don’t
think he’s aware he gave me. But let’s get to the fix.
Pokemon: Too many IMO. Too much TecH and not enough
substance. Corosola is a nice thought, but I think it
hinders your progress. There’s a Supporter card out now
(Stephen’s Advice) that does the same thing as the first
attack for which you’re using it for. Even if you can’t get
a hold of a set so Stephen’s, we’re still dropping all your
Corosola. It really hinders your progress with the deck, as
you’ll be wanting to Ascension ASAP, if not sooner. Add
another Dunsparce, as you seem to be able to get a hold of
that card, as well as 2 Azurill (SS).
Now, you may be wondering why I’m doing that considering the
fact that you asked me to take out your Azumarril line.
Well, here’s the main reason why: that line is staying.
Azumarril, IMO, is the card you should be using along with
your secondary attacker, whoever that ends up being.
Which brings us to Gyarados and Milotic. Both are great
lines in and of themselves. Together, however, not so great.
The hog a LOT of energy each and neither work alongside each
other to get their jobs done (Gyarados with bench damage and
Milotic with its passive/aggressive anger disorder). So, to
make room for some more cards, we’re going to eliminate the
Milotic line. Not only is Milotic the slightly weaker of the
two, its power wipes the board clean of damage. It’d be
great if it was just your pokémon, but it also works for
your opponent’s pokémon. Not great. Also, the power only
works if Feebas evolves from your hand, not your deck. So
you won’t be getting the healing power by Ascension. Not to
mention, Gyarados has a nice, friendly, alternate evolution
we can definitely abuse here.
And that evolution would be Gyarados ex (from FRLG, or FL as
you call it). Twisted does a nice, solid 40 damage by Turn
Two AND can set your opponent’s back a step on energy, which
can be near fatal early in the game. We’re dropping 1 of
your currently held Gyarados (DX) for two Gyarados ex to
make each as easily accessible from your deck (as each are
as equally valuable).
I think you’ll find, as you’re plaing this deck, that
starting with either Azurill or Dunsparce is your best go at
things, using either Azurill to grab a much needed trainer
or Dunsparce to bench a Marril and 2 Magikarp (I think this
would be your optimal benching because of your need for
quick power attackers like the quick evo Gyarados in your
deck). More on why Marril is your other bench warmer over
Azurill later in the trainers. For now…
-all Corosola
-Milotic line
-1 Gyarados (DX)
+1 Dunsparce
+2 Azurill
+2 Gyarados ex
Trainers: If you had access to card more easily than you say
you do, I’d be doing a LOT more here. As it stands, I think
I’m pressing you for a lot already, trying to find 2
Gyarados ex and trade for them. But there are some things in
the trainers I just have to address.
The first is your extreme fear of not having energy at the
right times. I mean, look at your deck: Energy Search in a
mono-colored deck and Energy Recycle System, which is used
only in decks that run many multi colors (from what I’ve
seen). Drop those five for some cards that serve the purpose
of getting energy better: Water Energy. Its obvious we’re
adding at least 3 Water energy, considering that was the
only job that Energy Search was performing. And, because
your energy count is so low, I think we could use to add the
at least one more after that to make things work out a
little more smoothly in here.
Now, onto draw trainers. You’re severely lacking here, but I
think with what resources you have, you should be able to
get a hold of the cards you need. First off, add another POR
to the deck. While the card isn’t the best of draw trainers
in this format, it will do the job for you now. Also, locate
3 CopyCat and add them to deck as well. CopyCat has been
printed a lot and you should be able to get at least three
copies of it. There is a better card to replace Wally now (Celio’s
Netwrork), but with your lack of access, let’s just go ahead
and add another Wally to the mix.
Another card that’s going is Double Full Heal. Its just a
bad card. Its bad for the same reason that Full Heal is bad:
Not enough people run status to make it useful. And, since
status leaves when a pokémon in benched, that why you use
Warp Points or Switches to remove status.
Which brings me to the great warp and Switch battle I seem
to face every time I fix a deck. This deck is one of the few
decks I think can run about 3 warp Point and get away with
it. With Marril having free retreat (something few cards in
Modified have as a basic) youcan effectively Warp back you
active, bring up Marril, and then retreat, bringing back up
your big hitter. This combo can wreak many a good deck. So
drop all your switch and add another Warp Point to your
If you noticed, there’s a lot more room in the deck now for
some other cards you might be able to get a hold of.
Considering you’ve never been to a big tournament, I’m going
to go out on a limb and say that someone in your area will
run a Dragon based deck and, thus, have a huge weakness to
Colorless pokémon. So, let’s throw in 2 Crystal Shard, which
turns any pokémon you want into a colorless pokémon. Since
we have about three more slots open, let’s throw in a couple
counter gyms, namely High Pressure Stadium. It gives you
already low retreating Water pokémon an easier time to get
to the bench. It should help you out a lot. For a final,
very situational card, throw in a Suprise! Time Machine from
RR. It’ll allow you to, if needed, switch between you
Gyarados and Gyarados ex, which you might need to late in
the game.
