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Shop 5- Ludicolo, Magcargo, and Relevancy of Americans in
International Affairs
Well, now its onto fix
two of the week. Here’s the other deck that was sent to me
including the ominous reminder to fix my front page to show
my email address. I almost didn’t do this deck because the
person had not playtested it at all. But, in the end, I
decided to go ahead and do it because it had a very
interesting strategy attached to it.
I was watching somebody playing a Ludiculo/Cargo deck and
saw that it has several issues with both speed and power. I
also noted that a main attacker was sorely lacking. Because
of this (and the fact that I have loads of time on my hand)
I decided to build this thing.
Pokemon (28):
4 Dunsparce
2 Jirachi (HL)
4 Lotad
4 Lombre
2 Ludiculo (Swing Dance)
2 Ludiculo (other DX)
2 Slugma
2 Cargo
3 Onix
3 Dk Steelix
Energy (16):
4 Rainbow
4 Dark
4 Metal
4 R
Trainers (16):
4 Swoop! Teleporter
4 TV Reporter
2 Celio's Network
1 Retriever
1 Shard
1 Island Cave
This deck dies a very quick death if it does not get a first
turn Sparce. I made sure I GET that 1st turn Sparce active
with the Swoops, and could also possibly be used to get
Jirachi without using SARs to get it. Get a few energies
into the discard (preferrably at least 1 Rainbow) and get it
back out with Dk Steelix, form a WALL, and start wasting
with random searching and healing. Ideal setup would be 1
Cargo, 1 Swing Dance Ludiculo, 2 other Ludiculo, and 1 Dk
Steelix with 4 Dark, 4 Metal, and a Rainbow, which could
also be used on any of my other Pokemon if need be. The
Cargo and Ludiculo come first, then start working on the
Steelix buildup.
I haven't tested this yet, but it appears solid right now.
Thoughts? Ideas? Please don't rape this thing, it's just a
random idea...
BTW: the reason you're not getting any submissions is b/c
your contact info is about 2/3 down the main page and
nowhere on your deck fixes page, go all the way back to
3/4/05 for your contact info.
Again, the tagline at the end makes me want to smack myself.
However, this isn’t our focus now, is it? Looking at the
deck, I see some things I like and other things I don’t.
One of the big things I don’t like about this deck is that
it hasn’t been playtested. I would really prefer if you done
at least some playing with and fixing of the deck itself
before sending it to me. This way, I know you’ve at least
thought through some ideas before and can warn me of what
works and what doesn’t. Most of the time I can tell if a
deck has just been put together quickly and not played at
all and I almost deleted this deck after seeing this was
just slightly true. But the owner of the deck did admit to
not playtesting it and I commend him (I guess it’s a him)
for his honesty. But, please people, you are your first and
sometimes most critical deck mechanic. Make sure you know
how your deck functions in function not just in theory but
in practice.
Energy: OK, stepping down from my soap box to get to work on
this deck. First off, it looks to me that you’re running way
to many pokémon and not enough energy. 12 general energy
worked back in the day of unlimited, but now I think its
pushing it to run 15 energy; so, some of the cuts will come
from this thought train.
To quickly remedy this, let’s try adding 2 Water Energy. I
know this seems like a random choice, but there is a reason
for. That reason would be Swing Dance Ludicolo’s first
attack. It allows you to discard cards from your hand and
fill your discard pile with the energy you need to power
your Dark Steelix. And, even though you may be using Jirachi
to get your early evos out, you’ll need to stall some after
it finishes its work. You’re most likely going to be SARSing
for a Slugma, Lotad, and Jirachi, activating the Jirachi
afterward to use Make a Wish next turn. That leaves an Onix
out of the picture and an even longer wait for Dark Steelix
as well. So, stalling for time might have to be an option
for you. That’s why I’m adding these two basic energy cards
to your deck to make things a bit easier to work with.
Also, why are you running R Energy. Only Dark Steelix can
use it and, with your strategy, you probably won’t need it.
Its only acting like a high powered DCE that gets discarded
at the end of your turn. Ditch that card in favor of two
more Water and two Dark Metal Energy. This way, Ludicolo
could more easily attack and Dark Metal helps Jirachi out a
bit, in case it has to attack. If you don’t like the Dark
Metal Energy idea, just switch them all over to Water. Trust
me, you’ll need the water energy sometime in your playing
with this deck.
-All R Energy
+3 Water Energy
+2 Dark Metal Energy
Pokémon: In my opinion, too many. I realize that this deck
is dependant on two main pokémon to get running best, but
this just seems a tad over the top for me. I’m currently
surviving in many of my decks with just 3 Dunsparce now,
but, since your deck seems to be in extra need of that
fourth ‘Sparce, I’ll let the four stay. For now…
As for other pokémon (and trainers), where are your Rare
Candies? Every decent modified deck is running at least two
if not three. Drop two of your Lombre and a Dark Steelix for
three (highly needed) Rare Candy. This should help your deck
run even faster than it already is.
Here’s another quick change: Take out one Onix and add a
Slugma. Sure, Onix is a big, beefy pokémon, but he’s just
not doing much with his attacks. Slugma, on the other hand,
can help you eat through your deck and get to those cards
you need most more quickly.
