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Shop 11- Rosalia Boost and The Real Enemy
07.21.05 Well,
welcome to the finally of Grass Week. Yeah, its kinda
spanned into two weeks, but all my grass decks did happen
within a seven day period, so I at least consider all the
decks in one consecutive week. So, that aside, on with the
final deck.
This deck was sent to me by a competitor in the Netherlands
who used the deck at Nationals. Sadly, according to the
player, the deck fell flat. Let’s see if we can spruce it up
but keep the general feel of the deck.
Since you asked for a grass deck in jour last post here's
one I actually made an mistake with by playing it in the
dutch national tournament (it wasn't really finished,
really) It`s aim was for roselia to speed growth for
shroomish,skitty and slugma and then to evolve those pokemon
as quick as possible as to do damage per energy card
attached to them.
4 Roselia(Ex Dragon #9)
2 Zangoose (Ex Sandstorm #14)
3 Skitty (Ex Trainer #6)
3 Slugma (Ex Deoxys #74)
3 Shroomish (Ex Emerald #63)
1 Delcatty (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #5)
1 Delcatty (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #29)
2 Dark Magcargo (Ex Team Rocket Returns #38)
2 Breloom (Ex Emerald #22)
4 Prof. Oak’s Research (Ex Firered/Leafgreen #98)
4 TV Reporter (Ex Dragon #88)
4 Potion (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #91)
2 Mr. Briney’s Compassion (Ex Dragon #87)
2 Pokenav (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #88)
2 Boost Energy (Ex Deoxys #93)
21 Grass Energy (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #104)
The trainers I used only healed or were used to draw
I have good access to new cards so change whatever you feel
Thomas van Dijk The Netherlands
Well, the deck’s main focus, I must admit, I have attempted
before in my own Grass decks. Rosalia is one of those cards
that just scream “COMBO WITH ME!!!” However, working with
Roasia is a bit hard to do, considering that you have to get
pokémon on your bench to get any decent benefit from its
attack. Let’s see what we can do to overhaul this deck.
Pokemon: First off, 4 Rosalia stay in because you NEED to
have one active to “run the deck correctly. Now, onto the
other pokémon.
I think three evolution line is a bit excessive. You only
should run two and make sure that those are beefed up so
that they can be the most effective. And, for me, those seem
to be the Delcatty and Breloom lines. Dark Magcargo looks
good, but I think its just taking room in a deck that’s
already going to pushed for space. So his entire line gets
dropped right now. Also, Zangoose is another card that’s
nice, but not nice enough. So all of them go as well.
Now for additions/substiutions. First off, you should run
the Skitty with Minor Errand Running. Granted, it has 10
less HP than the one you’re running now, but Minor Errand
Running will help you out in at least a quarter of your
games. Also, to supporth “extra energy, extra damage theme”,
let’s up the count of uncommon Delcatty by two and add
another Skitty. For other substitutions, use the SS
Shroomish instead of the EM one you’re running now. Also, as
TecH, I’d like to see a DX Breloom in there to put out some
extra damage when you get a Rosalia running correctly. 70
for three is nice especially if you need to stall a bit.
More on how to get the [F] energy later.
-Dark Magcargo line
-all Zangoose
+2 RS Delcatty (Uncommon)
+1 RS Skitty (Minor Errand Running)
+1 DX Breloom
Trainers: IMO, too weak and in need of a massive overhaul.
First off, Potion has been passé since its release in the
Base set. Drop them all. Also, Prof. Oak’s Research has been
long replaced by better cards. Again, drop them all. As a
final “all drop”, we’re eliminating all traces of PokéNav
from the deck. It’s not a good card and never has been.
Now for the additions. 3 CopyCat, 2 Rocket’s Admin., and 4
Steven’s are the obvious additions as they are staples of
almost every deck out right now. For your deck, I’m also
suggesting 3 Celio’s Network (you’ll need it to get out the
evolutions you’ll be needing) and 4 Dual Balls (this card is
great and a fast starter for your deck that isn’t going to
be running that many pokémon searching trainers). To make a
little more room, I’m dropping your TVR count to two.
-all Potion
-all Prof. Oak’s Research
-all PokéNav
-2 TVR
+3 CC
+2 Rocket’s Admin.
+4 Steven’s
+3 Celio’s
+4 Dual Ball
Energy: Dropped the Grass energy count to make room for the
additions and maxed out your Boost energy count. Boost is
your most important resource in the deck, as its essentially
a 30 damage pump for any of your pokémon.
-3 Grass
+2 Boost
Well, there you go. I suggest that you start with either a
Rosalia or a Skitty with a Skitty benched. Pump the Skitty
and evo into the uncommon RS Delcatty for the best results.
GL with the deck.
4 Roselia(Ex Dragon #9)
4 Skitty (RS ; Minor Errand Running)
1 Delcatty (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #5)
3 Delcatty (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #29)
3 Shroomish (SS)
2 Breloom (Ex Emerald #22)
1 Breloom (DX)
3 CopyCat
2 Rocket’s Admin.
2 TV Reporter (Ex Dragon #88)
4 Steven’s Advice
2 Mr. Briney’s Compassion (Ex Dragon #87)
3 Celio’s Network
4 Dual Ball
4 Boost Energy (Ex Deoxys #93)
18 Grass Energy (Ex Ruby/Sapphire #104)
RaNd0m Thoughts…: Ok, so we’re at the end of Grass Week.
And, so far, I’ve covered some of my opinions on the use of
drugs, both on how they’re marketed (or protested) and how
we as a nation have decided to let drugs be used. Yet,
today, I am going to expose you all to little known secret
about the drug world.
As you all know, the Supreme Court recently ruled to have
medical marijuana banned from use in the US. And, even
though marijuana may not be something you’d want to get
addicted to, there is a drug in use the US now that many
people are unaware of. Not only are many unaware of it, the
government has not even taken many steps in preventing the
marketing of this drug worldwide.
And, even though this drug is marketed worldwide, in its
purest form it is a poison as bad as arsenic. However, not
many people choose this form of the drug. Many choose to
dilute it and extract some of it and dilute it in water and
drink it, saying it “gives them an energy buzz from another
world”. Yet, all its doing is giving them the illusion of
energy. The drug simply tricks the brain into working into
overdrive, causing it later work at a slower pace until,
eventually, more of the drug must be taken to obtain the
needed effect for survival. And, at its end, the drug has no
effect, but the user is so compelled to sue the drug and,
with its ready availability, cannot resist tempting to get
high yet again.
The other effects of the drug when in this favored extract
or diluted form is the constant drying out of the body,
causing chronic dehydration. Also, many users experience
extreme highs and lows, with the higs characterized by
crazed and uncontrolled behavior and small seizures and the
lows characterized by a lack of energy, raspiness in the
voice, and general drowsiness. Though the drug crauses all
the horrendous side effects, the government has chosen to
let it pass by without any second thoughts.
What is this evil drug that plagues America, yea, the World.
It’s caffeine. The coffee, caffeinated sodas, and pills
Americans take to make it through the day are slowly killing
us all, causing us to have shorter lifespans and make us a
nations of drowsiness.
So fight the real enemy! Throw away all your coffee grinds!
Pour away your piteous Cokes, Pepsis, and Mountain Dews! Get
rid of your caffeine laced sugar pills! Fight the real
enemy! Fight caffeine! Fight NOW!
Keep sending in your decks.
Cardz out.