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Cardz Shop 8 - Grass Week! - Day 2
07.15.05 Well,
welcome to day two of Grass Week, AKA my really small
Origins report. When I got the email earlier this week with
the cards for CotD, I was ecstatic to see that Muk EX was
the card for Thursday. My plans on the Saturday of Origins
was to meet up with some friends, get the rest of the cards
I needed for my deck, and get into a day long Pokémon
However, things just didn’t work out as planned. I couldn’t
find my friends (as I had to wait in line for a pass that
day as well) and by the time I got into the TCG Hall, the
Pokémon area was already full. So, as much as I hated to, I
walked out of the TCG Hall without competing in the biggest
open competition for US Pokemon players.
But this doesn’t mean I’m not going to divulge the decklist
I was planning on using. Frankly, I think that some of you
will see a similar deck at Worlds and could use to see what
you’d be competiting against. But, in case that argument
doesn’t hold water with you, I have three other reasons:
1) Seeing the strategy of someone who’s played this deck for
a while can help you know how to combat the deck’s main
themes and shut it down. Kinda goes with the previous point,
but who said recycling was ever bad.
2) I’m not going to be at Worlds, so I don’t have to worry
about someone making an anti-deck for mine. Again, goes back
to Worlds prep.
3) My deck becomes obsolete after Worlds. I’m sure everyone
is quite aware of the announced set rotation coming up. And
almost everyone is in agreement that RS-DR is going to get
rotated. What other than that is up in the air right now. I
personally feel we’re getting rid of MA too, but no one can
be sure of that. Hey, the first cut made under WotC was to
TR. Maybe Magma and Aqua cohorts will be staying around for
a while.
That said and aside, here was my planned decklist.
4 Grimer (RR)
1 Dark Muk (RR)
4 Muk EX (DR)
3 Dunsparce
3 Jirachi (DX)
3 Switch
3 Swoop! Teleporter
3 Team Aqua’s Hideout
3 CC
2 Rocket’s Admin.
4 Steven’s
3 Wally’s Advice
3 Pokemon Reversal (RG Release)
1 Super Scoop Up
14 Grass Energy
3 Metal Energy
Basic Strategy: Start the match with either Dunsparce or
Jirachi active (Jirachi preferred). Use either to do their
basic function (Dunsparce for bench filling and Jirachi for
limited Spot searching). On your second turn, Swoop! out
your current active for a Grimer and use either the Muk EX
in your hand or Wally to evolve into Muk EX. Start working
on building him up for an attack while keeping your bench at
Jirachi and Grimer, evolving to Muk EX only when needed.
Once you have your second Muk EX in play, start powering up
another Grimer for either a third Muk EX or the Dark Muk.
In the mirror match: Muk EX vs. Muk EX plays out quite
oddly. It’s not the greatest of attackers and relies on
status on turn 2 to do a lot of damage. In the mirror match,
this deck stands out with the Dark Muk, which comes in handy
in the oddest of circumstances. Though it can be flippy,
Dark Muk can be the card that makes or breaks a game when
played correctly. Jirachi is another great card to use in
the mirror match as an attack. 50 for [M][*] is pretty nice
when combating an EX.
What this deck shuts down:
Ludicargo: Gone. Without its lovely Ludicolo/Magcargo
combination, this deck just doesn’t work as quickly and gets
easily shut down. TAHQ makes retreating a pain as well,
causing havoc and upping the damage Muk EX can kick out.
Rock Lock: No powers, no combinations, no damage when you
evolve after an ATMR. However, ATMR can really hurt your
deck, so watch out for them.
Dragitrode: No powers, no D energy searching, no attacking.
Laugh maniacally.
Blaziken: Without Firestarter, this deck gets hurt a lot.
However, this deck is still really powerful without the
power. Don’t underestimate the power of this deck. You’ll
kick yourself for it later.
Anything with Pidgeot RG: Bye bye Pidgeot. Bye bye spot
What shuts down this deck:
Gardevoir/GardEX: This deck hates [P] pokémon with a
passion. While Muk EX does shut down powers, Gardy decks
only need to kick out a measly 50 damage to kill you.
Considering you’ll have 3 energy on you already and Gardy
deck should be able to kick out the extra two energy needed
to kill you with a Energy Burst.
Metagross and its variants: This is a really close match and
is normally decided by the toss of a die or who goes first.
Grumpig (DX): This card TecHed into a deck really create
heck for you. The Body isn’t anything to shut down and Extra
Ball=doom for you.
Dark Steelix: OK, I know this deck is a little bit rogue,
but whenever I’ve playtested against this deck, it just
shuts me down. Resistance to G, no Bodies, and the ability
to benefit from both [D] and [M] energies really creates
hell for you. This deck also benefits from Swoop!, Rocket’s
Poké Ball, Celio’s, Wally’s, Briney’s, etc. This deck is
just the worst horror in existence for Muk EX.
