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Budget Deck; Article #4
Ohio States Report and the End of the Budget Deck
First, a link to
Jay’s most recent column (sniff, sniff)
And here’s the deck at the end of last week.
4 Chikorita
3 Bayleef
2 Meganium
4 Snubbull
2 Granbull
2 Spinarak
3 Stantler
4 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Protective Orb
2 Fluffy Berry
3 Copycat
2 Mary's Request
3 Master Ball
2 Switch
21 Grass
Match 1: DarkLordSigma w/ Camperupt and Typhlosion (both EX)
I dind’t see the Typhlo EX but I asked about it after the
game. We both had decent set ups. He started searching w/
Jirachi while I got a turn 3 Granbull and turn 5 Bayleaf. ON
turn 4, however, he hit me with an Admin after KOing his
Jirachi and failing a Kill on my Granbull. This set me back
a little, but I was able to get out Bayleaf on turn 5 and
drew a Protective Orb as my prize and would have played it
if I got the chance. Instead, I got hit with a POW! Hand
Extension before I could play it. Bayleaf hit the Fire
before it could defend itself and Granbull failed BOTH it’s
Double Lariat flips which could have caused a KO and a turn
in the game power back to me. Instead, I lost to a fully
powered Camperupt EX on his 6th turn. A little disappointing
to start the week off on, but I know I just got hit with two
cards that just wrecked my strategy.
Match 2: EnjoiPandPoo w/ Machamp HL Swarm
I got a decent set-up with a turn 3 Granbull. A great set-up
(considering I also had Protective Orb attached to help with
weakness issues), but I started with an active Chicorita,
holding a Mega in hand and hoping to get out a Bayleaf
quickly enough to wreak my opponent. I was not lucky enough
and my Chicorita got Brick Smashed inot the discard pile. A
failed Crushing Blow the next turn ended that turn after I
dropped another Chicorita on the bench along with a Stantler.
A few turns and some fancy retreating later, the Granbull
was dead with no prizes taken to show for itself (though it
did get in some important damage). I sent out Stantler (with
another Protective Orb attached) to confuse the active
Machamp. Sadly, confusion wasn’t enough to stop its attacks.
It got Switched out and replaced by a UF Corosola that
fetched a Machop a couple turns later. After the Machop was
benched, the Corosola retreated and a pumped Machamp came
out and made quick work of my Stantler. After it’s KO, I
sent out mega and KOed the Machamp in 2 turns. While I
celebrated a small victory, my opponent got up another Champ
and got another heads on Cross Chop, KOing my Mega before it
could heal itself well enough. A Spinarak came in and got a
flip, Poison KOing a heavily damaged Machamp, but that was
the end of my efforts. The his side of the board consisted
of at least three Machamp for most of the game and, with a
Pidgeot searching for Switches and the like, I couldn’t
compete. I put up a great effort, but it was too little in
the end, even though I got off both my Granbull and one
And then it started.
The great drought.
It really wasn’t a drought as what happened was I simply got
too busy. For those of you who weren’t aware, I’m a
sophomore at a pretty well know Christ-centered (not
Christian) college in Ohio. The two matches above were
played before my Christmas break. I had every intention of
finishing this article series up during break and move on
with a new deck idea and stop running this precon-centric
idea. But fate provided another path. This semester, I am
taking 20 credit hours (overloead is 21, so I missed having
to visit the Department chair AND the Dean of Bible and Fine
Arts by one credit in order to take overload), am involved
in two theatre productions (I’m finishing up on the second
this coming week), and am in 3 music ensembles. Needless to
say, I get a little busy from time to time.
Anyway, it was about mid February when I started checking
for major tourneys in my area (the League I had been going
to had closed down recently). And, much to my surprise, Ohio
States were only 2 hours away from the college unlike the
three+ it had been. I checked the weekend for the
Completely open on my calendar.
That doesn’t happen every day. I’m normally booked to the
walls for about wo months in advance, but this fit in an
open spot between costume fittings and the debut of the show
on campus.
So I started to playtest as much as possible. I won’t post
all the matches here, because I don‘t have enough time to
write them all up. All I can say is thanks to
DragonairMaster8, DarkLordSigma, sdrawkcab190, and
JasonTehPwnda for being available to playtest a lot during
that time and the times before. You really helped develop
the deck. A lot.