-All Energy Search
-All Energy Recycle System
-All Switch
+3 Copycat
+1 POR
+1 Wally’s
+1 Warp Point
+2 Crystal Shard (DX, or the old Skyridge expansion)
+2 High Pressure Stadium (DR)
+1 Surprise! Time Machine
+4 Water Energy
Well, already consulted above, but you have 59 cards in your
deck. While I normally would delete a deck after seeing this
MAJOR faux pax made, since you were so nice to point out why
my email was ahrd to find, I decided to go a head and help
where the deck needed it most: I added another Water energy.
Here’s the new and revised decklist. Most of the fixes that
would go beyond the medium level of fixing are in the
trainers (Wally’s out for Celio, POR out for Stephen’s
Advice, etc.). But, with your resources, you should be able
to get access to the fixes I’ve posted.
4 Magikarp (FL)
2 Gyarados (DX)
2 Gyarados ex (FRLG)
2 Azurill
3 Marril
3 Azumarril (SS)
4 Dunsparce
3 CopyCat
3 TV Reporter
3 Wally’s
2 Potion
3 Warp Point
2 High Pressure System
2 Crystal Shard
1 Surprise! Time Machine
18 Water Energy
Hope this deck does well for you. And here’s a tip for
getting some of the cards you need if your immediate
resources fail: Try arriving at the tournament site early
and seeing who’s around. About thirty minutes early is the
earliest you want to be there. The TO should be there and he
should have some cards he’s willing to trade with as well as
others in the area. If you bring some stuff to trade with,
you should be able to access all the cards you need and
maybe even something will catch your eye that you think you
might be able to sub into the deck for something I
suggested. Trust me on this one: Someone will probably be
more than willing to trade with you.
RaNd0m Thoughts…: Ok, so Europe. What a great experience. If
any of you ever get the chance to travel to another country
overseas (for some of you that would be European, other its
would be the US), grab that chance by the horns and run with
it. It will be the greatest experience of your life.
However, I came to realize some things that, in general, I
wish I knew before I left the States. So, to conclude this
article, I’ll go over some things that, the next time that
you’re traveling (i.e. Nationals and World Championships),
could help you have a much more enjoyable time during your
trip and also hit on some highlights of my trip.
1) Sleep: When you are about to get on a single flight or,
in my case, a chain of flights that will be lasting quite
some time (i.e. 24, 25 hours), make sure to get some rest
before the flight. Flying, for some reason, will really wear
you out, so make sure you’ll be at least half ready for the
flight by getting some sleep the night before the flight. If
its long enough and can sleep sitting straight up, get some
sleep on the flight(s). For me, eight hour flights over the
Pacific provided the perfect time to get some sleep and do
homework that I was missing due to missing two days of
2) Airline food: is not as bad as most people have made it
out to be. However, the old rule of “buy and fly” still
should be in place while traveling. For those of you not
familiar with this term, it means to go to a restaurant in
the airport, buy a meal before boarding the airplane if you
know you’ll want to eat or have a meal served while on board
and put it into your carry-on. Then, whenever you get the
time to eat, pull out the meal you bought and brought on
board and actually enjoy you in-flight meal. Stuff any trash
you have back into our carry on and pitch it once you get
off of or transfer flights. Most airlines don’t have a
problem with this, but it might be nice to check with your
airline ahead of time if they support and/or allow this
practice on their flights. Getting your flight attendant
POed ten minutes after take off is never a good thing, trust
me. *shudders*
3. Customs: If you are doing any guided touring, don’t ever
insult your tour guide, host, etc or even their country. One
of the biggest mistake that we as Americans make while
overseas is to see some of the customs a country has and say
“Wow, that’s stupid.” Whereas, many vacationing and touring
in our country may say the same thing. So, at least be a bit
considerate and keep most of your negative thoughts to
yourself. And, hey, you never know. You could see a custom
that you may think, “Hey, that’s a good idea.” For example,
at the beginning of my trip to Europe, they informed us that
it was custom to pay a small amount of money to use the
public restrooms. Initially, I thought, “Who in their right
mind would pay to use a crappy public bathroom?” Knowing
that this comment would most likely offend my tour guide, I
kept the thought to myself. However, once I saw the public
restrooms, I realized they were much better kept than those
in the US. So sometimes customs can be good. Mostly, customs
are just different. Get used to it.
4. Staying safe: I.E. When traveling in public, constantly
keep one hand on your wallet and the other on your passport.
Enough said here.
5. Jetlag: sucks. But its part of life. Honestly, I never
realized what staying up for 25 hours but only 12 of them
actually passing in life with time changes could actually do
to your body. But it was very worth it after the trip. I got
my pictures back the other day and I noticed I never took
time to realize all the details of the places I went to. It
was nice to sit back and take a walk back through my mind
with all the memories I had.
So, yeah, wish I could talk more about my trip to Europe,
but I definitely have homework piling up (finals! Yay!) and
at least two more deck reviews to write. So look out for the
next deck I do, which will conclude with a focus on how much
Americans really care about foreign policy and events (and,
no, I’m not going to talk about Iraq).