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Cardz Shop 9 -
Answers to "Why..?"
07.11.05 Hi
all. Cardzmaster2004 here again. This intro isn’t going to
lead into a deck, sadly. I’ve put off Grass week until next
week due to the fact that I haven’t had a chance to write
all the articles and have gotten called into work early
EVERY DAY this week and still haven’t gotten off any
earlier. Instead, I’m supplementing this little aside into
why writers on this site and many other sites don’t get onto
a regular, weekly schedule like we should. Also, I’m using
this to explain why I didn’t attend US Nationals this year.
“Attend” really isn’t the right word there. “Compete” would
have worked better. I was there for all of day 1 and most of
day 2. However, I was unable to compete due to the fact that
I was missing key elements of my deck. Those of you who know
my situation know what I’m talking about. Those of you who
don’t, let’s just say that my card collection could use some
massive expansion. Regardless, if any of you saw a guy
standing around in an all black outfit looking lost on day
2, looking in on the 15+ bracket finals, that was me. Many
of you probably saw me both days and were probably wondering
who I was. But I digress.
I did have a great time at the convention anyhow. I
playtested just about every card game they had in the
exhibit hall (with the exception of YGO and Redemption) and
many of the new board and traditional games out this year.
I’ve got a big bag of freebees sitting in my room waiting to
be gone through. I’m still not completely sure what all I
got. I did find a couple new games to get into and a lot of
old games that I’m going to reinvest in.
However, I need to turn onto my nick/screen name for a
second. In 1999, I took the name Cardzmaster2004 for two
reasons: 1) I graduated high school in 2004 (yes, that makes
me 20) and 2) I felt like I had a grasp on just about every
TCG, traditional, and abstract card game at that time. I was
quite wrong and, since that time, I have tried to learn
about and be informed on every TCG/CCG out today.
The list of games I played 6 years ago compared to what I
play today is staggering. Here’s a short list of both:
Cardz in 1999:
Gin Rummy
5 Card Stud Poker
Magic: The Gathering
Star Wars
Star Trek
Phase 10
Cardz in 2005:
Texas Hold ‘Em
Magic: The Gathering
VS System
Redemption (not as heavily)
Star Wars
Phase 10
Just Deserts
Apples to Apples
Risk 2210
Risk: Godstorm
Axis and Allies
The list has had some exclusions, but this is the basic
list. If you can’t tell, I’ve quite overextended myself and
had very little time to keep up with everything I play(ed)
at the convention. I left of D&D and the LARPs I play in
occasionally because thoae in and of themselves are major
time commitments and don’t even belong on a list with other
What it boils down to is this: I’m so overextended that I’m
not sure what needs cut or what needs less commitment. I
know one thing that stays is Pokémon. After almost seven
years, two companies, Prop 15, and everything else we as
gamers have gone through, it’s a game worth keeping.
However, there’s a gaming company I am most definitely
giving more time to after Origins (Looney Labs, in case
you’re wondering). So I’m really having a problem deciding
what goes and stays. I know a lot of my Traditional games
will go, but the decision is so hard to make.
I’m not writing also because I’m making a short trip to
northern Ohio for a concert tour. So, expect a trail of
three articles on grass decks next week. I hope to see y’all
Cardz out.