I was very excited about going to OH States. No one in Ohio
really knows I’m from that state, so it would be really easy
to slip in and get through deck chechs without people
raising their eyebrows at a familiar deck that much.
Honestly, I was glad to have the anonymity of no one knowing
who I was so I wouldn’t get people asking me about current
metagame Qs and the like. Yeah, I’m not a big time writer,
but you’d be surprised how many people IM me now just for
general deck help.
So, March 18 rolled around and I had a deck list together,
but not all the cards I needed. Here was what I was planning
on running.
4 Chikorita
3 Bayleef
3 Meganium
3 Spinarak
3 Ariados
3 Stantler
4 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Protective Orb
2 Fluffy Berry
3 Sitrus Berry
3 Copycat
2 Mary's Request
3 Master Ball
2 Switch
19 Grass
1 Scramble
To answer some quick questions:
Why Ariados over Granbull?
In my playtests leading up to the tournament, I faced a LOT
of decks that had fighting in them: some just for a little
TecH, others completely centered around a (F) pokémon. Also,
Machamp LM got REALLY popular the week before the tournament
at other states as well as other fighting decks, so I was
biting my nails for an answer. I had considered adding
Ariados when I decided to max out on Spinarak early on, but
decided to wait, since it was a rare and not open
particularly easy to find. Not to mention, this deck really
has no way of accessing your opponent’s bench. Ariados gave
me a path to it.
While Ariados is “budget” per se, it’s not popular enough to
be able to find and trade for/buy a set pretty cheaply. From
what I say, I could have gotten the 3 for around $12 (the
price of a theme deck).
Sitrus Berry?
I can’t believe I didn’t see this combo before, but here it
is: With Meganium’s Self-Healing Body not keeping up with
its Self-Damaging attack, I needed a way to keep up with
attacking while healing more than usual. Someone (I forget
who; remind me so I can thank you in my next article)
suggested Sitrus Berry for quick healing. The result was
great, essentially, I could deal 100 damage and only have 1
counter on me after my turn and be completely absolved of my
damage by the time my next turn came around. It was a sweet
combo and rather latched on to it.
1 Scramble Energy? Come on, Cardz, that card is in no way,
shape, or form a Budget card?
*looks left*
*looks right*
…ok, so its not. I’ll admit it. However, in a coming
article, I’ll explain why I used it. I’m really trying to
invest in some cards that’ll see long-term play. My policy
is: If you’ve got it, play it. I happened to pull a Scramble
in a Booster prize I’d received and figure that, since my
deck could use it, I should consider using it.
However, I don’t have a singles (as in single card) retailer
near me, so I had to hope I could pick up the cards I needed
at the tournament. Namely, the 3 Ariados. I had already
prepared a backup list should I not be able to get a hold of
all three I needed.
But, when I got to the tourney site, the on-site retailer
had NO Ariados UF. Period. End of story.
Crap. Much crap.
So I had to think on my feet. I had to use the Granbull now,
there’s no way around that. But what else should I use? And
how much of it should I use?
In the end, I settled on 2/2 Granbull since I had talked to
a lot of people and heard of a lot of LM Machamp running
around, as well as some established Hariyama ex decks.
Running 3/3 would be asking for a lot more auto-losses than
needed for a Budget deck like mine.
So, that left 2 more open slots. What to insert? I had toyed
with using Yanma from this set as an early card drawer, but
that had only met varied success early on. But it’s second
attack gave me limited access to the bench as well (very
useful in a deck without a way to touch the bench). So I
decided to run 1 Yanma and 1 Spinarak at the time. But 1
Spinarak wasn’t enough to make me feel comfortable and I
still felt I needed more Stun Poison to balance the deck. So
I dropped a Switch (leaving me with 3 Switchesque cards) and
added a second Spinarak.
Also, I found a decent deal on Bill’s Maintenance, a Budget
card already, so I scooped it up quickly and bumped out the
Mary’s that had been giving me trouble for about two weeks
since I had been getting more consistent turn 3 Megas.
Here’s the final decklist. Netdeck it if you like. ; - )
4 Chikorita
3 Bayleef
3 Meganium
2 Spinarak
1 Yanma (UF)
2 Snubble
2 Granbull
3 Stantler
4 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Protective Orb
2 Fluffy Berry
3 Sitrus Berry
3 Copycat
2 Bill’s Maintenance
3 Master Ball
1 Switch
19 Grass
1 Scramble
Going into this tourney, I wasn’t expecting to do great.