Well, there was what I planned on playing. Though it didn’t
work, I believe it would have worked rather well. Seena, who
played Medichamp EX (another excellent deck that works
similar to mine), ended up taking Nationals with his deck. I
wish him great luck at Worlds, which he won’t need since
he’s such a talented player.
Now, since I wasn’t involved with The Big Event, I had to
find something else to occupy my time. So, I decided to
compete in another Nationals event.
No, I didn’t compete in the Yu-Gi-Oh Nationals. I’m not that
The other Nationals going on at origins was the 1st ever
Apples to Apples Nationals. All things considered I did
well. Hey, when you’re laughing at random comparisons that
would make sense under NO circumstances, know that playing
the card “Spam” will automatically get you a free point, and
you can’t figure out if Bill, Hillary, Chelsey, or Sadaam is
the “Sexistest”, how can’t you have fun? Even though I had a
blast, I missed the cut to the final table by two points. I
felt a little disappointed, but it wasn’t the end of my
I worked the Exhibit Hall over like it was my job too.
Anything you could demo/playtest, I did with the exception
of a couple TCGs that were, well, a tad below par. And,
people, when you playtest/feign interest at places, you get
a lot of free stuff. I repeat, a LOT of free stuff. Free TCG
packs, miniatures, promo cards, T-Shirts, entire games (yes,
entire games), and all kinds of other stuff. You just have
to learn what to say, what to do, who to talk to, and when
to act. Sometimes you can even make valuable contacts and
get some insider info on what might be coming out in the
next couple years. So, being inquisitive at booths is never
a bad thing. Just know when to stop being too inquisitive.
RaNd0m Thoughts…: While I spent a lot of time in the Exhibit
Hall, I also spent a lot of time with another game producer.
Andrew Looney and his Mad Lab Rabbits were out in force
again this year, demoing Giant Icetowers on the main level
of the convention and doing all kinds of things upstairs in
the Big Experiment. I played in a couple of their
tournaments and, while I didn’t do well, I had a blast and
discovered a couple new games I’m definitely buying in the
next couple months before I go back to school.
If you think that the Looney’s seem a bit odd and that you
shouldn’t play their games games, consider this:
In 2003, I attended Origins for a couple days (because that
was all I could attend) to compete in one of Wizards last
DCI Pokémon events. After played decently with my Light
Draggy/Espeon AQ deck, I was sitting out in one of the back
halls waiting for my ride. While waiting, I saw a bunch of
people with huge bags of pop cans coming to one of the open
areas I’d seen other people playing with giant pyramids
earlier. They dumped these cans out and started stamping
them flat. In the back of my mind, I was thinking, “Dear
Lord, what are these freaks doing? I hope I never get
involved with whatever the heck they’re doing anytime soon.”
My ride arrived a few minutes later and I was back off
toward home.
About a year later, I found out that the “freaks” I saw were
part of a Looney Labs run recycling program at the Con,
since GAMA wasn’t doing recycling at the time. And two years
after the incident, I’m more than just a little involved. I
own most of Looney Labs major games, about five stashes of
Icehouse pieces, and have plans on becoming a Mad Lab Rabbit
and running demos in my area here soon. I can’t wait for the
final edition of Just Desserts, their newest game, to come
The Looneys, Andy and Kristen, are great people and really
down to earth. They’re very approachable and prefer a
hands-on approach to their business, which I really liked.
At almost any moment, you could go up and just talk to
Kristen, watch Andy locked in an intense game, or even just
ask him some random questions during some of his late night
sessions. They’re some of the nicest game designers you’ll
ever meet.
But life hasn’t always been great for them. Both of them are
strong drug activists and, from what I can gather from their
site, they use marijuana for medicinal purposes (could be
wrong though). Now, I don’t do drugs. 1) I’d get kicked out
of school and 2) I’m a voice major, so drugs of any sort are
bad for me, including something else I’ll discuss tomorrow.
So, for me, I say if it’s the only medicine, let them use
But the Supreme Court recently ruled that medicinal
marijuana is unconstitutional. Now, this took me in shock.
Sure, you can go ahead and say that certain detrimental
drugs, like coke, are illegal, but, people, when you’re
taking away people medication? That’s just wrong. Heck, I’m
even a Conservative and I’m saying this. If we, as a country
have come to the point where we are withholding treatments
that could be bringing in the government big dollars and cut
back our taxes (i.e. the tobacco industry), what are we
waiting for? Let the people have their medication. The
Supreme Court usually doesn’t screw up like this that often,
but they really blew it this time.
Well, sorry for the overly lengthy random report. I hope to
see you all at next year’s Nationals. I might just compete
next year.
; )
Cardz out.