As much as I’d like to slim down your pokémon count more, I
just can’t with this decks strategy. This deck is very
pokémon heavy and, thus runs slowly as you mentioned above.
But once it gets running, I can see this deck being deadly.
-2 Lombre
-1 Dark Steelix
-1 Onix
+3 Rare Candy
+1 Slugma
Trainers: I really like the use of Swoop! Teleporter here.
It’s a great way to get out that one needed basic to get
your deck rolling and, since you need certain pokémon every
game to start out with and/or swoop in later, this is a
great card. Four, however, I think is a tad overboard in my
opinion. Let’s drop that count down to three. 4 TVRs are
essential to the strategy you’re running, so there’s no
change there. Prof. Oak’s Research is a tad outdated now,
however. CopyCat will normally fetch you at least 5, if not
more, every time. So Oak’s are out and CCs are in. 2 Celio’s
are fine in this deck because you are running Jirachi.
Now we move to the single cards. First of, what the heck are
ATMRock and Island Cave in here. One is a great card, just
not in this deck. The other is just not a great card. Drop
the ATMR and, instead of running Island Cave as your TecH
gym, run Desert Ruins. You won’t be hurting yourself with
the ruins and, most likely, you’ll be wrecking your
opponent’s strategies as well. If you’re not to keen on the
Ruins idea, just run a Rocket’s Hideout. You can go wrong
with that in a deck centered around an indestructible Dark
-1 Swoop! Teleporter
-2 POR
-Island Cave
+2 CopyCat
+1 Desert Ruins or Rocket’s Hideout
Well, there are my tips for fixing up the deck. Its nothing
too major as you can see. You just had a couple cards out of
place. Here’s the list to help you reconstruct the deck. I
left you some options with the energy and counter gym. Have
fun with the deck.
4 Dunsparce
2 Jirachi (HL)
4 Lotad (SS, Blot)
2 Lombre (DX, Aqua Lift)
2 Ludiculo (Swing Dance)
2 Ludiculo (other DX)
3 Slugma (DX, Collect)
2 Cargo (DX, Smooth Over)
2 Onix (Your Choice, none of them are great)
2 Dk Steelix
4 Rainbow
4 Dark
4 Metal
4 (6) Water
2 (0) Dark Metal
3 Swoop! Teleporter
4 TV Reporter
2 CopyCat
2 Celio's Network
3 Rare Candy
1 Retriever
1 Shard
1 Desert Ruins (or Rocket’s Hideout)
Pokemon (28):
4 Dunsparce
2 Jirachi (HL)
4 Lotad
4 Lombre
2 Ludiculo (Swing Dance)
2 Ludiculo (other DX)
2 Slugma
2 Cargo
3 Onix
3 Dk Steelix
Energy (16):
4 Rainbow
4 Dark
4 Metal
4 R
Trainers (16):
4 Swoop! Teleporter
4 TV Reporter
2 Celio's Network
1 Retriever
1 Shard
1 Island Cave
RaNd0m Thoughts…: Ok, so I’m sure when many of you saw the
title of today’s deck fix, you thought I’d be addressing the
Iraq War down here. Well, while I do have some opinions on
this war, I do not believe I am well enough informed about
issues over there to best express and support my opinion.
Instead, I’m talking about the Pope down here. Now, I’m not
Catholic, but no one can deny the fact that this past Pope
who died almost a month ago was one of the most influential
people in the politics of the 20th century. I don’t think
anyone would object or refute this point. But one thing I
think was very sad about the whole passing of the Pope was
that, at least in my area which is highly populated with
Christians and Catholics, not many people cared. It seemed
at least in my immediate group of friends that I was the
only person concerned with the health of the Pope and the
impact of his death. Sadly, though, I didn’t get the news of
his death until about an hour after it occurred. The college
I attend had a production of a musical going on that day and
it was the only one of the twelve showings I would have time
to see. So, I actually found out during the intermission and
went in for the second act a little depressed.
But what shocked me most was that, during the intermission,
how many people in the lobby who saw the news on one of the
monitors just didn’t care. You’ve got to understand one
thing about this lobby: It’s a thoroughfare for the whole
campus, so there are a lot of people just standing around
and talking with their friends and family.
On this occasion, the two TVs above the Information desk
were playing two very different dramas. One was the death of
the Pope and the other was a European soccer game. Yet, in a
crowd of about a hundred, I seemed to be the only one who
noticed that the Pope had died. Everyone else around me
started talking about classes, who’s dating who, family
life, etc. Those who weren’t talking about their lives were
staring up at the blinking light of a soccer game. One
couple even said, “Oh look, the Pope died. That’s so sad.
Hey, that soccer game looks really good!” The sad thing
about that was that they weren’t joking. The sports game was
more important to this crowd than the death of a major
political figure that more or less molded together the world
in which we live today. This surely does not do justice to
his name.
As Americans, we have become to adjusted to being egocentric
and caring only about ourselves and what benefits us most
directly. It’s very sad to see how much people care about a
person who, self sacrificially, helped bring in the safe
world in which we are right now. Who knows what this next
Pope will bring to the Papacy? Right now, we need to
remember Pope John Paul II contributions to today’s society
and, for once America, but the focus off of ourselves and
onto another person.