Ohio is pretty well known as one of the top 15+ States in
the US. So, for me, a decent record would be nice. But I
decided to set my goals high.
At OH States, I would get an even record AND be in the top
16 for 15+.
Yeah, this doesn’t sound like a lofty goal, but I’m here to
prove that Budget decks are competitive. I didn’t think this
deck,at least at this stage, could take down the well
established LBS that ahd wrecked havoc pre-OH States nor its
earlier counterpart Scixor EX. So I though an even record
would be difficult to achieve.
What happened once the tourney started, however, was quite
The tourney did start on a pretty big hitch. The TOs had
entered a new player’s Birthday incorrectly into the tourney
software. They went in to fix the problem, and the computer
crashed. They got the computer running again, tried to fix
the problem again, and it crashed again. I’m sure how many
times it crashed before they got it to work or if they gave
up, but pairings and age group info went up almost an hour
later than announced. None of this was helped with people
turning in deck lists last minute either.
So, the tourney started and I met a very unlikely opponent:
Round 1: Liz R. with Dark Slowking
Liz actually played in the last tournament I played in back
in 2002. At that time, the game was being transferred from
WotC to NOA. Long story short, everyone at the tourney got a
LOT of packs regardless of finish. I was playing Light
Draggy/Espeon AQ to her Scizor deck. Perfect match-up and a
win for me in that round, which I believe was my last in
Fast-forward to 2006 and I’m playing her again in the first
round of my first major tourney back. She was running a
tight deck too, but she was behind the 8-ball from the
start. She had only a Slowpoke to start to my Stantler and
benched Chico. She won the roll, attached to Poke and
confused my Stantler and her Slowpoke. I had a God start of
3 grass energy, Fluffy Berry, Mega, Prof. Elm’s Training,
Masterball. I had a turn 3 Mega out in no time while she was
unable to bench anything else other than another Slowpoke
through a Masterball of her own. She had evolved to Slowking
by her turn 3 and KOed my Stantler. But this was the only
bump in the road for me. I cruised through with a Mega with
Sitrus on it now and KOed her D. Slowking on my turn 3 and
her other Dark Slowking on turn 4. The game was over before
the time hit 20 minutes.
With time to spare, we played another casual game so we
could get used to our decks. The game went a little longer,
but I was still about to pull off a turn 5 mega with Sitrus
and cruised through for anther win with the deck.
Result: Win (1-0; 3 pts.)
As great as this success was, it scared me. My deck doesn’t
win that easily nor should it. Maybe these last minute fixes
really did help out the deck a lot. I couldn’t wait to see
the pairings for next round.
Round 2: Andrew M with Machamp LM
Wow, this was the matchup I was NOT looking forward to, and
it played out a little better than I thought it would.
He and I both stalled for a while. He stalled because he was
setting up. I stalled becase I could do anything. He started
with Jirachi and Wished into a great set-up. All I could do
was use my active Stantler to pick away his trainers and see
his set-up. Stantler has always been a strong supporter for
this deck and he really helped me here, getting rid of a
Celio’s and a Candy before dying to a turn 5, 2 React
Machamp LM.
From there, it was smoother sailing for him. He did get
confused from a second Stantler, but I drew into no trainers
or energy other than the 5 I played and no draw trainers
whatsoever. It was a sad loss, but I deserved it. My deck
just didn’t function. Period.
Result: Loss (1-1; 3 pts)
I wasn’t too discouraged by the loss, since I deserved it,
and Andrew’s deck just played well in general. I was very
impressed by it.
Round 3: Michael C. with Mew EX-centric deck (Flygon EX and
Shiftry LM)
This was an interesting deck, as I hadn’t seen a Mex EX deck
played before. But his deck didn’t function very well. I do
have to say one thing though: Mew ex + Holon’s
Electrode=Pure Evil.
He started with his only basic being a Holon’s Voltorb (Vas
der heck?) to my active Stantler and benched Mega. Stantler
had 2 E on him in no time and I had a half full bench by
turn three, including another Stantler (1 E) and a Bayleaf
(Mega in hand). He KOed Holon’s Voltorb and took down a rare
Candy and a Steven’s (I think) in the process.
He had MewEX up by then and used Bouncy move to KO my
Stantler. Wow, didn’t see that coming. I had a powered Mega
ready on the bench, so I swooped in for the KO and faced
down a Shiftry. I got Beat Reaceted with a React, so I got
confused. No problem, especially when confusion only does
essentially 1 damage to me. I had Sitrus in hand, so I
attached it, attached a second E to my Mega-in-waiting and
attempted bouncy move. No dice, but that’s ok. Sitrus helped
and I was at 0. I retreated the turn after to avoid a KO and
confused a 50-damaged Shiftry with Screechy Voice. On his
turn, he tried to KO my Stantler with Beat Down (It already
had damage). Tails. I KOed it the next turn and took out a
draw trainer from his hand. I cruised through w/ Mega 2 for
the win after that.
Result: Win (2-1; 6 pts.)
So, after 3 rounds, I was at 2-1.
My deck was not only winning, but putting a fight almost all
the time. The rankings weren’t posted because we were
playing 6 round, Top 8 cut and it was Lunch Break. I came
back and scanned for my name, to see my states.
After 3 rounds:
9th, 3rd highest resistance for 2-1s.
I was estatic.
I couldn’t believe my deck had done so well. And, not only
that, I was ONE PLACE FROM TOP CUT. Two wins straight would
probably put me in. I couldn’t wait for my next game.
Round 4: Paul H. w/ Scizor ex/Armaldo ex/Mew ex
Or, a whole heck of a lot of EXs. It was my second Mew EX
deck of the day and, I can say this strongly:
Holon’s Electrode is so close to broken it’s not even funny.
I don’t care if I see it in play again. It can burn for all
I care. It single handed makes Mew EX broken.
But I digress. The match went on well enough, him with claw
fossil to my Chicorita and benched Snubble. He set up with
an Awaken from Anorith turn 2 and benched 2 more Anorith. I
got a trun 4 Meganium and ate through an Anorith a a Scyther,
avoiding an early Scizor EX.
But, two turns later, I faced the steel winged phantom
himself. Scizor EX came in and KOed my Mega. I had another
on read by that time and, after doing some math, I though I
could KO the EX that turn even though it had no damage on
it. It hadn’t steel Winged, so that helped w/ the math a
lot. SO I brought up Mega and dealt the KO blow that should
eventually give me the game.
Except I forgot to factor in weakness when doing the math,
so I was off by 30. I only dealt 100 damage and couldn’t
anything. He KOed me the enxt turn and I brough up Granbull
for the ko. Prizes: 3-3.
After I brought up Granbull w/ 2 energy, I attached another
E to him on my turn and Crushing Blowed away a Metal energy
(no damage because of Steel Wing). On his turn, he attached
DRE and Cross-Cut for 60. I attached another E on my turn
and Crushing Blowed for 100. Very nice. But that was
Granbull’s last stand and mine as well. Stantler came in and
tried to save me, but to no avail.
Had I held off and sent up my benched Stantler when I sent
up my Mega, I would have won. But a very beginner mistake
cost me the match. It just shows you that the most seasoned
of veterans CAN make a huge mistake and it can (and will)
cost them the game.
Result: Loss (2-2; 6 pts)
NO commentary here, I was too eaten up by this last game.
The only encouragement boost here was that all my opponent’s
had won their matches, raising my resistance.
Round 5: Bradly S. with Dark Marowak/Dark Tyranitar
(Spinning Tail)…
…but I never saw the T-Tar because I set up too quickly. I
had a turn 4 Mega and, with the aid of Fluffy Berry, I came
in and attacked his Linoone with a Sitrus Berry powered
Meganium. He got up a Dark Marowak after that and confused
my Mega. I simply Switched it out, retreated w/ Fluffy, and
came back at him with a fully powered mega and the third of
my Sitrus Berries. From there, it was 4 straight basic
pokémon KOs.
This was definitely the smoothest of my matches other than
the Round 1 Dark Slowking matched. I’d like to have seen the
T-Tar hit the field, because this deck has done well against
it in the past, but I’ll take a win and a surprise speed win
from my deck any time. The guy was really cool to and
actually from a town about 15 minutes from my school.
Result: WIN (3-2, 9 pts)
w00t! I’ve accomplished part of my goal already to at least
go even on my matches and I’m seated 12th in the field right
now with 3rd highest resistance for all 3-2s. I’m so glad my
opponent’s had done so well. And, if I won this next match,
I would have a very good shot at making top 8.
A Budget deck making Top 8. Haha. I’m funny.
Funny or not, I was closer than you might think.
Round 6: Barb B. with Hariyama ex/Medicham ex/Steelix ex
And, of course, I can’t get set up. I start with a Stantler,
but only attached 1 E because of the type disadvantage and
start to create a Bayleaf to become a Mega next turn. I ahd
attached a Boost to Bayleaf a turn early and got reversaled
up and KOed by Hariyama. Stupid Cardz for revealing your
intentions a turn early, even if you know your opponent
could Admin. you easily. I started to power another Mega up
while I stalled with confusion from a Stantler and it worked
for a while. I got my Bayleaf out (fully powered) but no
Mega in sight and no way to get it. I stuck it out with
Stantler for another turn and targeted her hand, discarding
an inconsequential trainer. The next turn, she had her
second on Medicham EX and attached a second energy to a
second Makuhita. ON my turn, I got Masterball, got Mega, and
Bouncied the Hariyama off the board. But it was exactly 1
turn too late. I couldn’t get another card on my bench and
she came in with Medicham and Pure Powered Mega. The she
didn’t attach E to the Makuhita, but did evolve. I didn’t
have Sitrus, so I just prayed that they wouldn’t get another
E for the Pivot that would KO me. She did, and I died the
next turn. Had I gotten mega out one turn earlier, I would
have gotten the win. But, I didn’t and had to settle for a
well deserved win on her part.
Result: Loss (3-3; 9 pts.)
Well, I definitely wouldn’t make top cut now, but I hung
around a little longer to see if I would make my other goal
for the day.
The Final Standing: 16th place with 3rd highest resistance.
W00tZ0rz! I did! I took a Budget deck and, in one of the
most competitive environments around, accomplished my goal
of a top 16 win.
As for the top 8, here’s how they ended up:
1. Tom D.
2. John W.
3. Ajay S.
4. AJ S.
5. Steve Z.
6. Matt R.
7. Andrew M. (i.e. Round 2 Loss)
8. Barb B. (i.e. Round 6 Loss)
Notice what I’ve brought out. Two of my three losses were to
people who made top cut. Not only that, but Barb was ranked
lower than me going into the last round. Had I gotten my
Mega out a turn earlier, I would have squeaked into the top
cut and made it into the prizes. I doubt I would have done
well, especially playing against the 1 seed in the top cut,
but it would have been nice to have made top cut on a
Here’s the thing I want to bring out: A Budget Deck almost
made it into the Top 8 in Ohio! This is incredible! Budget
decks really can compete and win. I’ve finally proven it to
be true.
Adding Money to the Deck:
When Jay decks, he always has a section afterward about what
the deck could have should you have the money to invest in
it. Here’s my thoughts on what this deck could use should
you have access to more money.
Scramble Energy: In my next article, I’ll be talking about
investing in a game and how to do it from a Budget
perspective a la Dr. Moldenhauer-Salazar. But as for now,
let’s just say Scramble Energy is a HUGH help in this deck
as it can get behind quickly and easily recover with this
card on a Granbull or Meganium.
Steven’s Advice and Celio’s Network: Celio is a little more
Budget that Steven, but both are great supporters I would
have loved to use.
Rare Candy: While not too useful in a deck with no energy
acceleration, I could still see myself needing it for the
occasional turn 2 Mega. Also see comments on Scramble E.
Meganium EX: Obvious addition here that I almost added in
the end but decided to stay away from it in the name of
Budget. With MegaEX in here, regular Meganium would be able
to attack turn 2 possibly and blow through opponent’s very
easily. MegaEX is a nice attacker anyway, so it’s a huge
plus to the deck.
Pidgeot RG: I asked if I should add this in my last article,
and the answer was a resounding NO. And I agree that my
deck, at the time, couldn’t support a 2/2/2 Pidgeot line.
But, with Rare Candies, Pidgeot could be very usefull.
I have one more Budget article before I leave the subject
completely, so look for it in the next month or so. I’ll be
dealing with a topic Jay discussed but from the aspect of a
Pokémon player. I think you’ll find it interesting.
--Cardz out.